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GIS analysis and seismic survey of the uppermost 200 m in tectonically and halokinetically active structures in Schleswig-Holstein

Subject Area Palaeontology
Term from 2005 to 2010
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5448739
The proposal is based on the GIS of surface topography, aerial photographs, satellite imagery, GIS maps of the Geotektonischer Atlas and mapping of penetration points of near surface already achieved in project SI 594/14-1; SI 594/14-2. It is the objective of this study to quantify the movement-rates of active faults during the Holocene, Pleistocene and Tertiary and depict the causes and mechanisms of active movements in the upper crust in SH. We selected 6 working areas from the existing map of Bewegungspotentiale . A seismic survey of the uppermost 200 m will be done by 50 lines of 250 m length (altogehter 12,5 km) to detect the exact position, inclination and slip rate of the near surface faults. We will combine the GIS analysis of 190 layers (from modern hydrography to Base of the Permian) with the results from the seismic survey and quantify the role of isostatic adjustment, diapirism, compaction and active tectonic forces in the NW German basin. Based on the understanding of the processes of recent upper crust movements we will calculate the movement rates for the next 20 years, which can serve as basis for planning of pipeline tracks, dike stability, road- and building construction.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Participating Person Dr. Sven Christensen

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