Projekt Druckansicht

Darstellung der Dynamik und Organisation subzellulärer Strukturen mit Hilfe der 4Pi-Laser-Scanning-Mikroskopie - HighLight 2004

Fachliche Zuordnung Zellbiologie
Förderung Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5450644
Erstellungsjahr 2010

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

A final assessment of the benefits and negative aspect of the installation of the 4Pi-LSM at the MHH Central Facility for Laser-Scanning Microscopy leaves a mixed impression. On the one hand, in relation to the capital and man-years invested, the direct scientific outcome is far below expectations. On the other hand, unlikely as it may seem from the preceding paragraphs, funding of the 4Pi-LSM had a large number of beneficial consequences for my own research, the Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, the Central Facility for Laser-Scanning Microscopy, and the MHH. Appropriate for the name of the funding initiative, the installation of the 4Pi-system greatly raised the interest in the Central Facility for Laser-Scanning Microscopy and thereby its visibility. The 4Pi-system became the immediate highlight of the facility and led to a large increase in facility usage. To enhance this effect, we organized a number of workshops introducing 4Pi-microscopy but also the other imaging tools available at the facility. The workshops organized in 2005, 2006, and 2007 with a focus on highresolution and live-cell microscopy of cytoskeletal structures did attract many international speakers. Moreover, attendance by MHH researchers was much better compared to the workshops held before the arrival of the 4Pi-system. Workshops providing information on basic and advanced topics in fluorescence microscopy are now a fixed part in the spectrum of the facility’s services for local users. My own research has greatly benefited since the funding of the 4Pi-LSM, as it encouraged me to start new lines of research and brought me in contact with new collaborators. In particular, the integration of chemical biology tools proved very beneficial. We have identified a number of compounds that have a specific inhibitory effect on the activity of individual enzyme isoforms. Their use in combination with siRNA-depletion techniques and live cell imaging has greatly facilitated the task to unravel the cellular functions of these molecular motor isoforms. Initial publications include work on myosins and dynamins. Finally, the MHH benefited as an institution since research in the Collaborative Research Centers and other coordinated programs has become increasingly dependent on strong support for fluorescence microscopy techniques. The wave of interest that followed the funding of the 4Pi-LSM led to a further expansion of the Central Facility for Laser-Scanning Microscopy, which currently houses seven microscopy systems including a system for the automated imaging of plates. This in turn has made the MHH a more attractive place to perform research and was of crucial importance in the recruitment of new faculty members.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Dissertation, Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2009. Zellzyklusabhängige Funktionen von Myosin-1C
    Agrani Rump
  • The mechanism of pentabromopseudilin inhibition of myosin motor activity. Nat Struct Mol Biol 16:80-88, 2009
    Fedorov R, Böhl M, Tsiavaliaris G, Hartmann FK, Taft MH, Baruch P, Brenner B, Martin R, Knölker H-J, Gutzeit HO and Manstein DJ
  • The Ras Pathway Modulator Melophlin A Targets Dynamins. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48:7240-7245, 2009
    Knoth T, Warburg K, Katzka C, Rai A, Wolf A, Brockmeyer A, Janning P, Reubold TF, Eschenburg S, Manstein DJ, Hubel K, Kaiser M and Waldmann H
  • Total synthesis of pentabromo- and pentachloropseudilin, and synthetic analogues--allosteric inhibitors of myosin ATPase. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48:8042-8046, 2009
    Martin R, Jäger A, Böhl M, Richter S, Fedorov R, Manstein DJ, Gutzeit HO and Knölker H-J
  • Biomolecular chemistry directed towards drug development. Med Chem Res 19:S23 - S26, 2010
    Martin R, Kirst J, Weidlich S, Schieb H, Schlechtingen G, Jäger A, Rajendran L, Böhl M, Richter S, Fedorov R, Manstein DJ, Gutzeit HO, Klafki H, Wiltfang J, Simons K and Knölker H-J
  • Membrane Remodeling Induced By The Dynamin Related GTPase Drp1 Stimulates Bax Oligomerization. Cell 142: 889-901, 2010
    Montessuit S, Somasekharam SP, Terrones O, Lucken-Ardjomande S, Herzig S, Schwarzenbacher R, Manstein DJ, Bossy-Wetzel E, Basanez G, Meda P and Martinou J-C
  • Targeted optimization of a protein nanomachine for operation in biohybrid devices. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 49:312-316, 2010
    Amrute-Nayak M, Diensthuber RP, Steffen W, Kathmann D, Hartmann FK, Fedorov R, Urbanke C, Manstein DJ, Brenner B and Tsiavaliaris G
  • Total Synthesis of Biologically Active Alkaloids Using Transition Metals. Pure Appl Chem 82, 2010
    Forke R, Gruner KK, Knott KE, Auschill S, Agarwal S, Martin R, Böhl M, Richter S, Tsiavaliaris G, Fedorov R, Manstein DJ, Gutzeit HO and Knölker H-J


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