Adaption and stress defence in intertidal and subtidal Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna): A Study of the plasticity of molecular and biochemical stress response in Antarctic invertebrates
Privatdozentin Dr. Doris Abele (†)
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physik, Chemie und Biologie des Meeres
Förderung von 2005 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5454881
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
HIF-Sequenz und stressbedingte Regulationsmuster bei Meeresschnecken. 15th Workshop „Mechanismen der Zell- und Gewebeschädigung" in Xanten
Doris Abele, Ellen Weihe und Magnus Lucassen
(2006). Hypoxic stress response in intertidal and subtidal Antarctic limpets. First International Congress of Respiratory Biology 2006, Bonn, Germany
Weihe E., Kruppe M., Lucassen M., Abele D.
Hypoxic response and thermotolerance in fish. Argentinean Congress of Ecology, University of Cordoba, Argentina, August 2006
Abele, D.
Hypoxic response and thermotolerance in marine mussels and fish. Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 2006
Abele, D.
Hypoxic response in mussels and fish, Symposium Joint Int. Meeting of German Physiological Society and the Federation of European Physiological Society, Munich, March 2006
Abele, D.
(2007). Adaptation to desiccation and hypoxia stress in intertidal and subtidal Antarctic limpets. 42nd European Marine Biology Symposium in Kiel
Weihe E., Lucassen M., Abele D.
(2008). Differences in the physiological response of inter- and subtidal Antarctic limpets (Nacella concinna) to aerial exposure. Aquatic Biology. Vol. 4: 155-166
Weihe E., Abele D.
(2008). Models of change: Antarctic limpet adaption to intertidal conditions in times of climate change. ClicOPEN-IPY; Report Workshop, Madralin, Poland, August 2008
Abele D., Weihe E., Lucassen M.
(2008). Mollusken HIF-1α: Expressionsstudien an unterschiedlich stark stress-erprobten Populationen der antarktischen Napfschnecke. 14th Workshop „Mechanismen der Zell- und Gewebeschädigung" in Xanten
Weihe E., Lucassen M., Abele D.
(2008). Physiological and genetic differentiation in intertidal and subtidal limpets (Nacella concinna) at the Antarctic Peninsula. SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference, St Petersburg, Russia, July 2008
Abele D., Weihe E., Held C., Sahade R.
(2008). Physiological stress response in Antarctic coastal invertebrates and fish: can they cope with rapid environmental change? 23. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, organized by the Institute for Geophysics, University Münster, Germany, March, 2008
Abele, D., Weihe, E., Oelgeklaus, D., Lucassen M.
(2009). The transcription factor HIF-α in the Antarctic limpet. 2nd International Congress of Respiratory Biology, in Bonn, Germany, August 2009
Weihe E.