Global random walk stochastic simulations for the assessment of the contamination risk in groundwater systems
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The predictability ofthe contamination in groundwater systems was investigaled via stochastic simulations using the "global random walk" (GRW) method. Ergodicity ranges, estimated by root mean square deviations of actual observables from predictions provided by stochastic advection-dispersion models, were obtained from statistical ensembles of GRW transport simulations carried out on high performance parallel computers. The GRW simulations provided a numerical evidence for the mean square convergence of transport realizations to the upscaled macrodispersion process of transport in velocity fields with finile correlation range; that is the theoretically challenging issue of asymptotic ergodicity. Another new result was the discovery of the memory effects that manifest in the pre-asymptotic transport regime by a strong dependence of ergodicity ranges on the shape, orientation, and dimensions of the initial solute plumes. This surprising behavior invalidates the common thinking that large transverse dimensions of the source ensure ergodicity and has serious consequences for practical applications, such as the calibration of the model parameters, forecasting, and identification of the contaminant sources.
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