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Magnetoelectric 3D-mapping in gastrointestinal diagnostics (B13*)

Subject Area Biomaterials
Biomedical Systems Technology
Medical Physics, Biomedical Technology
Term since 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 286471992
Gastrointestinal motility is the synchronized movement of the digestive tract crucial for effective nutrient digestion. Current diagnostic methods for motility disorders have limitations, including low sensitivity, time-consuming procedures, and high costs, hindering effective clinical evaluation. This new project evaluates the use of very small, battery-free magnetic probes (MEMS cantilever) with ME sensors to exactly quantify and locate gastrointestinal motility. The ME sensors to be developed in this project aim to provide 3D localization and tracking of the magnetic probe even during physical activity. The project involves torso/intestinal phantom studies and post-mortem body donor experiments to assess feasibility, resolution, and miniaturization. Additionally, the project explores the application of magnetoelectric 3D mapping in endoscopy to enhance localization accuracy during procedures like colonoscopy, addressing the limitations of available tracking systems.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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