Project Details
FOR 537: Modelling the Progress of Rebar Corrosion in Concrete and Durability Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
Subject Area
Construction Engineering and Architecture
from 2004 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5470856
Due to its versatility, reinforced concrete has become one of the most important building materials of our times. Unfortunately, in the past only very little attention has been paid to its durability, causing considerable yearly costs for the refurbishment of structures nowadays.
One of the major durability aspects is rebar corrosion in the concrete. The reinforcement is protected from corrosion in the beginning due to the alkalinity of the concrete, but environmental impacts can cause a loss of this protection with time. Rebar corrosion can lead to spalling of the cover concrete and to a loss of the rebar cross section, both reducing the serviceability of the structure and causing extensive refurbishment actions.
In the past few years probabilistic models on the steel depassivation phase have been developed and already applied in practice. Due to the complexity of the deterioration mechanisms, equivalent models for the corrosion (propagation) phase are rarely available. Such a model is essential in order to both properly assess the life expectancy of existing structures and allow for a reliable and economic durability design in the future.
The target of this study is to establish a design model for the propagation phase that allows for a reliable prediction of the corrosion progress with time. Together with the existing models for the steel depassivation phase, this model is aimed to enable the probabilistic durability assessment of a structure for all stages of the corrosion process.
One of the major durability aspects is rebar corrosion in the concrete. The reinforcement is protected from corrosion in the beginning due to the alkalinity of the concrete, but environmental impacts can cause a loss of this protection with time. Rebar corrosion can lead to spalling of the cover concrete and to a loss of the rebar cross section, both reducing the serviceability of the structure and causing extensive refurbishment actions.
In the past few years probabilistic models on the steel depassivation phase have been developed and already applied in practice. Due to the complexity of the deterioration mechanisms, equivalent models for the corrosion (propagation) phase are rarely available. Such a model is essential in order to both properly assess the life expectancy of existing structures and allow for a reliable and economic durability design in the future.
The target of this study is to establish a design model for the propagation phase that allows for a reliable prediction of the corrosion progress with time. Together with the existing models for the steel depassivation phase, this model is aimed to enable the probabilistic durability assessment of a structure for all stages of the corrosion process.
DFG Programme
Research Units
- Bauteilversuche und Bauwerksuntersuchungen zur Validierung und Kalibrierung der Schadensfortschrittsmodellierung (Applicant Gehlen, Christoph )
- Ermittlung der Systemparamter und quantitative Bewertung der Eigenkorrosion auf den Korrosionsfortschritt an depassiviertem Bewehrungsstahl (Applicant Isecke, Bernd )
- Modellierung des Schadensfortschritts bei Bewehrungskorrosion und Entwicklung von Dauerhaftigkeitsbernessungsmodellen für Stahlbetonbauteile (Applicant Schießl, Peter )
- Modellierung des Schadesfortschrittes bei Korrosion von Stahl in Beton und Bemessung von Stahlbetonbauteilen auf Dauerhaftigkeit (Applicant Schießl, Peter )
- Rissbildung und Abplatzung infolge Bewehrungskorrosion (Applicant Müller, Harald S. )
- Verbundfestigkeit von korrodierter Bewehrung in Beton (Applicant Gehlen, Christoph )
- Zeitliche Entwicklung des Elektrolytwiderstands von Beton und Bewehrungskorrosion im Rissbereich (Applicant Schießl, Peter )
- Zeitlicher Verlauf der Korrosionsgeschwindigkeit bei großflächigen Makroelementen mit hohen Chloridgehalten (Applicant Raupach, Michael )
Professor Dr.-Ing. Peter Schießl (†)