Project Details
SPP 1394: Mast Cells - Promoters of Health and Modulators of Disease
Subject Area
from 2009 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 73031410
Mast cells (MCs) have long been thought to be a dispensable cell type, which seemed only responsible for the annoying and sometimes even life threatening symptoms of allergic reactions. Over the last years it became evident, however, that MCs are also crucially important in optimal host defense against microbes, where they act as sentinels and effector cells of the innate immune responses. We and others have characterised the mechanisms by which MCs are activated, and identified how MC mediators contribute to the improved morbidity and mortality in bacterial infections.
Here, the Priority Programme investigates potential signals leading to an optimisation of MC numbers and/or function in murine skin. To this end, we will employ extensive in vitro and in vivo analyses to identify and characterise signals, which may ultimately lead to an improved host response against bacterial skin infections. Furthermore, we will assess the efficacy and safety of such treatment in in vivo models of bacterial skin infections as well as models of allergic and autoimmune diseases and hypothesise that the selective and local enhancement of MC function will provide a prophylactic approach to reduce the risk of bacterial infections in individuals with high risks of infections.
Here, the Priority Programme investigates potential signals leading to an optimisation of MC numbers and/or function in murine skin. To this end, we will employ extensive in vitro and in vivo analyses to identify and characterise signals, which may ultimately lead to an improved host response against bacterial skin infections. Furthermore, we will assess the efficacy and safety of such treatment in in vivo models of bacterial skin infections as well as models of allergic and autoimmune diseases and hypothesise that the selective and local enhancement of MC function will provide a prophylactic approach to reduce the risk of bacterial infections in individuals with high risks of infections.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection
- A therapeutic approach to enhance innate defense mechanisms against toxins and venoms - mast cell proteases to the rescue (Applicant Metz, Martin )
- Characterization of mast cell anatomy and function in primate airways - interaction with the nervous system (Applicants Braun, Armin ; Kaup, Franz-Josef )
- Generation of breeders for setting up mutant mouse colonies by priority programme members (Applicants Maurer, Marcus ; Roers, Axel )
- Genetically defined and selectively mast cell-deficient mouse model to unravel the immunological roles of mast cells (Applicant Rodewald, Hans-Reimer )
- Interactions between mast cells and neutrophils in murine models of acute inflammation (Applicant Stassen, Michael )
- Interactions of human mast cells with bacteria and bacterial products: relevance for inflammatory bowel disease (Applicant Bischoff, Stephan )
- Mast cell - nerve interactions in the human intestine (Applicant Schemann, Michael )
- Mast cell regulated innate immunity in otitis media; pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects of mast cells in otitis media (Applicant Ebmeyer, Jörg )
- Mast cells as critical regulators of tissue remodeling during implantation and placentation: mechanisms of action and mediators (Applicant Zenclussen, Ana Claudia )
- Mast cells as inducers and modulators of adaptive immune responses (Applicant Stassen, Michael )
- Mast cells as linkers of antiviral defence and autoimmunity (Applicant Orinska, Zane )
- Phagocytosis-independent antimicrobial activity of mast cells by formation of extracellular traps: cellular receptors involved, underlying molecular mechanism and pathogen countermeasures (Applicant Medina, Ph.D., Eva )
- Programme coordination and instruments to achieve the structural goals of the priority programme (Applicants Biedermann, Tilo ; Maurer, Marcus )
- Protein tryrosine phosphatase and glucocorticoids as modulators of mast cell action (Applicant Cato, Andrew C.B. )
- Recombinant production and characterization of the human mast cell tryptases gamma and delta (Applicant Sommerhoff, Christian P. )
- Role of mast cells in innate and adaptive immune response (Applicant Dudeck, Anne )
- The inositol phosphatase SHIP1 as the regulator of the physiological mast cell response (Applicant Huber, Michael )
- The role of mast cell activation in neuroinflammation (Applicant Schröder, Nicolas )
- The role of mast cell MHC II in tumor immunosurveillance (Applicant Biedermann, Tilo )
- The role of mast cells for directing T cell-dependent immunity in cutaneous leishmaniasis (Applicant von Stebut-Borschitz, Ruth Esther )
- The role of mast cells in the restriction of inflammation after brain trauma and spinal cord injury (Applicant Hendrix, Sven )
- The role of SWAP-70 in mast cell adhesion, migration and F-actin cytokeletal rearrangements (Applicant Jessberger, Rolf )
- The role of TRPC1 C4 C5 C6 and related proteins for Ca2+ signaling in mast cells (Applicant Freichel, Marc )
Professor Dr. Tilo Biedermann; Professor Dr. Marcus Maurer (†)