GRK 1182: Function of Attention in Cognition
Final Report Abstract
Ziel des Graduiertenkollegs (GK) war die interdisziplinäre Erforschung der Funktion von Aufmerksamkeit bei perzeptuellen und bei höheren kognitiven Verarbeitungsprozessen. Die Forschungsarbeiten wurden in die drei Cluster „Aufmerksamkeit bei der Integration sensorischer Prozesse“, „Aufmerksamkeit und Emotion“ und „Aufmerksamkeit bei auditiven und sprachlichen Prozessen“ aufgeteilt, die jeweils eine Reihe von Querverbindungen aufgewiesen haben. In allen Forschungsprojekten kamen Methoden der modernen kognitiven Neurowissenschaften, wie z.B. EEG/MEG, Bildgebung (fMRI), Patientenstudien und Studien mit Kindern zum Einsatz. Das wissenschaftliche Umfeld wurde von zwei Institutionen in Leipzig zur Verfügung gestellt. Acht Arbeitsgruppen aus der Universität Leipzig (Psychologie, Biologie, Medizin) und dem Max-Planck Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften bildeten die Kerngruppe, um den Kollegiaten(innen) interdisziplinäre und innovative Forschung zu diesen Fragestellungen zu ermöglichen. Das GK hat die Doktorandenausbildung an der Universität Leipzig signifikant geprägt, da es Gründungsmitglied der Research Academy Leipzig (RAL), der Dachorganisation der strukturierten Graduiertenausbildung in Leipzig war. Das übergreifende Betreuungskonzept, bei dem jeder Doktorand von zwei Betreuern aus unterschiedlichen Arbeitsgruppen supervidiert wurde hat sich in der Zwischenzeit als überwiegender Standard etabliert. Ebenso hat sich das Ausbildungskonzept des GKs als Vorbild erwiesen. Fester Bestandteil war ein dreijähriges Curriculum, welches, neben der Vermittlung fundamentaler Kenntnisse im wissenschaftlichen Umfeld des Kollegs und des Wissenschaftsmanagements und sogenannter „soft-skills“ ebenso regelmäßige Erfolgskontrollen ermöglichte. Hauptziel des Ausbildungskonzeptes war, den Kollegiaten(innen) eine Ausbildung anzubieten, die diese zum selbständigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten qualifiziert. Internationale Forschungsaufenthalte wurden dabei ebenso realisiert wie die Integration von Gastwissenschaftlern im Curriculum und die Durchführung von Winter- und Summerschools mit hochkarätigen Wissenschaftlern aus dem In- und Ausland. Die wissenschaftliche Qualität der Arbeiten lässt sich nicht nur an den hervorragenden Abschlüssen der Kollegiaten(innen) dokumentieren, sondern auch an gegenwärtig fast 100 wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in internationalen peer-review Fachzeitschriften. Besonders hervorzuheben ist dabei die große Anzahl von Publikationen in sogenannten „high impact“ Fachzeitschriften, wie z.B. Cerebral Cortex, The Journal of Neuroscience, Human Brain Mapping, Neuroimage, The Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience und Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, um nur einige zu nennen. Zusammenfassend kann das GK auf eine sehr erfolgreiche und strukturbildende Arbeitsperiode zurückblicken, die 3 Kohorten zu jeweils 16 Kollegiaten(innen) interdisziplinär wissenschaftliches Denken auf höchstem Niveau vermitteln konnte. Von daher ist es auch keine Überraschung, dass viele der Kollegiaten(innen) eine erfolgreiche wissenschaftliche Karriere nach Abschluss ihrer Promotion weiterverfolgen konnten und die ersten Professoren und Professorinnen verzeichnet werden können.
(2007). Processing of abstract rule violations in audition. PLOS ONE, 2(11), e1131
Schröger, E., Bendixen, A., Trujillo-Barreto, N.J. & Roeber, U.
(2007). Regularity extraction and application in dynamic auditory stimulus sequences. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(10), 1664–1677
Bendixen, A., Roeber, U. & Schröger, E.
(2008). Early ontogeny of action perception and production. In Morganti F., A. Carassa, & G. Riva (Eds.), Enacting intersubjectivity: A cognitive and social perspective to the study of interactions (pp. 175–186). Amsterdam: IOS Press
Daum, M.M., Zmyj, N. & Aschersleben, G.
(2008). Effects of attention on early and late syntactic processes in 3 to 4 years old children. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3-4), 113
Nikolaizig, F. & Friederici, A.D.
(2008). Effects of attention on early and late syntactic processes in 3 to 4 years old children. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Supplement, 220
Nikolaizig, F. & Friederici, A.D.
(2008). Memory trace formation for abstract auditory features and its consequences in different attentional contexts. Biological Psychology, 78(3), 231–241
Bendixen, A. & Schröger, E.
(2008). Rapid extraction of auditory feature contingencies. NeuroImage, 41(3), 1111–1119
Bendixen, A., Prinz, W., Horváth, J., Trujillo-Barreto, N.J. & Schröger, E.
(2008). Specific or general? The nature of attention set changes triggered by distracting auditory events. Brain Research, 1229, 193–203
Horváth, J., Roeber, U., Bendixen, A. & Schröger, E.
(2008). Suppression of the auditory N1 event-related potential component with unpredictable self-initiated tones: Evidence for internal forward models with dynamic stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 70(2), 137–143
Bäß, P., Jacobsen, T. & Schröger, E.
(2008). The role of movement in the actionsentence compatibility effect. International Journal of Psychology, 43(3/4), 99
Hauser, C., Massen, C., Rieger, M., Glenberg, A. & Prinz, W.
(2009). Attenuated human auditory middle latency response and evoked 40-Hz response to self-initiated sounds. European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(7), 1514–1521
Bäß, P., Widmann, A., Roye, A., Schröger, E. & Jacobsen, T.
(2009). Effects of intermodal attention on the auditory steady-state response and the event-related potential. Psychophysiology. Psychophysiology, 46(2), 321–327
Saupe, K., Widmann, A., Bendixen, A., Müller, M. M., & Schröger, E.
(2009). Familiarity affects environmental sound processing outside the focus of attention: An event-related potential study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 120(5), 887–896
Kirmse, U., Jacobsen, T. & Schröger, E.
(2009). Hemispheric specialization during discrimination of sound sources reflected by MMN. Neuropsychologia, 47(12), 2652–2659
Richter, N., Schröger, E. & Rübsamen, R.
(2009). Hemispheric Specialization during Discrimination of Sound Sources reflected by MMN. Neuropsychologia, 47, 2652–2659
Richter, N., Schröger E. & Rübsamen, R.
(2009). Infants appreciate the social intention behind a pointing gesture: A commentary on Aureli et al. Cognitive Development, 24, 13–15
Liebal, K. & Tomasello, M.
(2009). Infants use shared experience to interpret pointing gestures. Developmental Science, 12, 264–271
Liebal, K., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M.
(2009). Localization of the syntactic mismatch negativity in the temporal cortex: An MEG study. NeuroImage, 48(3), 590–600
Herrmann, B., Maess, B., Hasting, A.S. & Friederici, A.D.
(2009). Neural mechanisms of intermodal sustained selective attention with concurrently presented auditory and visual stimuli. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 3(58), 1–13
Saupe, K., Schröger, E., Andersen, S.K. & Müller, M.M.
(2009). One-year-olds understanding of nonverbal gestures directed to a third person. Cognitive Development, 24, 23–33
Graefenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M.
(2009). Shift of attention to the body location of distracters is mediated by perceptual load in sustained somatosensory attention. Biological Psychology, 81, 77–85
Adler, J., Giabbiconi, C.M. & Müller, M.M.
(2009). The development of rational imitation in 9- and 12- month-old infants. Infancy, 14, 131–141
Zmyj, N., Daum, M.M. & Aschersleben, G.
(2009). Violation of expectation: neural correlates reflect bases of prediction. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21(1), 155–168
Bubic, A., Cramon, D.Y. von, Jacobsen, T., Schröger, E. & Schubotz, R.I.
(2009). Young children’s understanding of joint commitments. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1430–1443
Graefenhain, M., Behne, T., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M.
(2010). A locus for an auditory processing deficit and language impairment in an extended pedigree maps to 12p13.31- q14.3. Genes. Brain and Behaviour, 9(6), 545–561
Addis, L., Friederici, A.D., Kotz, S.A., Sabisch, B., Barry, J. & Richter, N., et al.
(2010). Competitive effects on steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) with frequencies in- and outside the alpha band. Experimental Brain Research, 205, 489–495
Keitel, C., Andersen, S.K. & Müller, M.M.
(2010). Differences in processing violations of sequential and feature regularities as revealed by visual event-related brain potentials. Brain Research, 1317, 192–202
Bubic, A., Bendixen, A., Schubotz, R.I., Jacobsen, T. & Schröger, E.
(2010). Emotional processing in a salient motion context: Integration of motion and emotion in both V5/hMT+ and the amygdala. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 5204–5210
Hindi Attar, C., Müller, M.M., Andersen, S.K., Büchel, C. & Rose, M.
(2010). Feature-selective attention: evidence for a decline in old age. Neuroscience Letters, 474, 5–8
Quigley, C., Andersen, S.K., Schulze, L., Grunwald, M. & Müller, M.M.
(2010). Infants' use of shared experience in declarative pointing. Infancy, 15, 545–556
Liebal, K., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M.
(2010). Leipzig affective norms for German: A reliability study. Behavioral Research Methods, 42(4), 987–991
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2010). Modulation of early conflict processing N200 responces to emotional words in a flanker task. Neuropsychologia, 48(12), 3661–3664
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2010). On the flexibility of grammatical advance planning during sentence production: Effects of cognitive load on multiple lexical access. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, 36, 423–440
Wagner, V., Jescheniak, J.D. & Schriefers, H.
(2010). The modulation of auditory novelty processing by working memory load in school age children and adults: a combined behavioral and event-related potential study. BMC Neuroscience, 11, 126
Ruhnau, P., Wetzel, N., Widmann, A. & Schröger, E.
(2010). The reliability of a model influences 14- month-olds’ imitation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 106, 208–220
Zmyj, N., Buttelmann, D., Carpenter, M. & Daum, M.M.
(2010). Time-course of affective bias in visual attention: convergent evidence from steady-state visual evoked potentials and behavioral data. NeuroImage, 53, 1326–1333
Hindi Attar, C., Andersen, S.K. & Müller, M.M.
(2011). Age differences in emotional reactions: Arousal and age-relevance count. Psychology and Aging, 26, 966–978
Streubel, B. & Kunzmann, U.
(2011). Attentional bias to briefly presented emotional distractors follows a slow time-course in visual cortex. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 15914–15918
Müller, M.M., Andersen, S.K. & Hindi Attar, C.
(2011). Conflict processing is modulated by positive emotion: ERP data from a flanker task. Behavioral Brain Research, 382–386
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Cross-modal validation of the Leipzig affective norms for German (LANG). Behavioral Research Methods, 43(2), 409–413
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Emotion speeds up conflict resolution: A new role for the ventral anterior cingulate cortex? Cerebral Cortex, 21, 911–919
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Emotion triggers executive attention: Amygdala responses to emotional words in a conflict task. Human Brain Mapping, 32(2), 198–208
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Fourteen-month-olds' imitation of differently aged models. Infant and Child Development, 21, 250-266
Zmyj, N., Daum, M.M., Prinz, W., Nielsen, M. & Aschersleben, G.
(2011). Maturation of obligatory auditory responses and their neural sources: Evidence from EEG and MEG. NeuroImage, 58(2), 630–639
Ruhnau, P., Herrmann, B., Maess, B. & Schröger, E.
(2011). Orienting towards emotion: P200 and N400 effects of attentional orienting to emotional concepts. Neuropsychologia, 49(11), 3121–3129
Kanske, P., Plitschka, J. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Positive emotion speeds up conflict processing: ERP responses in an auditory Simon task. Biological Psychology, 87(1), 122–127
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2011). Selective suppression of self-initiated sounds in an auditory stream: An ERP study. Psychophysiology, 48(9), 1276–1283
Baess, P., Horvath, J., Jacobsen, T. & Schröger, E.
(2011). Sustained selective intermodal attention modulates processing of language-like stimuli. Experimental Brain Research, 213, 321–327
Keitel, C., Schröger, E., Saupe, K. & Müller, M.M.
(2011). Syntactic and auditory spatial processing in the human temporal cortex: an MEG study. NeuroImage, 57(2), 624–633
Herrmann, B., Maess, B., Hahne, A., Schröger, E. & Friederici, A.D.
(2011). Violation of syntax and prosody - disentangling their contributions to the early left anterior negativity (ELAN). Neuroscience Letters, 490(2), 116–120
Herrmann, B., Maess, B. & Friederici, A.D.
(2011). Young children’s understanding of markedness in nonverbal communication. Journal of Child Language, 38, 888–903
Liebal, K., Carpenter, M. & Tomasello, M.
(2012). Age-related changes in the use of regular patterns for auditory scene analysis. Hearing Research, 289, 98–107
Rimmele, J.M., Schröger, E. & Bendixen, A.
(2012). Auditory affective norms for German: Testing the influence of depression and anxiety on valence and arousal ratings. PLOS ONE, 7(1), e30086
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2012). Auditory extinction and spatio-temporal order judgement in patients with left- and right-hemisphere lesions. Neuropsychologia, 50, 892–903
Witte, C., Grube, M., Dörrscheidt, G.J., Cramon, D.Y. von & Rübsamen, R.
(2012). Auditory perception and syntactic cognition: Brain activity-based decoding within and across subjects. European Journal of Neuroscience, 35(9), 1488–1496
Herrmann, B., Maess, B., Kalberlah, C., Haynes, J.-D. & Friederici, A.D.
(2012). Capture of lexical but not visual resources by task-irrelevant emotional words: A combined ERP and steady-state visual evoked potential study. NeuroImage, 60(1), 130–138
Trauer, S.M., Andersen S.A., Kotz, S.A. & Müller, M.M.
(2012). Crossmodal interactions and multisensory integration in the perception of audio-visual motion -- a free-field study. Brain Research(1466), 99–111
Schmiedchen, K., Freigang, C., Nitsche, I. & Rübsamen, R.
(2012). Dissociable neural imprints of perception and grammar in auditory functional imaging. Human Brain Mapping, 33(3), 584–595
Herrmann, B., Obleser, J., Kalberlah, C., Haynes, J.-D. & Friederici, A.D.
(2012). Effects of overt and covert attention on the steady-state visual evoked potential. Neuroscience Letters, 519, 37–41
Walter, S., Quigley, C., Andersen, S.K. & Müller, M.M.
(2012). Effortful control, depression, and anxiety correlate with the influence of emotion on executive attentional control. Biological Psychology, 91(1), 88–95
Kanske, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2012). Electrophysiological evidence for age effects on sensory memory processing of tonal patterns. Psychology and Aging, 27(2), 384–398
Rimmele, J., Sussman, E., Keitel, C., Jacobsen, T. & Schröger, E.
(2012). Familiarity of environmental sounds is used to establish auditory rules. NeuroReport, 23(5), 320–324
Kirmse, U., Schröger, E. & Jacobsen, T.
(2012). Finding the right control: The mismatch negativity under investigation. Clinical Neurophysiology, 123(3), 507–512
Ruhnau, P., Herrmann, B. & Schröger, E.
(2012). Infants' attentional preference for objectrelated actions of older children compared to object-related actions of peers and adults. Infant Behavior & Development, 35,533-542
Zmyj, N., Daum, M.M., Prinz, W. & Aschersleben, G.
(2012). Infants’ attentional preference for objectrelated actions of older children compared to object-related actions of peers and adults. Infant Behavior & Development, 35, 533–542
Zmyj, N., Daum, M.M., Prinz, W. & Aschersleben, G.
(2012). Keeping focussed: No change in sustained spatial visual attention in healthy old age. Brain Research, 1469, 24–34
Quigley, C., Andersen, S.K. & Müller, M.M.
(2012). Production and observation of contralateral reaching: A close link by 12 months of age. Infant Behavior & Development, 35, 570–579
Melzer, A., Prinz, W. & Daum, M.M.
(2012). Selective attention to task-irrelevant emotional distractors is unaffected by the perceptual load associated with a foreground task. PLOS ONE, 7(5), e37186
Hindi Attar, C. & Müller, M.M.
(2012). The Cerebellum Generates Motor-to-Auditory Predictions: ERP Lesion Evidence. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 24(3), 698–706
Knolle, F., Schröger, E., Baess, P. & Kotz, S.A.
(2013). Activation of phonology in visual search. Acta Psychologica, 143, 168–175
Görges, F., Oppermann, F., Jescheniak, J.D. & Schriefers, H.
(2013). Concurrent visual and tactile steady-state evoked potentials index allocation of inter-modal attention: a frequency-tagging study. Neuroscience Letters, 556, 113–117
Porcu, E., Keitel, C. & Müller, M.M.
(2013). Development of auditory localization accuracy and auditory spatial discrimination in children and adolescents. Audiology&Neurotology, 18, 48–62
Kuehnle, S., Ludwig, A.A., Meuret, S., Küttner, C., Witte, C. & Scholbach, J., et al.
(2013). Differences in evoked potentials during the active processing of sound location and motion. Neuropsychologia, 51(7), 1204–1214
Richter, N., Schröger, E. & Rübsamen, R.
(2013). Early visual and auditory processing rely on modality-specific attentional resources. NeuroImage, 70, 240–249
Keitel, C., Maess, B., Schröger, E. & Müller, M.M.
(2013). Independent effects of attentional gain control and competitiv interactions on visual stimulus processing. Cerebral Cortex, 23, 940–946
Keitel, C., Andersen, S.K., Quigley, C. & Müller, M.M.
(2013). Perception of conversations - The importance of semantics and intonation in children’s development. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 16, 264–277
Keitel, A., Prinz, W., Friederici, A.F., von Hofsten, C. & Daum, M.M.
(2013). Processing of complex distracting sounds in school-aged children and adults: evidence from EEG and MEG data. Front Psychol, 4, 717
Ruhnau, P., Herrmann, B., Maess, B., Brauer, J., Friederici, A.D. & Schröger, E.
(2013). Processing of complex distracting sounds in school-aged children and adults: Evidence from EEG and MEG data. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 717
Ruhnau, P., Herrmann, B., Maess, B., Brauer, J., Friederici, A.D. & Schröger, E.
(2013). Resolution of lateral acoustic space assessed by electroencephalography and psychoacoustics. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 338
Bennemann, J., Freigang, C., Schröger, E., Rübsamen, R. & Richter, N.
(2013). Selective imitation of in-group over outgroup members in 14-month-old infants. Child Development, 84, 422–428
Buttelmann, D., Zmyj, N., Daum, M.M. & Carpenter, M.
(2013). Sensory analysis of motion parameters affects visual and auditory representational momentum. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 75(7), 1507-1519
Schmiedchen, K., Freigang, C., Rübsamen, R. & Richter, N.
(2014). Absolute localization and localization acuity of acoustic objects in older adults. Experimental Brain Research
Freigang, C., Schmiedchen, K., Nitsche, I. & Rübsamen, R.
(2014). Effects of EEG- vigilance regulation pattern on early perceptual processes in human visual cortex. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125, 98–107
Bekhtereva, V., Sander, C., Forschak, N., Olbrich, S., Hegerl, U. & Müller, M.M.
(2014). Feature-selective attention in healthy old age: a selective decline in selective attention? The Journal of Neuroscience, 34, 2471–2476
Quigley, C. & Müller, M.M.
(2014). Perception of individual and joint action in infants and adults. PLOS ONE, 9, e107450
Keitel, A., Prinz, W. & Daum, M.M.
(2014). Position of acoustic stimulus modulates visual α activity. NeuroReport, 25, 833–837
Mlynarski, W., Freigang, C., Bennemann, J., Stöhr, M. & Rübsamen, R.
(2014). Pre-attentive cortical processing of behaviorally perceptible spatial changes in older adults—a mismatch negativity study. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8(146)
Freigang, C., Rübsamen, R. & Richter, N.
(2014). Semantic interference from distractor pictures in single-picture naming: evidence for competitive lexical selection. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 21, 1294–1300
Jescheniak, J.D., Matushanskaya, A., Mädebach, A. & Müller, M.M.
(2014). Slow biasing of processing resources in early visual cortex is preceded by emotional cue extraction in emotion-attention competition. Human Brain Mapping, 35, 1477–1490
Schönwald, L.I. & Müller, M.M.
(2014). The role of emotion in dynamic audiovisual integration of faces and voices. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
Kokinous, J., Kotz, S.A., Tavano, A. & Schröger, E.
(2014). Visual, auditory and tactile stimuli compete for early sensory processing capacities within but not between senses. NeuroImage, 97, 224–235
Porcu, E., Keitel, C. & Müller, M.M.
Audiovisual facilitation is maintained under degraded visual stimulation during the perception of dynamic emotion expressions. Psychophysiology, 51(S1): 3-78, S60, 2014
Kokinous, J., Tavano, A., Kotz, S.A. & Schröger, E.
(2015). Attentional bias to affective faces and complex IAPS images in early visual cortex follows emotional cue extraction. NeuroImage, 112, 254–266
Bekhtereva, V., Craddock, M. & Müller, M.M.
(2015). Selective attention modulates early human evoked potentials during emotional face-voice processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(4), 798–818
Ho, H.T., Schröger, E. & Kotz, S.A.
(2015). The use of intonation for turn anticipation in observed conversations without visual signals as source of information. Frontiers in Psychology: Language Sciences, 6, 108
Keitel, A. & Daum, M.M.
Distraction by emotional sounds: Disentangling arousal benefits and orienting costs. Emotion, Vol 15(4), Aug 2015, 428-437
Max, C., Widmann, A., Kotz, S.A., Schröger, E. & Wetzel, N.
Emotional words facilitate lexical but not early visual processing. BMC Neuroscience 2015, 16:89 (9 S.)
Trauer, S., Kotz, S.A. & Müller, M.M.
On the costs of parallel processing in dual-task performance: The case of lexical processing in word production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, Vol 41(6), Dec 2015, 1539-1552
Paucke, M., Oppermann, F., Koch, I., & Jescheniak, J. D.
The role of emotion in dynamic audiovisual integration of faces and voices. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2015 May; 10(5): 713–720
Kokinous, J., Kotz, S.A., Tavano, A. & Schröger, E.