GRK 1554: Mikro-Makro-Wechselwirkungen von strukturierten Medien und Partikelsystemen
Mechanik und Konstruktiver Maschinenbau
Verfahrenstechnik, Technische Chemie
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Das erklärte Ziel der Antragsteller des Fortsetzungsantrages des GK 1554 aus Mechanik, Mathematik, Thermodynamik, Verfahrenstechnik und Werkstofftechnik war die vertiefte Entwicklung physikalisch begründeter Mehrskalenmodelle und der damit unmittelbar verknüpften Mikro-Makro-Interaktionen in metallischen Werkstoffen und innerhalb von Partikelsystemen. Das GK war deshalb methoden- und grundlagenorientiert und von der Konzeption her interdisziplinär und interfakultativ durch die Vereinigung der oben genannten Fachgebiete aus den Fakultäten für Maschinenbau, Mathematik, Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik. Das Thema bleibt wissenschaftlich hochaktuell und wirft immer noch zahlreiche offene Fragen auf. Das Ziel des Graduiertenkollegs bestand vornehmlich darin • die Promotionsdauer durch eine intensive Betreuung zeitlich kalkulierbar zu machen, • eine hohe Qualität der Promotion durch ein strukturiertes Ausbildungsprogramm zu gewährleisten, • die Internationalisierung der Promotion durch englischsprachige Veranstaltungen und Teilnehmer aus verschiedensten Ländern zu fördern und • die Attraktivität einer Promotion in Magdeburg für hochqualifizierte Bewerber aus dem In- und Ausland nachhaltig zu steigern.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
2010. Optimum Strategies to Reduce Residual Stresses and Distortion during the Metal Quenching Process, ASTM Special Technical Publication 1523 STP , pp. 411-435
Nallathambi A. K., Y.Kaymak, E.Specht, A.Bertram
2010. Sensitivity of material properties on distortion and residual stresses during metal quenching processes, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 210 (2), pp. 204-211
Nallathambi A. K., Y.Kaymak, E.Specht, A.Bertram
A pseudoelastic model for mechanical twinning on the microscale. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 90(7- 8):565–594, 2010
Glüge R., A. Bertram, T. Böhlke, and E. Specht
Bandwidth reduction on sparse matrices by introducing new variables. Revista chilena de ingeniería, 18:395–400, 2010
Glüge R
Combined Model for Hardening, Softening, and Damage Processes in Advanced Heat Resistant Steels at Elevated Temperature; International Journal of Damage Mechanics 2010, 20(4)
Naumenko, Altenbach, Kutschke, A.
Grain size distributions in normal grain growth. Praktische Metallographie, Volume 47, Issue 11, (2010), p. 618-639
Zöllner D. und P. Streitenberger
Microscale modelling of deformation twinning. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, 2010. Paper 120
Glüge R. and A. Bertram
On the impact on a plate made of hyperelastic foam, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, pp. 236-241, 2010
Levdokymov M., H. Altenbach and V. Eremeyev
2011. Finite element analysis of reaction front tracking in lime calcination, ASME/JSME 2011 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, AJTEC 2011; Honolulu
PCG. Sandaka, Nallathambi A. K., E.Specht
2011.Thermomechanical analysis of direct chill casting using finite element method, Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (TIIM), Vol.64, Issue 1-2, pp.13-19
Nallathambi A. K. , M.Tyagi, E.Specht, A.Bertram
A Potts model for junction limited grain growth. Computational Materials Science, Volume 50, Issue 9, (2011), p. 2712-2719
Zöllner D.
A proposal for discrete modeling of mechanical effects during drying, combining pore networks with DEM. AIChE Journal, 57: 872-885, 2011
Kharaghani A., T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
A pseudoelastic model for deformation twinning: Numerical homogenisation and comparison to experiments. International Journal of Structural Changes in Solids - Mechanics and Applications, (1):29–47, 2011
Glüge R
Characterization of Polymeric Interlayers in Laminated Glass Beams for Photovoltaic Applications, 2011, In: Shell-like Structures, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ASM 15: 499-506 pp
S.-H. Schulze, M. Pander, K. Naumenko, Girchenko A., H. Altenbach
Collapse criteria of foam cells under various loading, PAMM, 11(1), pp.365-366, 2011
Ievdokymov M., H.Altenbach and V. Eremeyev
Conservation laws and prediction methods for stress concentration fields; Acta Mechanica 2011, Volume 218, Issue 3-4
H. Altenbach, V. A. Eremeyev, A. Kutschke, A. and K. Naumenko
Drying of highly porous particle aggregates: Pore-scale simulation and X-ray microtomography, 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference, 18-20 September, Tianjin, China
Kharaghani, Wang Y.J., C. Kirsch, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Evolution Equations and Size Distributions in Nanocrystalline Grain Growth. Acta Materialia, Volume 59, Issue 10, (2011), p. 4235-4243
P. Streitenberger und Zöllner D.
Fluid structures interaction analysis of helical shell with pseudoplastic liquid, Book of Abstracts APM 2011 (1-5 July 2011), IPME RAS, 47-48 pp., (2011)
Girchenko A., H. Altenbach, V. Eremeyev
Inelastic analysis versus simplified rules for stress concentration fields under variable loading and high temperature; Materials Research Innovations 2011, 15(s1)
Naumenko, K., Altenbach, H., & Kutschke, A.
Micromechanical creep model for pure copper. PAMM, 11(1):419–420, 2011
O. Ozhoga-Maslovskaja, H. Altenbach, K. Naumenko, Prygorniev O., and O. Vodka
Modelling of Interaction of Helical Schells with Nonlinear Viscous Fluid, Book of Abstracts 2nd International Conference on Material Modeling, Presses des MINES, 294 p., (August 31st - September 2011)
Girchenko A., H. Altenbach, V. Eremeyev
Morphological characterization of particles produced by fluidized bed agglomeration using X-ray µ-computer tomography, Microscopy Conference (2011), 28 August-02 September, Kiel, Germany
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Multi-axial thermo-mechanical analysis of power plant components from 9–12% Cr steels at high temperature; Engineering Fracture Mechanics 2011, 78(8)
Naumenko, K., Kutschke, A., Kostenko, Y., and Rudolf, T.
Network model for liquid migration in porous media - capillarity, friction, and gravity, 8th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (2011), 25-29 September, Berlin, Germany
Sun Y., J. Müller, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Pore network drying model for particle aggregates: assessment by X-ray microtomography, 7th Asia-Pacific Drying Conference (2011), 18-20 September, Tianjin, China
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Pore network modeling of liquid migration in fibrous media, ProcessNet Working Party on Heat and Mass Transfer (2011), 21-22 March, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Sun Y., T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Pore network modeling of lotion migration in wet wipes, Investigation of lotion distribution in wet wipes, 3rd International Conference on Porous Media (2011), 29-31 March, Bordeaux, France
Sun Y., J. Müller, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Spiral piezoelectric shells: modeling and applications. Book of abstracts of EUROMECH Colloquium 527, Shell-like structures - Nonclassical theories and applications, Leucorea, Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Germany, August 22–26, 2011
Girchenko A., V.A. Eremeyev, H. Altenbach
Visualization of liquid in drying particle aggregates by X-ray microtomography and use for pore-scale modeling, 3rd European Drying Conference (2011), 26-28 October, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
(2012) Fractal phase distribution and drying: Impact on two-phase zone scaling and drying time dependence, Drying Technology, 30 (11-12), 1129-1135
Prat, M.; Veran-Tissoires, S.; Vorhauer, N.; Metzger, T.; Tsotsas, E.
(2012). “Comparison of spherical and cubical representative volume elements with respect to convergence, anisotropy, and localization behavior”. In: Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 15/2012, pp. 907–909
Glüge, R., Weber M. , and A. Bertram
(2012). “Comparison of spherical and cubical statistical volume elements with respect to convergence, anisotropy, and localization behavior”. In: Computational. Material Science 63, pp. 91–104
Glüge, R., Weber M. and A. Bertram
(2012). “Material plasticity using the example of fiber-reinforced materials”. In: Micro-Macro-Interactions in Structured Media and Particle Systems, Summer School Berlin 2012, pp. 1–10
Weber M., A. Bertram, and R. Glüge
2012. Mechanical behavior of mushy zone in DC casting using a viscoplastic material model, Technische Mechanik, 32(2012), pp. 342 – 357
Penumakala P. K., A. K. Nallathambi, E. Specht, A.Bertram
2012. Modeling solidification microstructure of steel in twin-belt caster, Materials Science and Technology Conference and Exhibition 2012, MS and T 2012 1 , pp. 52-60
Penumakala P. K., A.K.Nallathambi, E.Specht
An accurate numerical method for computation of two-phase flows with surfactants. In: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 2012
S. Ganesan, A. Hahn, Simon K. and L. Tobiska
An irregular pore network model for convective drying of particle aggregates. Chemical Engineering Science 75:267-278, 2012
Kharaghani A., T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Characterization of the internal morphology of agglomerates produced in a spray fluidized bed by X-ray tomography, Powder Technology 228 (2012) p. 349-358
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Comparison of spherical and cubical representative volume elements with respect to convergence, anisotropy, and localization behavior. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 15/2012, pages 907–909, 2012
Glüge R., M. Weber, and A. Bertram
Comparison of spherical and cubical statistical volume elements with respect to convergence, anisotropy, and localization behavior. Computational Material Science, 63:91–104, 2012
Glüge R., M. Weber, and A. Bertram
Creep damage modeling of a polycrystalline material. PAMM,12(1):145– 146, 2012
O. Ozhoga-Maslovskaja, H. Altenbach, K. Naumenko, and Prygorniev O
Evolution of liquid distributions in drying particle aggregates by pore network model and X-ray microtomography, ProcessNet Working Parties on Drying, Food Processing, and Rheology (2012), 19-21 March, Hohenheim, Germany
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Grain microstructure evolution in two-dimensional polycrystals under limited junction mobility. Scripta Materialia, Volume 67, Issue 1, (2012), p. 41-44
Zöllner D
Graphical representations of the regions of rank-one-convexity of some strain energies. Technische Mechanik, 32:227–237, 2012
Glüge R. and J. Kalisch
Instability Of A Piezoelectric Helical Shell Under Electrical Field, Book of Abstracts 38nd Solid Mechanics Conference, IPPT Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 320 p., (August 27 - 31, 2012)
Girchenko A., H. Altenbach, V.A. Eremeyev
Interaction of a helical shell with a nonlinear viscous fluid, Int. J. Engng Sc., 61(2012): 53-58 pp
Girchenko A., Victor A. Eremeyev, H. Altenbach
Investigation of lotion distribution in wet wipes by pore network model and micro computed tomography, 4th International Conference on Porous Media and its Applications in Science and Engineering (2012), 17-22 June, Potsdam, Germany
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas, J. Müller
Investigation of lotion distribution in wet wipes by pore network model and X-ray tomography, 13. Forschungskolloquium am Fraunhofer IFF (2012), 27 April, Magdeburg, Germany
Sun Y., J. Müller, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Investigation of lotion distribution in wet wipes, 4th International Conference on Porous Media (2012), 14-16 May, Lafayette, USA
Sun Y., J. Müller, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Modeling droplet evolution on a porous particle as micro-scale process in fluidized bed spray drying, 18th International Drying Symposium (2012), 11-15 November, Xiamen, China
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Modeling the effect of process parameters in aggregation kernel of PBE using Monte-Carlo simulations, 18th International Drying Symposium (2012), 11-15 November, Xiamen, China
Hussain M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Morphological characterization of agglomerates by X-ray tomography, ProcessNet Working Party on Agglomeration-Powder Processing and Crystallization (2012), 5-6 March, Wittenberg, Germany
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Morphological characterization of fluidized bed spray drying agglomerates by X-ray tomography, 18th International Drying Symposium (2012), 11-15 November, Xiamen, China
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Morphological characterization of spray fluidized bed agglomerates by using X-ray μ-computer tomography, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures (2012), 18-20 June, Torino, Italy
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Pore network drying model for particle aggregates: Assessment by X-ray microtomography, Drying Technology 30 (2012) p. 1800-1809
Wang Y. J., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
Pore-scale comparison of liquid distributions between pore network drying simulations and X-ray tomography, 18th International Drying Symposium (2012), 11-15 November, Xiamen, China
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, E. Tsotsas
The Kinetics of Individual Grains in Polycrystalline Materials. Praktische Metallographie, Volume 49, (2012), p. 428-445
Zöllner D., P. Streitenberger und I. Fielden
‘Fine adhesive particles – A contact model including viscous damping’, 7th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, 10.-13. September 2012, Friedrichshafen, 9 Seiten
Mader-Arndt K.und J. Tomas
‘Functionalization and surface modification of spherical glass beads’, 7th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, 10.-13. September 2012, Friedrichshafen, 6 Seiten
Z. Kutelova, H. Mainka, Mader-Arndt K., W. Hintz und J. Tomas
‘Modelling of the contact behaviour between fine adhesive particles with viscous damping’, in ‘Discrete element modeling of particulate media’, edited: Chuan-Yu Wu, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, 76-85
Mader-Arndt K. und J. Tomas
(2013) Experimental investigation of drying in a model porous medium: Influence of thermal gradients, Drying Technology, 31, 920-929
Vorhauer, N.; Tran, Q.T.; Metzger, T.; Tsotsas, E.; Prat, M.
(2013). Optical Analysis of High-pressure Injections in Transparent Engine. European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chaina, Greece
Dragomirov, P. J. Sauerhering, J. Schmidt, H. Rottengruber, J. Hadler and D. Backofen
(2013). “Numerical properties of spherical and cubical representative volume elements with different boundary conditions”. In: Technische Mechanik, pp. 97–103
Glüge, R. and Weber M.
A new approach to simulate the spray fluidized bed agglomeration process using population balances, International Congress on Particle Technology (2013), 23–25 April, Nuremberg, Germany
Hussain M., J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
ALE-FEM for Two-Phase Flows. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 13(1):319–320, 2013
Hahn, Simon K. and L. Tobiska
Biomechanic approach of a growing tumor. Mechanics Research Communications, 51:32–38, 2013
Ramírez-Torres, R. Rodríguez-Ramos, Glüge R., J. Bravo-Castillero, R. Guinovart-Díaz, and R. Rodríguez-Sanchez
Convective drying of particle aggregates: insights into pore-scale distribution of liquid, ProcessNet Working Party on Drying (2013), 11-12 March, Magdeburg, Germany
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Evolution of a liquid droplet on a porous particle: A pore network study, ProcessNet Working Party on Drying (2013), 11-12 March, Magdeburg, Germany
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Festkörpermechanik. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2013
Bertram and Glüge R
Generalized boundary conditions on representative volume elements and their use in determining the effective material properties. Computational Materials Science, 79:408–416, 2013
Glüge R
Generalized boundary conditions on representative volume elements and their use in determining the effective material properties. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 13(1):251–252, 2013
Glüge R
Glass spheres: Functionalization, surface modification and mechanical properties, in: Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics, H. Altenbach and N.F. Morozov (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, 2013, 95-104, ISBN 978-3-642- 35782-4
Todorova Z., H. Mainka, K. Mader, W. Hintz, J. Tomas
Influence of process conditions on morphology of agglomerates by X-ray tomography, ProcessNet Working Party on Agglomeration-Powder Processing and Crystallization (2013), 5-8 March, Weimar, Germany
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Influence of process variables on particle morphology in spray fluidized bed agglomeration, 6th International Granulation Workshop (2013), 26-28 June, Sheffield, England
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Liquid imbibition in capillary porous media: Pore network simulation and micro-model experiment, 5th International Conference on Porous Media (2013), 22-24 May, Prague, Czech Republic
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Micro scale fluid model for drying of highly porous particle aggregates. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 52:46-54, 2013
Kharaghani A., C. Kirsch, T. Metzger and E. Tsotsas
Micro-analysis structure of fluidized bed agglomerate, International Congress on Particle Technology (2013), 23-25 April, Nuremberg, Germany
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Modeling of droplet evolution on an agglomerate using pore network model, International Congress on Particle Technology (2013), 23-25 April, Nuremberg, Germany
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Modeling spray fluidized bed aggregation kinetics on the basis of Monte-Carlo simulation results, Chemical Engineering Science 101 (2013) p. 35-45
M. Hussain, J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Morphological characterization of fluidized bed spray drying agglomerates by X-Ray tomography, ProcessNet Working Party on Drying (2013), 11-12 March, Magdeburg, Germany
Dadkhah M., M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Numerical properties of spherical and cubical representative volume elements with different boundary conditions. Technische Mechanik, pages 97– 103, 2013
Glüge R. and M. Weber
Näherungsverfahren zur Berechnung von Kerbspannungen und -dehnungen bei Plastizität und Kriechen. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 77:71-80, 2013
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach und W. Lenz
Näherungsweise Ermittlung der Spannungskonzentration an Kerben bei inelastischen Verformungen im Hochtemperaturbereich (Approximative Assessment of Stress Concentration at Notches for Inelastic Deformations at High Temperatures). In: U. Gabbert et al.: Effizienz, Präzision, Qualität. 11. Magdeburger Maschinenbau-Tage, 2013
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach, W. Lenz
On a Coupled Electric-Mechanical Behavior of the Artificial Materials With The Chiral-Shell Elements, World Academy of Science and Technology, 77(2013): 604-609 pp
Girchenko A., V. A. Eremeyev, H. Altenbach
On the Aboav-Weaire-law for junction limited grain growth in two dimensions. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 79, (2013), p. 759-762
Zöllner D.
Polycrystal vs. classical continuum models for structures. PAMM, 13(1), 2013
Prygorniev O., K. Naumenko and H. Altenbach
Population balance modeling of influencing parameters in spray fluidized bed granulation, 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modeling (2013), 11-13 September, Bangalore, India
Hussain M., J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Population balance modeling of the twocompartment spray fluidized bed granulation, 5th International Conference on Population Balance Modeling (2013), 11-13 September, Bangalore, India
Hussain M., J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Pore network drying model for particle aggregates: assessment by X-ray microtomography. Drying Technology, 30: 1800-1809, 2012
Y.J. Wang, Kharaghani A., T. Metzger and E. Tsotsas
Self-Similarity as a Feature of Nanocrystalline Grain Growth. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 753, (2013), p. 349-352
Zöllner D. und P. Streitenberger
Simulating the spray fluidized bed granulation by modeling the aggregation efficiency, 6th International Granulation Workshop (2013), 26-28 June, Sheffield, England
Hussain M., J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Surface layer effects in polycrystalline structures under cyclic viscoplacticity. Proceedings of CanCNSM2013, 2013
Prygorniev O., K. Naumenko
The effective stiffness and stress concentrations of a multi-layer laminate. Composite Structures, 111(0):580–586, 2014
Glüge R. and J. Kalisch
Tomographic visualization and pore network modeling of liquid rings during convective drying of particle aggregates, 5th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting (2013), 21-24 May, Prague, Czech Republic
Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
‘A contact model for fine adhesive particles’, Proceedings, Partec, 23.-25. April 2013, Nürnberg, 4 Seiten
Mader-Arndt K. und J. Tomas
‘Glass spheres: functionalization, surface modification and mechanical properties’, in: H. Altenbach and N. F. Morozov (Eds.) Surface Effects in Solid Mechanics, Advanced Structured Materials 30, Springer-Verlag Berlin 2013, 95- 104
Z. Kutelova, H. Mainka, Mader-Arndt K., W. Hintz und J. Tomas
‘Single particle contact vs. particle packing behavior: Model based analysis of chemically modified glass particles’, Granular Matter, 2013, 30 Seiten
Mader-Arndt K., Z. Kutelova, R. Fuchs, J. Meyer, T. Staedler, W. Hintz und J. Tomas
(2014). Analysis of the Atomization Characteristics of 2nd Generation Bio-diesel (2GEN) in Comparison to Diesel-Fuel. 2nd International Conference Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass, Aachen, Germany
Dragomirov, P. J. Sauerhering, J. Schmidt, H. Rottengruber and J. Hadler
(2014). Comperative Analysis of the DI Diesel Engine In-Cylinder Fluid Flow Applying PIV Measurements and CFD Simulations. 10th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics Orlando, Florida
Dragomirov, P. D. Buchtatyj, J. Sauerhering, J. Schmidt, J. Hadler and H. Rottengruber
A new point of view to determine the simulation temperature for the Potts model simulation of grain growth. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 86, (2014), p. 99-107
Zöllner D.
A phenomenological approach to investigate nanocrystalline grain growth. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 92, (2014), 114-119
Zöllner D.
Finite element simulation of an impinging liquid droplet on a hot solid substrate, 978-3-86912-110-9
Rajasekaran, S.
Influence of process variables on internal particle structure in spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Powder Technology 258 (2014) p. 165-173
Dadkhah M., E. Tsotsas
Investigating the von Neumann-Mullins-relation under triple junction dragging. Acta Materialia, Vol. 70, (2014), p. 290-297
Zöllner D. und P.R. Rios
Modeling of aggregation kernel using Monte Carlo simulations of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, AIChE Journal 60 (2014) p. 855-868
M. Hussain, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas, J. Kumar
Modelling of surfactant concentration in a coupled bulk surface problem. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14(1):525–526, 2014
Hahn, Simon K. and L. Tobiska
On two-compartment population balance modelling of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 61 (2014) p. 185-202
M. Hussain, J. Kumar, M. Peglow, E. Tsotsas
Robust approaches for the assessment of stress concentration in the creep range. In: Proceedings of 3rd International ECCC Creep & Fracture Conference, 2014
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach
Single particle contact versus particle packing behavior: model based analysis of chemically modified glass particles, Granular Matter 16 (3), 2014, 359–375
K. Mader-Arndt, Todorova Z., R. Fuchs, J. Meyer, T. Staedler, W. Hintz, J. Tomas
Study of the morphology of solidified binder in spray fluidized bed agglomerate by X-ray tomography, Powder Technology 264 (2014) p. 256-264
Dadkhah M., E. Tsotsas
Topology of grain microstructures in two dimensions: A comparison of grain boundary and triple junction controlled grain growth. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 22, (2014), 025028
Zöllner D.
Triple junction controlled grain growth in two-dimensional nanocrystalline polycrystals and thin films: Self-similar growth laws and grain size distributions. Acta Materialia, Vol. 78, (2014), p. 114-124
P. Streitenberger und Zöllner D
(2015) Drying with formation of capillary rings in a model porous medium, Transport in Porous Media, 110, 197- 223
Vorhauer, N.; Wang, Y.; Kharaghani, R.; Tsotsas E.; Prat, M.
(2015). Characterisation of Second Generation Alternative Diesel Fuel Sprays. 11th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Dragomirov, P. J. Sauerhering, F. Beyrau and J. Schmidt
(2015). Comparison of Diesel Fuel and Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil Combustion in an Optical Engine by Means of Simultaneous Two-Colour Imag-ing and OH* Chemiluminescence. 7th European Combustion Meeting, Budapest, Hungary
Dragomirov, P. J. Sauerhering, J. Hadler, H. Rottengruber, J. Schmidt and F. Beyrau
A layer-wise user element for the analysis of photovoltaic modules. In: M. Kleiber, M. et al. 3rd Polish Congress of Mechanics and 21st International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics. Short Papers Vol. 2: 883–884, 2015
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach
A new framework for population balance modeling of spray fluidized bed agglomeration, Particuology 19 (2015) p. 141-154
M. Hussain, J. Kumar, E. Tsotsas
A user-defined finite element for laminated glass panels and photovoltaic modules based on a layer-wise theory. Composite Structures, 133:265–277, 2015
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach und J. Meenen
Agglomerate fragmentation in soundinduced oscillating gaseous atmospheres, Powder Technology 291, 214-222, 2015
Knoop, Todorova Z., J. Tomas, U. Fritsching
Analytical homogenization of linear elasticity based on the interface orientation distribution – a complement to the self-consistent approach. Composite Structures, 126:398–416, 2015
J. Kalisch and Glüge R.
Application of the first-order shear deformation theory to the analysis of laminated glasses and photovoltaic panels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 96–97:163–171, 2015
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach und H. Köppe
Approximate Rules for Calculation of Notch Stresses Considering Plasticity and Creep. In: A. S. Khan. Plastic Behavior of Conventional and Advanced Materials: Theory, Experiment, and Modeling - Proceedings of PLASTICITY ’15: The Twenty First International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Applications. NEAT PRESS: 124–126, 2015
H. Altenbach, Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko
Drying with formation of capillary rings in a model porous media, Transport in Porous Media 110 (2015) p. 197-223
N. Vorhauer, Wang Y.J., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas, M. Prat
Drying with formation of capillary rings in a model porous medium, Transp. Porous Med., 110 (2015) 197-223
Vorhauer N., Wang Y.J., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E., Prat M.
Glide mechanisms for bundle- and plate-like structures. Technische Mechanik, 35(1):62–69, 2015
Glüge R
Impact of Phase Distribution on the Fracture Toughness of High Temperature Resistant Mo-Si-B Alloys - Der Einfluss der Phasenverteilung auf die Bruchzähigkeit von hochtemperaturbeständigen Mo-Si-B-Legierungen, Pract. Metallogr. 52 (2015) 295–313
Becker J., M. Krüger
Lotion distribution in wet wipes investigated by pore network simulation and X-ray micro tomography, Transport Porous Media 107 (2015) p. 449-468
Sun Y., A. Kharaghani, T. Metzger, J. Müller, E. Tsotsas
Mechanical properties and failure probability of compact agglomerates. Powder Technol. 286, 546–556,2015
Russell, Schmelzer J., P. Müller, M. Krüger, J. Tomas
Microscale modelling of multiple and higher-order deformation twinning. Acta Mechanica, 226(2):371–384, 2015
S. Roy, Glüge R., and A. Bertram
Microscopic Particle Contact Adhesion Models and Macroscopic Behavior of Surface Modified Particles, in: Particle adhesion and removal, K.L. Mittal and R. Jaiswal (Eds.), Scrivener Publishing, Beverley, 2015, 105-156, ISBN: 978-1-118-83153-3
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Microstructure, flow behavior, and bulk texture evolution of cold drawn copper-silver composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647, 2015, Pages 519-527
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Modeling aggregation kinetics of fluidized bed spray agglomeration for porous particles, Powder Technology 270 (2015) p. 584-591
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Monitoring of initial porosity and new pores formation during drying: a technical challenge, Trends Food Sci Tech., 45 (2015) 179-186
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Zöllner D. und P. Streitenberger
Solid Mechanics- Theory, Modeling, and Problems. Springer, 2015
Bertram and Glüge R.
Studying the influence of triple junction energy and mobility on annealing processes. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 89, (2015), 012061
Zöllner D. und P. Streitenberger
The envelope of size distributions in Ostwald ripening and grain growth. Acta Materialia, Vol. 88, (2015), p. 334-345
P. Streitenberger und Zöllner D.
von Neumann-Mullins-type evolution equations for triple and quadruple junction controlled growth. Scripta Materialia, Vol. 109, (2015), p. 52-55
P. Streitenberger und Zöllner D.
A multiscale projection approach for the coupled global-local structural analysis of photovoltaic modules. Composite Structures, 158(-):340–358, 2016
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Fang Y., Sabariman, E. Specht
Beiträge zur analytischen und numerischen Homogenisierung in der Materialmodellierung. University of Magdeburg, 2016. Habilitation thesis
Glüge R.
Calculation of the permeability in porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 62, 93-103, 2016
Eshghinejadfard A, L Daróczy, G Janiga, D Thévenin
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Zöllner D. und P. Streitenberger
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Eshghinejadfard A, A Abdelsamie, G Janiga, D Thévenin
Effective plastic properties of laminates made of isotropic elastic plastic materials. Composite Structures, 149:434–443, 2016
Glüge R.
Finite Element Computations for Dynamic Liquid–Fluid Interfaces. In: Computational Methods for Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces, volume 5 of Progress in Colloid and Interface Science, pages 331–351. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2016
S. Ganesan, A. Hahn, Simon K. and L. Tobiska
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Bertram and Glüge R
Grain Growth, In: Saleem Hashmi (editor-in-chief), Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Oxford: Elsevier (2016), p. 1-29
Zöllner D.
Grain microstructural evolution in 2D and 3D polycrystals under triple junction energy and mobility control. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 118, (2016), p. 325- 337
Zöllner D.
Hardening of V–Si alloys during high energy ball milling, Powder Technology 294, 493–497, 2016
Schmelzer J., T. Baumann, S. Dieck and M. Krüger
Improvement of the flowability of cohesive glass particles by surface modification, 12th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation (ICBMH 2016 Darwin/Australia) The. Barton, ACT: Engineers Australia, 2016, 325-334, ISBN: 9781922107886
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M. Bornhorst, P. Walzel, A. Rahimi, Kharaghani A., E. Tsotsas, N. Nestle, A. Besser, F. Kleine Jager, T. Metzger
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Rahimi A., Kharaghani A., Metzger T., Tsotsas E.
Mathematical Modeling of the Diffussion of Magnetic Paraticles in a Ferrold seal under magnetic and Centrifugal Forces Ph D Thesis, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität, 978-3-86912-123-9
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Micro-model experiment and pore network simulation of liquid imbibition in porous media, Chem. Eng. Sci., 159 (2016) 41-53
Sun Y., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E.
Micro-model experiments and pore network simulations of liquid imbibition in porous media, Chemical Engineering Science 150 (2016) p. 41- 53
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Microstructure Evolution of a Directionally Solidified Ternary Eutectic Mo-Si-B Alloy. In: Materials Science Forum (879), S. 1226- 1232, 2016
M. Krüger, G. Hasemann, Kazemi O., T. Halle
Numerical simulation of heat transfer in particulate flows using a thermal immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 60, 31-46, 2016
Eshghinejadfard A, D Thévenin
Numerical solutions for a weakly hyperbolic dispersed two-phase flow model. In Hyperbolic Problems, Theory, Numerics, Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 2016
M. Hantke, Matern C., and G. Warnecke
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Phase field simulation of a directional solidification of a ternary eutectic Mo-Si-B Alloy. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (118), 2016
Kazemi O., G. Hasemann, M. Krüger, T. Halle
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Le K.H., Kharaghani A., Kirsch C., Tsotsas E.
Shedding some light on the early grain growth regime: About the effect of the initial microstructure on normal grain growth. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 113, (2016), p. 11-20
Zöllner D., P. Streitenberger und P.R. Rios
Similarities and Differences in Mechanical Alloying Processes of V-Si-B and Mo-Si-B Powders, Metals 2016, 6, 241, 2016
M. Krüger, Schmelzer J. and Maria Helmecke
Structure and Properties of Directionally Solidified Mo-8.7 Si-18 B Alloys. In: Naukovi visti, 2 (106), S. 69–76. NTUU KPI, Kyiv, 2016
Bogomol, Y. I.; Kauss, O.; Hasemann, G.; Krueger, M.; Loboda, P. I.
Study on the Compression, Flow, and Permeation of Fine and Ultra-Fine, Cohesive and Compressible Powders”, 9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF 2016, Firenze, Italy, pp.189/1-6
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The eigenmodes in isotropic strain gradient elasticity. Proceedings of Generalized Continua as Models for Materials with Multi-Scale-Effects or under Multi-Field-Actions, pages 157–172, 2016
Glüge R., J. Kalisch, and A. Bertram
The spectral decomposition of the stiffness hexadic in gradient elasticity. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report No. 17/2016, 17:25–28, 2016
Glüge R., J. Kalisch, and A. Bertram
Three dimensional characterization of morphology and internal structure of soft agglomerates produced in spray fluidized bed by X-ray tomography, Powder Technol., 300 (2016) 46-60
Pashminehazar R., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E.
Treating grain growth in thin films in three dimensions: A simulation study. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 125, (2016), p. 51-60
Zöllner D.
Two-phase flow with capillary valve effect in porous media, Chem. Eng. Sci., 139 (2016) 241-248
Wu R., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E.
“Distortion Induced during Quenching of Seamless Tubed", Materials Science and Engineering, DGM, Darmstadt, 2016
Kulkarni G. A., A. K. Nallathambi, Y. Kaymak, and E. Specht
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Pashminehazar R., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
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Vorhauer, N.; Tsotsas, E.; Prat, M.
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2017. Stability limits of the single relaxation-time advection–diffusion lattice Boltzmann scheme. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 28(12), p.1750141
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Hosseini, S.A., Eshghinejadfard, A., Darabiha, N. and Thévenin, D.
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T. Lekszycki, Bucci S., D. Del Vescovo, E. Turco and N.L. Rizzi
A homogeneous substitute material for the core layer of photovoltaic composite structures. Composites Part B: Engineering, 112(-):353–372, 2017
Aßmus M., J. Nordmann, K. Naumenko, and H. Altenbach
ALE-FEM for Two-Phase and Free Surface Flows with Surfactants. In: Transport Processes at Fluidic Interfaces, Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. Springer, 2017
S. Ganesan, A. Hahn, Simon K. and L. Tobiska
Analysis of Temperature and Strain Rate Dependencies of Softening Regime for Tempered Martensitic Steel. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 52:226–238, 2017
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko, H. Altenbach und E. Gariboldi
Analytical Model for Describing Ex-perimental Results on Parameters Influencing Heat Transfer in Film Boiling with Spray Quenching, Heat Transfer Engineering. 2017
Sabariman, Fang Y. & Eckehard Specht
Comparison of microstructure and adhesion strength of plasma, flame and high velocity oxy-fuel sprayed coatings from an iron aluminide powder, Surface and Coatings Technology, 324, 2017, Pages 498-508
Thiem P. G., A. Chorny, V. Smirnov, M. Krüger
Consideration of non-uniform and non-orthogonal mechanical loads for structural analysis of photovoltaic composite structures. In H. Altenbach, R. V. Goldstein, and E. Murashkin, editors, Mechanics for Materials and Technologies, volume 46 of Advanced Structured Materials, pages 73–122. Springer, Singapore, 2017
Aßmus M., S. Bergmann, J. Eisenträger, K. Naumenko, and H. Altenbach
Convective drying in thin hydrophobic porous media, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 112 (2017) 630-642
Wu R., Zhao C.Y., Tsotsas E., Kharaghani A.
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Le K.H., Kharaghani A., Kirsch C., Tsotsas E.
Does convexity of yield surfaces in plasticity have a physical significance? Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 0(0):1081286517721599, 2017
Glüge R.and S. Bucci
Effect of initial orientation on subgrain formation in nickel single crystals during equal channel angular pressing. Mechanics of Materials 114 (2017) 30-39
Tohidlou E., A. Bertram
Effect of polymer and fiber additives on pressure drop in a rectangular channel, Journal of Hydrodynamics 29 (5), 871-878, 2017
Eshghinejadfard A, K Sharma, D Thévenin
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Glüge R.
Evaporation in capillary porous media at the perfect piston-like invasion limit: Evidence of non-local equilibrium effects. Water Resources Research, 53:10433-10449, 2017
Attari Moghaddam, M. Prat, E. Tsotsas, and A. Kharaghani
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Finite-Element Analysis of Polyhedra under Point and Line Forces in Second-Strain Gradient Elasticity. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 143(2): 04016112, 2017
Reiher J. C., I. Giorgio, A. Bertram
Fully-resolved prolate spheroids in turbulent channel flows: a lattice Boltzmann study, AIP Advances 7 (9), 095007, 2017
Eshghinejadfard A, SA Hosseini, D Thévenin
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Kinematics in a slowly drying porous medium: Reconciling pore network simulations and continuum modeling. Physics of Fluids, 29:022102, 2017
Attari Moghaddam, A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas, and M. Prat
Kinematics in a slowly drying porous medium: Reconiliation of pore network simulations and continuum modeling, Physics of Fluids, 29 (2017) 022102
Moghaddam A.A., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E., Prat M.
Local heat transfer analysis during intensive cooling with water sprays and jets, 13th international conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics (HEFAT), pp: 401-404, Slovenia, 17-19 July (2017). ISBN: 978-1-77592-140-0
Fang Y., E. Specht
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Material plasticity to track the elastic anisotropy at finite strains. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 17(1):481– 482, 2017
M. Weber, Glüge R., and A. Bertram
Mechanical behaviour of photovoltaic composite structures: A parameter study on the influence of geometric dimensions and material properties under static loading. Composites Communications, 5(- ):23–26, 2017
Aßmus M., S. Bergmann, K. Naumenko, and H. Altenbach
Mechanical behaviour of photovoltaic composite structures: Influence of geometric dimensions and material properties on the eigenfrequencies of mechanical vibrations. Composites Communications, 6(-): 59–62, 2017
Aßmus M., K. Naumenko, and H. Altenbach
Morphogenesis of biomineralized calcitic prismatic tissue in Mollusca fully described by classical hierarchical grain boundary motion. Crystal Growth & Design, Vol. 17, (2017), p. 5023-5027
Zöllner D., E. Reich und I. Zlotnikov
Numerical Investigation of the Phase Evolution in Polymer Blends under External Mechanical Loadings, Technische Mechanik 37(1), 37-47, 2017
J. Voges, Makvandi R., D. Juhre
Numerical Investigation of the phase Evolution in Polymer Blends under external Mechanical Loadings, Technische Mechanik, 37: 37–47, 2017
Voges J., R. Makvandi und D. Juhre
On isotropic linear elastic material laws for directed planes. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Shell Structures: Theory and Applications (SSTA 2017), pages 57–60, Gdańsk, Poland, 2017
Aßmus M., J. Eisenträger, and H. Altenbach
On isotropic linear elastic material laws for directed planes. In: W. Pietraszkiewicz, W. Witkowski. Shell Structures: Theory and Applications Volume 4. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference “Shell Structures: Theory and Applications” (SSTA 2017), 11.–13.10.2017, Gdańsk (Poland): 57–60, 2017
M. Aßmus, Eisenträger J., H. Altenbach
On the influence of subgrain boundaries on coarsening of polycrystalline grain structures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 194, (2017), 012049
Zöllner D. und W. Skrotzki
Parameter estimation and assessment of continuum models of drying on the basis of pore network simulations. PhD thesis, Magdeburg, 2017
Attari Moghaddam
Prediction of phase distribution pattern in phase field simulations on Mo5SiB2 -primary areas in near eutectic Mo-Si-B alloy. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (181), 2017
Kazemi O., G. Hasemann, M. Krüger, T. Halle
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Aßmus M., J. Eisenträger, and H. Altenbach
Projector representation of isotropic linear elastic material laws for directed surfaces. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 97(12):1625–1634, 2017
M. Aßmus, Eisenträger J. und H. Altenbach
Rate Dependent Tension-Compression-Asymmetry of Ti-61.8at%Al Alloys with Long Period Superstructures at 1050°C, Materials Science and Engineering A, 700: 503-511, 2017
Chowdhury H, K Naumenko, H Altenbach, M Krüger
Reversed austenite for enhancing ductility of martensitic stainless steel, pp. 308-315. In: Tagungsband zum 19. Werkstofftechnischen Kolloquium in Chemnitz: 16. und 17. März 2017. Eigenverlag, Chemnitz, 2017
Dieck S., A. Kromm, P. Rosemann, Th. Halle
Reversed austenite for enhancing ductility of martensitic stainless steel. In: IOP Conf. Ser.: Materials science and engineering, Vol 181: 1-9, 2017
Dieck S., A. Kromm, P. Rosemann, Th. Halle
Reviewing the class of Al-rich TiAl alloys: Modeling plastic anisotropy and asymmetry. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Modern Processes, 3:16, 2017
Chowdhury H., H Altenbach, M Krüger, K Naumenko
Simulation methods in computational materials science, in: 16. Sommerkurs Werkstoffe Und Fügen, Magdeburg, 2017
Hütter S., O. Kazemi, T. Halle
Stability limits of the single relaxation-time advection–diffusion lattice Boltzmann scheme, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 1750141, 2017
SA Hosseini, N Darabiha, D Thévenin, Eshghinejadfard A
Static recrystallization and grain growth of accumulative roll bonded aluminium laminates. Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 32, (2017), p. 4503-4513
L. Lienshöft, P. Chekhonin, Zöllner D., J. Scharnweber, T. Marr, T. Krauter, H.W. Höppel und W. Skrotzki
Topological changes in coarsening networks. Acta Materialia, Vol. 130, (2017), p. 147-154
Zöllner D. und P.R. Rios
Verbesserung der Eigenschaften vom martensitischen, nichtrostenden Stahl X46Cr13 durch Q&P-Wärmebehandlung. In: 16. Sommerkurs Werkstoffe und Fügen, pp. 95-104. Magdeburg, 2017
Dieck S., M. Ecke, P. Rosemann, Th. Halle
Weakly compressible Lattice Boltzmann simulations of reacting flows with detailed thermo-chemical models, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2017
SA Hosseini, Eshghinejadfard A, N Darabiha, D Thévenin
Örtlicher Wärmeübergang von Spray und Strahlen bei der Intensivkühlung von Metallen, 1. Aachener Ofenbau- und Thermoprocess Kolloquium, pp: 75-85,11th-12th May, 2017, Aachen ISBN: 978-3-95886-165-7
E. Specht, H. Woche, Fang Y., J. Hoffmann
“Jet Impingement Heat Transfer of Moving Metal Sheet", 13th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Portoroz, Slovenia, ISBN: 978-1-77592-140-0, pp. 393-400, 2017
Kulkarni G. A., Sabariman, and E. Specht
"Does convexity of yield surfaces in plasticity have a physical significance?" In: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids Vol. 23(9) Seiten 1365 - 1373, 2018
R. Glüge and Bucci S.
(2018) Feedback Control of Fluidised Bed Drying, In: A. Martynenko, A. Bück (Eds.) Intelligent control in drying, CRC Press
Bück, A.; Dürr, R.; Vorhauer, N.
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(2018). Phase-Field Modelling of Crack Propagation in Anisotropic Polycrystalline Materials. Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, 787-792
Liu Z., & Juhre, D.
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(2018). Phase-Field Modelling of Fracture in Viscoelastic Solids. Procedia Structural Integrity, 13, 781-786
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2018. Mass-conserving advection– diffusion Lattice Boltzmann model for multi-species reacting flows. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 499, pp.40-57
Hosseini, S.A., Darabiha, N. and Thévenin, D.
3D mesoscopic microstructural evolution of primary recrystallization and grain growth in cold rolled single-phase aluminum alloys. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 26, (2018), 035011 (16pp)
K.F. Adam, Zöllner D. und D.P. Field
A Framework for Modeling the Mechanical Behavior of Tempered Martensitic Steels at High Temperatures. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 2018. ISBN 978-3-86912-147-5
Eisenträger J
A pore network study of evaporation from the surface of a drying non-hygroscopic porous medium, AIChE, 64 (2018) 1435 – 1447
Moghaddam A.A., Kharaghani A., Tsotsas E. Prat M.
A pore network study of evaporation from the surface of a drying non-hygroscopic porous medium. AIChE Journal, 64:1435-1447, 2018
Attari Moghaddam, A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas, and M. Prat
Alloying effects in Mo-5X (X=Zr, Ti,V) - microstructural modifications and mechanical properties, Mater. Today Commun. 15 (2018) 314–321
Becker J., U. Betke, E. Wessel, M. Krüger
Analysis of iron aluminide coated beams under creep conditions in high-temperature four-point bending tests. Journal of Strain Analysis 53, 2018, Pages 255-265
J. Nordmann, Thiem P. G., N. Cinca, K. Naumenko, M. Krüger
Aspects of Power Law Flow Rules in Crystal Plasticity with Glide-Climb Driven Hardening and Recovery, Int. J. of Mechanical Sciences, 146-147:486-496, 2018
Chowdhury H. , K Naumenko, H Altenbach
Calibration of a Phase Mixture Model for Hardening and Softening Regimes in Tempered Martensitic Steel Over Wide Stress and Temperature Ranges. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 53:156–177, 2018
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko und H. Altenbach
Corrigendum to “Topological changes in coarsening networks”. Acta Materialia, Vol. 158, (2018), p. 466-467
Zöllner D. und P.R. Rios
Critical stresses estimation by crystal viscoplasticity modeling of rate dependent anisotropy of Al-rich TiAl alloy at high temperature, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88(1-2):65-81, 2018
Chowdhury H., K Naumenko, H Altenbach, M Krüger
Density Reduction of Mo-Si-B Alloys by Vanadium Alloying, JOM. 70 (2018) 2574–2581
Becker J., U. Betke, M. Hoffmeister, M. Krüger
Dependency of continuum parameters on the spatially correlated pore structure studied by pore-network drying simulations. 21st International Drying Symposium, Valencia Spain, 2018
Lu X., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas
Distance of a stiffness tetrad to the symmetry classes of linear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018
M. Weber, Glüge R., and A. Bertram
Finite third-order Gradient Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. Journal of Elasticity 133: 223-252, 2018
Reiher J. C., A. Bertram
Global structural analysis at photovoltaic modules: theory, numerics, application (in German). Dissertation, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, 2018
Aßmus M.
Grain Growth - Unresolved Issues. Materials Science and Technology, Vol. 34, (2018), p. 629-638
P.R. Rios und Zöllner D.
Heat transfer analysis during metal cooling with sprays and jets, Heat Processing, Jan/2018, pp: 41-47, ISSN: 1611-616X, Vulkan-Verlag
H. Woche, Fang Y., E. Specht
Implementation of a Phase Mixture Model for Rate-Dependent Inelasticity. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 18(1):1-2, 2018
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko und H. Altenbach
Investigation of Distortion in Quenching of Seamless Tubes", Student technical Conference, Petroleum and Drilling Engineering related Geoscience Geothermics, 2018
S. B. Gopalkrishna, Kulkarni G. A., A. K. Nallathambi, Y. Kaymak, and E. Specht
Isogeometric analysis of first and second strain gradient elasticity, Computational Mechanics 61(3), 351-363, 2018
Makvandi R., J. C. Reiher, A. Bertram, D. Juhre
Isogeometric analysis of first and second strain gradient elasticity. Computational Mechanics 61: 351-363, 2018
R. Makvandi, Reiher J. C., A. Bertram D. Juhre
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of resolved oblate spheroids in wall turbulence, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 849, 510-540, 2018
Eshghinejadfard A, L Zhao, D Thévenin,
Mechanical models and finiteelement approaches for the structural analysis of photovoltaic composite structures: A comparative study. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 54(4):415–430, 2018
M. Haghi, Aßmus M., K. Naumenko, and H. Altenbach
Microstructural characterization of martensitic Q&P steels - a comparison of etching techniques and electron backscatter diffraction. In: Practical metallography, Vol 55: 660-667, 2018
Dieck S., M. Ecke, J. Frömert, Th. Halle
Microwave drying of wet clay with intermittent heating, Drying Technology
Vorhauer, N.; Tretau, A.; Bück, A.; Prat, M.
Modelling texture dependent grain growth by 2D Potts model simulations: A detailed analysis. Computational Materials Science, Vol. 155, (2018), p. 180-196
Zöllner D. und I. Zlotnikov
Numerical Implementation of a Phase Mixture Model for Rate-Dependent Inelasticity of Tempered Martensitic Steels. Acta Mechanica, 229:3051-3068, 2018
Eisenträger J., K. Naumenko und H. Altenbach
On the effective elastic properties of isotactic polypropylene. Polymer, 2018
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Kulkarni G. A., E. Specht
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Jabbari, Y., Tsotsas, E., Kirsch, C., Kharaghani, A.
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Effects of second phases in Mo-Zr alloys – A study on phase evolution and mechanical properties. In: Advances in Mechanics of High-Temperature Materials (Eds: K. Naumenko, M. Krüger). pp. 93-106
Becker J., H.F. Siems, M. Krüger
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Bagheri B., S. H. Schulze, K. Naumenko und H. Altenbach
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P. Chekhonin, Zöllner D., E. Zimmer, J. Scharnweber, J. Romberg und W. Skrotzki
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E. Reich, V. Schoeppler, R. Lemanis, E. Lakin, E. Zolotoyabko, Zöllner D. und I. Zlotnikov
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Schmelzer J., S.-K. Rittinghaus, A. Weisheit, M. Stobik, J. Paulus, K. Gruber, E. Wessel, C. Heinze, M. Krüger
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M. Beliaev, Zöllner D., A. Pacureanu, P. Zaslansky, L. Bertinetti, I. Zlotnikov
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Singh A. K. and E. Tsotsas
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M. Krüger, O. Kauss, K. Naumenko, C. Burmeister, E. Wessel, Schmelzer J.
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Pashminehazar R., A. Kharaghani, E.Tsotsas
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Kulkarni G. A., A. K. Nallathambi, and E. Specht
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J. Szadzinska, J. Lechtanska, Pashminehazar R., A. Kharaghani, E. Tsotsas