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GRK 1570:  Electronic Properties of Carbon-based Nanostructures

Subject Area Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2009 to 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 89249669
Final Report Year 2019

Final Report Abstract

In the focus of RTG 1570 was the experimental and theoretical investigation of the electronic properties of carbon-based nanostructures (CBNs), i.e. devices based on graphene, carbon nanotubes, aromatic molecules or hybrids of those. While the first phase was devoted to the growth, characterization and transport properties of simple devices, in the second phase we looked at complex nanostructures with particular functionalities, opto-electronical properties and dynamics. An important asset of the RTG was the close cooperation between different experimental groups, as well as between theory and experiment. This synergy has resulted in a unique insight and understanding of CBNs of the Regensburg consortium, with cutting edge contributions to the field. CBNs share the common feature of containing π-conjugated elements, i.e. materials whose electronic properties are mostly determined by the 2pz-states of carbon. Simultaneously, they possess distinct electronic properties associated to their dimensionality. Hence, graphene has provided us the perfect platform to investigate properties of quasi-particles with linear dispersion (called Dirac particles) in two-dimensions (2D), and to contrast them with those of electrons in a semiconducting two-dimensional electron gas. In the same spirit, in later studies the analysis has been extended to other Van der Waals systems in 2D. Likewise, graphene nanoribbons (GNR) and single-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are onedimensional conductors with unusual properties inherited from the underlying graphene honeycomb lattice. For example, zig-zag GNR possess nontrivial spin-polarized edge-states, and we demonstrated experimentally that in carbon CNTs a curvature-enhanced spin-orbit coupling provides spin-valley locking. Furthermore, due to their diameter of the order of one nanometer, CNTs are the ultimate quantum wires. Finally, short nanotubes, nanoribbons and single molecules weakly coupled to leads all behave as zero-dimensional quantum dot systems, with non trivial quantum correlations. The isolation of graphene in 2004 is rather recent. Thus, the first phase of the RTG, started in 2009, can be defined as “pioneering and exploratory” regarding the electronic properties of this newly discovered and highly promising material. To this extent, we have developed and improved methods to grow samples and optimize devices performance (e.g. graphene was produced by exfoliation, but also by chemical methods), and its characterization was performed by Raman as well as by atomic force spectroscopy. The phase coherent transport in graphene nanoribbons was investigated under various conditions. Reduced graphene was tested for sensor applications. In the second and more “mature” phase of the RTG various graphene based devices have been tested. By embedding graphene in hexagonal boron nitride high mobility samples were achieved; commensurability oscillations could be observed in antidot graphene lattices in magnetic field. Photocurrents induced by terahertz/microwave fields as well as optical properties and symmetry breaking were demonstrated in graphene and graphene lateral superlattices. Regarding carbon nanotube electronics, we have performed state of the art three terminal transport experiments on in-situ grown devices based on just one single-walled CNT. With our capability of growing disorder free nanotubes at the last step of the fabrication, we could show that the interplay of orbital (valley) and spin degrees of freedom gives rise to non trivial Kondo resonances and Fabry-Perot interferences in ultraclean CNT devices. Nanoelectromechanical properties of suspended CNTs were tested. Standard electron beam lithography and lift-off techniques become impracticable for single molecules with dimensions of the size of, or smaller than one nanometer. Atomic force microscopy experiments with a CO molecule terminated tip gave us the possibility to simultaneously image atomic orbitals and measure intramolecular forces. Further, low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) allowed us two-terminal measurements of single molecules, the holy grail of molecular electronics. With the molecule lying on a thin insulating substrate, decoupling it from the underlying metal electrode, we could also get seminal STM images of the molecular orbitals and connect the transport properties to the molecular geometry. In a major breakthrough, we developed the first so-called light-wave STM, where the peak of a terahertz waveform is used as an ultrashort voltage pulse to transfer an electron from an STM tip into a molecule. In a pump-probe experiment we used this technique to trace on a femto-second time-scale the breathing mode motion of the molecule.


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  • Signatures of spin-orbit interaction in transport properties of finite carbon nanotubes in a parallel magnetic field. Phys. Rev. B 84, 165427 (2011)
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  • Stacking-order dependent transport properties of trilayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 84, 116408 (2011)
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  • Symmetrien und Manipulation des Ladungszustands von Molekülen auf NaCl Filmen (2011)
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  • The Kondo effect in single wall carbon nanotubes with ferromagnetic contacts (2011)
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  • Dielectric function, screening, and plasmons of graphene in the presence of spin-orbit interaction. Phys. Rev. B 86, 195424 (2012)
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  • Dynamische Rasterkraftmikroskopie mit kleinen Amplituden an Luft und in Flüssigkeiten (2012)
    Wutscher, E.
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  • Edge state effects in junctions with graphene electrodes. Phys. Rev. B 86, 195425 (2012)
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  • Electron-vibron effects in interacting quantum dot systems (2012)
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  • Floquet spin states in graphene under ac driven spin-orbit interaction. Phys. Rev. B 85, 205428 (2012)
    Lopez, A., Sun, Z., and Schliemann, J.
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  • Low-temperature photoluminescence of oxide-covered single-layer MoS2. Phys. Status Solidi RRL 6, 126 (2012)
    Plechinger, G., Schrettenbrunner, F., Eroms, J., Weiss, D., Schueller, C. and Korn, T.
    (See online at
  • Magnetotransport through graphene nanoribbons at high magnetic fields. Phys. Rev. B 85, 195432 (2012)
    Minke, S., Jhang, S., Wurm, J., Skourski, Y., Wosnitza, J., Strunk, C., Weiss, D., Richter, K., and Eroms, J.
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  • Phase coherent transport in graphene nanoribbons and graphene nanoribbon arrays. Phys. Rev. B 86, 155403 (2012)
    Minke, S., Bundesmann, J., Eroms, J. and Weiss, D.
    (See online at
  • Probing individual weakly-coupled π-conjugated molecules on semiconductor surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics 112, 034312 (2012)
    Münnich, G., Albrecht, F., Nacci, C., Utz, M., Schuh, D., Kanisawa, K., Fölsch, S., and Repp, J.
    (See online at
  • Raman spectroscopy of the interlayer shear mode in few-layer MoS2 flakes. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 101906 (2012)
    G. Plechinger, S. Heydrich, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, C. Schüller and T. Korn
    (See online at
  • Spectral and magnetic properties of two-dimensional Dirac systems and thermal spin-charge coupling in electronic systems (2012)
    Scharf, B.
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  • Topographical fingerprints of many-body interference in STM junctions on thin insulating films. Phys. Rev. B 86, 155451 (2012)
    Donarini, A., Siegert, B., Sobczyk, S., and Grifoni, M.
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  • Transport measurements on graphene (2012)
    Minke, S.
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  • Untersuchungen der Wechselwirkungen modifizierter Oligonukleotide mit SWCNT (2012)
    Schmucker, W.
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  • Annealing-induced magnetic moments detected by spin precession measurements in epitaxial graphene on SiC. Phys. Rev. B 87, 81405 (2013)
    Birkner, B., Pachniowski, D., Sandner, A., Ostler, M., Seyller, T., Fabian, J., Ciorga, M., Weiss, D. and Eroms, J.
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  • Charge and current responses of spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional materials (2013)
    Scholz, A.
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  • Formation and Characterization of a Molecule–Metal–Molecule Bridge in Real Space. J. of the American Chem. Soc. 135, 9200 (2013)
    Albrecht, F., Neu, M., Quest, C., Swart, I., and Repp, J.
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  • Graphene with time-dependent spin-orbit coupling: truncated Magnus expansion approach. The European Physical Journal B 86, 366 (2013)
    López, A., Scholz, A., Sun, Z., and Schliemann, J.
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  • Interplay between spin-orbit interactions and a time-dependent electromagnetic field in monolayer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 88, 045118 (2013)
    Scholz, A., López, A. and Schliemann, J.
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  • Observation of 4 nm Pitch Stripe Domains Formed by Exposing Graphene to Ambient Air. ACS Nano 7, 10032 (2013)
    Wastl, D., Speck, F., Wutscher, E., Ostler, M., Seyller, T., and Giessibl, F..
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  • Optimizing atomic resolution of force microscopy in ambient conditions. Phys. Rev. B 87, 245415 (2013)
    Wastl, D., Weymouth, A. and Giessibl, F.
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  • Plasmons and screening in a monolayer of MoS₂. Phys. Rev. B 88, 035135 (2013)
    Scholz, A., Stauber, T., and Schliemann, J.
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  • Spin dynamics and spatially resolved spin transport phenomena in GaAs based structures (2013)
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  • Transversal magnetic anisotropy in nanoscale PdNi-strips. Journal of Applied Physics 113, 034303 (2013)
    Steininger, D., Hüttel, A., Ziola, M., Kiessling, M., Sperl, M., Bayreuther, G., and Strunk, C.
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  • Wave packets in mesoscopic systems: From time-dependent dynamics to transport phenomena in graphene and topological insulators (2013)
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  • Weak localization and Raman study of anisotropically etched graphene antidots. Applied Physics Letters 103, 143111 (2013)
    Oberhuber, F., Blien, S., Heydrich, S., Yaghobian, F., Korn, T., Schueller, C., Strunk, C., Weiss, D. and Eroms, J.
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  • Anisotropic optical properties of Fe/GaAs(001) nanolayers from first principles. Phys. Rev. B 90, 045315 (2014)
    Putz, S., Gmitra, M. and Fabian, J.
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  • Atomically Resolved Graphitic Surfaces in Air by Atomic Force Microscopy. ACS NANO 8, 5233 (2014)
    Wastl, D., Weymouth, A. and Giessibl, F.
    (See online at
  • Chemical and Crystallographic Characterization of the Tip Apex in Scanning Probe Microscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 066101 (2014)
    Hofmann, T., Pielmeier, F. and Giessibl, F.
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  • Graphene as a sensor material (2014)
    Kochmann, S.
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  • Hochauflösende Rasterkraftmikroskopie auf Graphen und Kohlenmonoxid (2014)
    Hofmann, T.
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  • Ladungs- und Spintransportexperimente in Graphen-Nanostrukturen (2014)
    Schrettenbrunner, F.
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  • Optical conductivity of hydrogenated graphene from first principles. Phys. Rev. B 89, 035437 (2014)
    Putz, S., Gmitra, M. and Fabian, J.
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  • Optical properties of hydrogenated graphene and Fe/GaAs (001) from first principles (2014)
    Putz, S.
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  • Orbital magnetism of graphene nanostructures: Bulk and confinement effects. Phys. Rev. B 90, 205424 (2014)
    Heße, L. and Richter, K.
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  • Quantifying Molecular Stiffness and Interaction with Lateral Force Microscopy. Science 343, 1120 (2014)
    Weymouth, A., Hofmann, T. and Giessibl, F.
    (See online at
  • Raman spectroscopy of nanopatterned graphene (2014)
    Heydrich, S.
    (See online at
  • Spin-dependent transport in graphene nanostructures (2014)
    Bundesmann, J.
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  • Temperature dependence of Andreev spectra in a superconducting carbon nanotube quantum dot . Phys. Rev. B 89, 075428 (2014)
    A. Kumar, M. Gaim, D. Steininger, A. Levy Yeyati, A. Martin-Rodero, A. K. Hüttel and C. Strunk
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  • Thermally induced subgap features in the cotunneling spectroscopy of a carbon nanotube. New Journal of Physics 16, 123040 (2014)
    Ratz, S., Donarini, A., Steininger, D., Geiger, T., Kumar, A., Hüttel, A., Strunk, C. and Grifoni, M.
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  • Towards superlattices: Lateral bipolar multibarriers in graphene. Phys. Rev. B 89, 1154211 (2014)
    Drienovsky, M., Schrettenbrunner, F., Sandner, A., Weiss, D., Eroms, J., Liu, M., Tkatschenko, F., and Richter, K.
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  • Ultrafast multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy with sub-cycle temporal resolution. Nature Photonics 8, 841 (2014)
    Eisele, M., Cocker, T., Huber, M., Plankl, M., Viti, L., Ercolani, D., Sorba, L., Vitiello, M. and Huber, R.
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  • Atomar aufgelöste Rasterkraftmikroskopie an Luft: Aufbau, Technik, Optimierung und Anwendung auf Graphit, Graphen, Kaliumbromid, Clacit und Molekülfilmen (2015)
    Wastl, D.
  • Atomic Resolution of Calcium and Oxygen Sublattices of Calcite in Ambient Conditions by Atomic Force Microscopy Using qPlus Sensors with Sapphire Tips. ACS Nano 9, 3858 (2015)
    Wastl, D., Judmann, M., Weymouth, A. and Giessibl, F.
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  • Broken SU(4) symmetry in a Kondo-correlated carbon nanotube. Phys. Rev. B 91, 155435 (2015)
    Schmid, D., Smirnov, S., Marganska, M., Dirnaichner, A., Stiller, P., Grifoni, M., Hüttel, A., and Strunk, C.
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  • Carbon nanomaterials for bioanalytical sensing and multicolor cell imaging (2015)
    Lemberger, M.
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  • Characterization of a Surface Reaction by Means of Atomic Force Microscopy.. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 7424 (2015)
    Albrecht, F., Pavliček, N., Herranz-Lancho, C., Ruben, M., and Repp, J.
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  • Identification of excitons, trions and biexcitons in single-layer WS2. physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters 9, 457 (2015)
    Plechinger, G., Nagler, P., Kraus, J., Paradiso, N., Strunk, C., Schüller, C. and Korn, T.
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  • Laser-induced modulation of the Landau level structure in single-layer graphene. Phys. Rev. B 92, 235411 (2015)
    A. Lopez, A. Di Teodoro, J. Schliemann, B. Berche, and B. Santos
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  • Local tunneling decay length and Kelvin probe force spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B 92, 235443 (2015)
    Albrecht, F., Fleischmann, M., Scheer, M., Gross, L. and Repp, J.
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  • Oligolayer-Coated Nanoparticles: Impact of Surface Topography at the Nanobio Interface. ACS applied materials & interfaces 7, 7891 (2015)
    Wurster, E., Liebl, R., Michaelis, S., Robelek, R., Wastl, D., Giessibl, F., Goepferich, A. and Breunig, M.
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  • Photoinduced pseudospin effects in silicene beyond the off-resonant condition. Phys. Rev. B 91, 125105 (2015)
    López, A., Scholz, A., Santos, B., and Schliemann, J.
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  • Probing Charges on the Atomic Scale by Means of Atomic Force Microscopy. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 076101 (2015)
    Albrecht, F., Repp, J., Fleischmann, M., Scheer, M., Ondráček, M. and Jelínek, P.
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  • Range-Separated Hybrid Functionals in the Density Functional-Based Tight-Binding Method (2015)
    Lutsker, V.
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  • Resonant internal Quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe2. Nature Materials 14, 889 (2015)
    Pöllmann, C., Steinleitner, P., Leierseder, U., Nagler, P., Plechinger, G., Porer, M., Bratschitsch, R., Schüller, C., Korn, T. and Huber, R.
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  • Scalable Tight-Binding Model for Graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 036601 (2015)
    Liu, M., Rickhaus, P., Makk, P., Tóvári, E., Maurand, R., Tkatschenko, F., Weiss, M., Schönenberger, C. and Richter, K.
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  • Spin-orbit coupling in fluorinated graphene. Phys. Rev. B 91, 115141 (2015)
    Irmer, S., Frank, T., Putz, S., Gmitra, M., Kochan, D. and Fabian, J.
    (See online at
  • STM transport through copper phthalocyanine on thin insulating films (2015)
    Siegert, B.
    (See online at
  • Subatomic resolution force microscopy reveals internal structure and adsorption sites of small iron clusters. Science 348, 308 (2015)
    Emmrich, M., Huber, F., Pielmeier, F., Welker, J., Hofmann, T., Schneiderbauer, M., Meuer, D., Polesya, S., Mankovsky, S., Koedderitzsch, D., Ebert, H., and Giessibl, F.
    (See online at
  • Tailored nanoantennas for directional Raman studies of individual carbon nanotubes. Phys. Rev. B 91, 235449 (2015)
    Paradiso, N., Yaghobian, F., Lange, C., Korn, T., Schüller, C., Huber, R. and Strunk, C.
    (See online at
  • Theory of spin-orbit-induced spin relaxation in functionalized graphene. Phys. Rev. B 92, 081403 (2015)
    Bundesmann, J., Kochan, D., Tkatschenko, F., Fabian, J. and Richter, K.
    (See online at
  • Transport across a carbon nanotube quantum dot contacted with ferromagnetic leads: Experiment and nonperturbative modeling. Phys. Rev. B 91, 195402 (2015)
    Dirnaichner, A., Grifoni, M., Prüfling, A., Steininger, D., Hüttel, A. and Strunk, C.
    (See online at
  • Ultrafast multi-terahertz nano-spectroscopy with sub-cycle temporal resolution (2015)
    Eisele, M.
  • Untersuchung kristallographisch definierter Graphen-Ränder (2015)
    Oberhuber, F.
    (See online at
  • Amplitude dependence of image quality in atomically-resolved bimodal atomic force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 109, 141603 (2016)
    Ooe, H., Kirpal, D., Wastl, D., Weymouth, A., Toyoko, A. and Giessibl, F.
    (See online at
  • Analytical and Numerical Study of Quantum Impurity Systems in the Intermediate and Strong Coupling Regimes (2016)
    Mantelli, D.
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  • Application of graphene in electrochemical sensing (2016)
    Sisakhti, M.
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  • Blocking transport resonances via Kondo many-body entanglement in quantum dots. Nature Communications 7, 12442 (2016)
    Niklas, M., Smirnov, S., Mantelli, D., Marganska, M., Nguyen, N., Wernsdorfer, W., Cleuziou, J. and Grifoni, M.
    (See online at
  • Charge and spin transport in carbon nanotubes: From Coulomb blockade to Fabry-Perot interference (2016)
    Dirnaichner, A.
  • Combined STM/AFM with functionalized tips applied to individual molecules: Chemical reactions, geometric structure and charge distribution (2016)
    Albrecht, F.
    (See online at
  • Graphene-enhanced Plasmonic Nanohole Arrays for Environmental Sensing in Aqueous Samples. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 7, 1564 (2016)
    C. Genslein, P. Hausler, E.-M. Kirchner, R. Bierl, A.J. Baeumner, T. Hirsch
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  • Kondo effect in a carbon nanotube with spin-orbit interaction and valley mixing: A DM-NRG study. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 77, 180 (2016)
    Mantelli, D., Moca, C., Zarand, G. and Grifoni, M.
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  • Lightwave-driven quasiparticle collisions on a subcycle timescale. Nature 533, 225 (2016)
    Langer, F., Hohenleutner, M., Schmid, C., Pöllmann, C., Nagler, P., Korn, T., Schüller, C., Sherwin, M., Huttner, U., Steiner, J., Koch, S., Kira, M. and Huber, R.
    (See online at
  • Molecular Water Lilies: Orienting Single Molecules in a Polymer Film by Solvent Vapor Annealing . J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 7, 4451 (2016)
    D. Würsch, F. Hofmann, T. Eder, A. V. Aggarwal, A. Idelson, S. Höger, J. M. Lupton and J. Vogelsang
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  • Secondary Electron Interference from Trigonal Warping in Clean Carbon Nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 166804 (2016)
    Dirnaichner, A., Valle, M., Götz, K., Schupp, F., Paradiso, N., Grifoni, M., Strunk, C. and Hüttel, A.
    (See online at
  • Spin-orbit coupling in methyl-functionalized graphene. Phys. Rev. B 93, 045423 (2016)
    Zollner, K., Frank, T., Irmer, S., Gmitra, M., Kochan, D. and Fabian, J.
    (See online at
  • Terahertz ratchet effects in graphene with a lateral superlattice. Phys. Rev. B 93, 075422 (2016)
    P. Olbrich, J. Kamann, M. König, J. Munzert, L. Tutsch, J. Eroms, D. Weiss, Ming-Hao Liu, L. E. Golub, E. L. Ivchenko, V. V. Popov, D. V. Fateev, K. V. Mashinsky, F. Fromm, Th. Seyller, and S. D. Ganichev
    (See online at
  • Theory of electronic and spin-orbit proximity effects in graphene on Cu (111). Phys. Rev. B 93, 155142 (2016)
    Frank, T., Gmitra, M. and Fabian, J.
    (See online at
  • Theory of proximity-induced exchange coupling in graphene on hBN/(Co, Ni). Phys. Rev. B 94, 155441 (2016)
    Zollner, K., Gmitra, M., Frank, T. and Fabian, J.
    (See online at
  • Trigonal warping in bilayer graphene: Energy versus entanglement spectrum. Phys. Rev. B 93, 115106 (2016)
    Predin, S., Wenk, P. and Schliemann, J.
    (See online at
  • Ultrafast Mid-Infrared Nanoscopy of Strained Vanadium Dioxide Nanobeams. Nano Letters 16, 1421 (2016)
    Huber, M., Plankl, M., Eisele, M., Marvel, R., Sandner, F., Korn, T., Schüller, C., Haglund, R., Huber, R. and Cocker, T.
    (See online at
  • Valley-Effekte und exzitonische Eigenschaften von zweidimensionalen Übergangsmetall-Dichalcogeniden (2016)
    Plechinger, G.
    (See online at
  • Anisotropic etching of graphene in inert and oxygen atmospheres. Phys. Status Solidi A 214,1600459 (2017)
    F. Oberhuber, S. Blien, F. Schupp, D. Weiss, J. Eroms
    (See online at
  • Apparent Reversal of Molecular Orbitals Reveals Entanglement. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 056801 (2017)
    Yu, P., Kocić, N., Repp, J., Siegert, B. and Donarini, A.
    (See online at
  • Copper adatoms on graphene: Theory of orbital and spin-orbital effects. Phys. Rev. B 95, 035402 (2017)
    T. Frank, S. Irmer, M. Gmitra, D. Kochan and J. Fabian
    (See online at
  • Creating and Steering Highliy Diretional Electron Beams in Graphene. Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 066801 (2017)
    M.-H. Liu, C. Gorini, K. Richter
    (See online at
  • Detection of small molecules with surface plasmon resonance by synergistic plasmonic effects of nanostructured surfaces and graphene. SPIE BiOS. Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine XIV, 100800F (2017)
    C. Genslein, P. Hausler, E.-M. Kirchner, R. Bierl, A.J. Baeumner, T. Hirsch
    (See online at
  • Dirac quantum time mirror. Phys. Rev. B 95, 165421 (2017)
    Reck, P., Gorini, C., Goussev, A., Krueckl, V., Fink, M. and Richter, K.
    (See online at
  • Direct Observation of ultrafast exciton Formation in a monolayer of WSe2. Nano Letters 17, 1455 (2017)
    Steinleitner, P., Merkl, P., Nagler, P., Mornhinweg, J., Schüller, C., Korn, T., Chernikov, A. and Huber, R.
    (See online at
  • Dynamic and static charging processes of single molecules (2017)
    Kocić, N.
    (See online at
  • Entanglement spectra of superconductivity ground states on the honeycomb lattice. Eur. Phys. J. B, 90, 239 (2017)
    S. Predin and J. Schliemann
    (See online at
  • Entanglement spectrum of graphene systems (2017)
    Predin, S.
    (See online at
  • Fano stability diagram of a symmetric triple quantum dot. Phys. Rev. B 95, 115133 (2017)
    Niklas, M., Trottmann, A., Donarini, A. and Grifoni, M.
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