Electrophysiological and mechanical activity of cells triggered and traced on the level of single receptor-ligand interactions
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The interplay of mechanical and electro-physiological cellular reactions induced by individual agonists interacting with its G-protein coupled receptor or with its ionotropic receptor was target in this approach. In particular we measured the mechanical consequences after exciting the angiotensin II receptor and followed internal pathways to the myosin light chain. We established an experimental setup to address different ion channels as the glutamate receptor, the P2X-7 receptor and the KcsA channel mechanically by their agonist immobilized to an AFM force sensor. With this unique setup we recorded electro-physiological and mechanical reactions of a cell to the given stimulus at high sampling rate and nm, pN and pA resolution. This work only was possible by strong collaborations with international partners from pharmacology, chemistry, industry and physiology and the enormous extensive and precise work of Dipl. Phys. Stefan Scheuer. Despite the successful realization of the tidies setup, up to date, the direct opening of a channel was not resolved unambiguously from the cellular fluctuations or instabilities of the seal. Never the less the results from a backup project, exciting the ion channel homologue membrane protein Prestin electrically involves higher and clear detected currents, a significant movement of the cell membrane.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
"Direct measure of membrane movement on a patch-clamped cell by AFM". International Workshop on Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Artificial and Cellular Membranes Organized within the spring meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biophysik (German Biophysical Society) in Gomadingen 2008
Evren Pamir, Michael George, Martin Benoit, Niels Fertig and Hermann Gaub
"Real-time monitoring of angiotensin ll-lnduced contractile response and cytoskeleton remodeling in individual cells by atomic force microscopy". Pflugers Arch - Eur J Physiol 2008
Charles M. Cuerrier, Martin Benoit, Gaetan Guillemette, Fernand Jr. Gobeil and Michel Grandbois
„Prestin senses the potential and tenses the membrane". Physics of Cells: From the Edge to the Heart (PhysCell2009) EMBO conference series on cell biophysics in Primosten 2009
Hubert Krammer, Joseph Santos-Sacchi, Martin Benoit
„Cell membrane In tension". CeNS Workshop 2010 "Nanosclences - Merging Disciplines in Venice 2010
Stefan Scheuer, Hubert Krammer, Evren Pamir, Martin Benoit, Niels Fertig
"Membrane potential and tension - a combined approach of AFM and Patch-clamp". Sonderkolloquium der TF der CAU Kiel am 25.02.2011
Martin Benoit
"Studying cell adhesion with the AFM: A Versatile Technique for Nanoscale Biomechanical Investigations". Joint ESM/GfMVB meeting Joint Meeting of the European Society of Microcirculation and the German Society of Microcirculation and Vascular Biology 2011 in München
Martin Benoit