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  • Newly published projects in January 2024

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Results 716 to 720 out of 729 on 146 pages
Spokesperson Nivedita Mani
Review Board Psychology
DFG Programme Research Training Groups Term Since 2024
Curiosity - defined as the impulse to acquire more information about specific aspects of the environment - is a core component of cognition, exhibited by ... 


Spokesperson Martin F. Quaas
Review Board Economics
DFG Programme Research Training Groups Term Since 2024
The research training group Economics of Connected Natural Commons (ECO-N) develops an integrative perspective on the sustainable use of natural commons ... 


Spokesperson Ralf Ludwig
Review Board Physical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Training Groups Term Since 2024
Global warming is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Sustainable technologies to avoid and reduce the evolution of the greenhouse gas CO2 are ... 


Spokesperson Hartmut Fricke
Review Board Systems Engineering
DFG Programme Research Training Groups Term Since 2024
Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) offers mobility around metropolitan areas in the 3rd dimension. The rapid development of small, electrically powered flight systems  


Spokesperson Robert Schober
Review Board Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
DFG Programme Research Training Groups Term Since 2024
Over the past decade, Molecular Communications (MC) has emerged as a new research area in Communications. The main idea behind MC is to exploit molecules as ... 



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