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  • Newly published projects in July 2023

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Results 11 to 20 out of 558 on 56 pages
Applicants Andrey Gumenyuk ,  Jürgen Olbricht
Subject Area Joining and Separation Technology
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
In the applied research, NiTi-alloys are additively processed by laser metal deposition (LMD). According to their special property of shape memory (shape ... 


Project Head Sebastian Seiffert
Research Area Chemistry
Subproject of SFB 1552
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2023
Applicant Ali Doryab
Subject Area Pneumology, Thoracic Surgery
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
In this project, I intend to develop the first human-based compartmentalized lung-on-chip to resemble alveolar-capillary and pulmonary vasculature regions. The  


Applicant Samir Chawdhury
Subject Area Applied Mechanics, Statics and Dynamics
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2023
Thin-walled structures such as membrane roofs and umbrellas, tall tubular structures and wind turbine blades are remarkably light and flexible and thus highly ... 


Project Head Manuel Keßler
Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Subproject of TRR 364
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2023
To benefit from the efficiency gains of an integrated system design - in this case utilizing distributed pro-pulsion - community acceptance of the technology ... 


Project Heads Cornelia Grabe ,  Ralf Rudnik
Subject Area Fluid Mechanics
Subproject of TRR 364
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios Term Since 2023
The project will investigate the synergetic use of propulsion concepts to provide thrust and simultaneously support the flight control functionalities by ... 


Project Head Simon Koschut
Subject Area Political Science
Subproject of SFB 1171
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2023
The project examines the dynamic interplay between, on the one hand, emotional repertoires communicated and mobilized by state institutions in the EU and, on ... 


Project Heads Lucas Labadie ,  Florian Peißker
Subject Area Astrophysics and Astronomy
Subproject of SFB 1601
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2023
Project A3 aim to target peculiar environments of massive star formation. We will focus on the infrared domain utilizing data of established and decommissioned  


Project Heads Rolf Backofen ,  Miriam Schmidts
Subject Area Bioinformatics and Theoretical Biology
Subproject of SFB 1597
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2023
We will develop a machine learning approach that improves disease gene discovery by incorporating the similarity of genes and diseases respectively. In a ... 


Applicant Olena Podvorna
Subject Area Political Science
DFG Programme WBP Position Term Since 2023
The diversity of scholarships examining the range of the issues in the High North shows that the Arctic is not a unified space from a security perspective, ... 



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