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  • Newly published projects in November 2023

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Results 46 to 50 out of 282 on 57 pages
Applicant Florence Schubotz ( in cooperation with Jason Sylvan, Elmar Albers, Beth Orcutt, William Leavitt )
Subject Area Geology
Subproject of SPP 527
DFG Programme Infrastructure Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
This proposal seeks funding to work on samples recovered during IODP Exp. 390/393 "South Atlantic Transect" (SAT), during which a transect from ~7 to 61 Ma old  


Project Head Markus Lakemeyer
Subject Area Microbial Ecology and Applied Microbiology
Subproject of SFB 1127
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres Term Since 2023
Non-ribosomal peptides are important chemical mediators and their hydrolytic transformation affects multipartite communities. In this project, we will develop ... 


Applicant Markus Lakemeyer
Subject Area Biological and Biomimetic Chemistry
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
The human gut microbiota is a complex and dynamic ecosystem of microorganisms that profoundly affects health and disease. An imbalance of the gut microbiota, ... 


Applicant Benedict Elvers
Subject Area Inorganic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2023
High-valent metal-oxo complexes are of growing interest due to their diverse catalytic reactivity in C-H activation reactions, oxygen atom transfer (OAT) ... 


Applicant Felix Elling ( in cooperation with Elizabeth Sibert, Fanny Monteiro, Ann Pearson )
Subject Area Palaeontology
Subproject of SPP 527
DFG Programme Infrastructure Priority Programmes Term Since 2023
Global climate change caused by anthropogenic emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases represents a challenge to the health of ocean ecosystems, not only ... 



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