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  • Newly published projects in April 2024

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Results 141 to 150 out of 250 on 25 pages
Applicants Tobias Bernd Ludwig Haack ,  Veronka Horber ( in cooperation with Javier De la Cruz, Catherine Arnaud, Elodie Sellier, Kate Himmelmann )
Subject Area Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The general objective is to improve knowledge of non-progressive congenital (NPC) ataxia (also referred to as ataxic cerebral palsy), by investigating ... 


Applicant Manfred Wilhelm
Subject Area Analytical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
The aim of the project is the development of coupled analytical methods based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) hyphenated with chemically ... 


Applicants Wolfgang Baumgärtner ,  Axel Schambach
Subject Area Veterinary Medical Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
GM1-gangliosidosis is a lysosomal storage disease, belonging to the sphingolipidoses, caused by ß-galactosidase (Glb1) deficiency due to mutations in the Glb1 ... 


Applicant Oliver Einsle ( in cooperation with Patricia dos Santos )
Subject Area Biochemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Nitrogenase catalyzes the biological conversion of N2 gas into NH4+, a critical step in the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle. Despite its importance for life on ... 


Applicant Cengiz Aydin
Subject Area Mathematics
DFG Programme WBP Position Term Since 2024
The goal of this project is to promote the interaction between modern symplectic geometry and highly involved engineering problems in the restricted three-body  


Applicants Georg Glasze ,  Boris Michel ( in cooperation with Joseph Palis )
Subject Area Human Geography
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Situated in digital geography and employing methodologies of Science & Technology Studies (STS), this project examines transformations and tensions in the ... 


Applicant Thomas Poguntke
Subject Area Political Science
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Opposition parties play a crucial role in parliamentary democracies as they contribute to the establishment of accountability, responsiveness and innovation. ... 


Applicant Joris van Slageren ( in cooperation with Sofie Cambré, Núria Crivillers )
Subject Area Physical Chemistry of Molecules, Liquids and Interfaces, Biophysical Chemistry
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Quantum technologies are widely believed to fundamentally change society in the near future and extraordinary effort is being expended towards this goal. ... 


Applicant Volker Schwieger
Subject Area Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics, Cartography
DFG Programme Research Grants Term Since 2024
Sensitivity analysis as understood in engineering geodesy usually deals with the ability to detect small deformations based on an assumed or expected ... 


Applicant Marvin Fresia
Subject Area Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
DFG Programme WBP Fellowship Term Since 2024
This project’s aim is the development of oxonium ion precursors for functionalised strained alkynes and allenes, which are useful synthons for the rapid ... 



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