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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Intelligente Regelungssysteme
Kopernikusstraße 16
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
An Information Theoretic Approach to Stimulus Processing in the Olfactory System II
Mathar, Rudolf
Spehr, Marc
Compressive Covariance Estimation for Massive MIMO (CoCoMiMo)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Dirksen, Sjoerd
Rauhut, Holger
Coordination Funds
Kutyniok, Gitta
Rauhut, Holger
Information Fusion for Wireless Sensor Networks with Integrated UWB Communication and Radar Capabilities (UWB-InFuCoRa)
Mathar, Rudolf
Lastadaption in Mobilfunknetzen, mathematische Planungs- und Steuerungsansätze
Mathar, Rudolf
Power Adjustment and Constructive Interference Alignment for Wireless Networks
Mathar, Rudolf
Power, Rate and Location Control for Multi-User Ultra-Wideband Communication (Multi-User UWB Communication)
Mathar, Rudolf
Quantized Compressive Spectrum Sensing (QuaCoSS)
Mathar, Rudolf
Rauhut, Holger
Structured Compressive Sensing via Neural Network Learning (SCoSNeL)
Caire, Ph.D., Giuseppe
Rauhut, Holger
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Novel Ways in Control and Computation: Predictive and Analog
Ebenbauer, Christian
Research Grants
Current projects
Extremum seeking for analog, digital and interconnected systems
Dashkovskiy, Sergey
Ebenbauer, Christian
Completed projects
Advancing robust optimization methodologies to foster energy efficiency in future wireless networks
Koster, Arie
Schmeink, Anke
Analyse und Optimierung von zukünftigen dienste-integrierenden, hierarchischen zellularen Mobilfunknetzen
Tran-Gia, Phuoc
Analysis and optimization of future hierarchical service integrating cellular networks
Mathar, Rudolf
Anytime algorithms for estimation-based model predictive control
Ebenbauer, Christian
Compressed Localization and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio and Distributed Radio Surveillance
Mathar, Rudolf
Thomä, Reiner
Compressed Localization and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio and Distributed Radio Surveillance (CLASS)
Mathar, Rudolf
Thomä, Reiner
Compressed Sensing for spherical near- to far-field transformation (CoSSTra)
Heberling, Dirk
Mathar, Rudolf
Compressed Sensing für Mobilfunknetze
Mathar, Rudolf
Compressive Covariance Sampling for Spectrum Sensing (CoCoSa)
Mathar, Rudolf
Rauhut, Holger
Extremum Seeking Control for Dynamic Maps: A Lie Bracket Averaging Framework
Ebenbauer, Christian
Realization and Application of Full-Duplex Transceivers in Millimeter-Wave Links for Small-Cell Wireless Backhaul Networks
Stanczak, Slawomir
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 643: Software for Mobile Communicaton Systems
Spaniol, Otto
GRK 775: Hierarchy and Symmetry in Mathematical Models
Hiß, Gerhard
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 89: Ultra High-speed Mobile Information and Communication (UMIC)
Ascheid, Gerd
Additional Information
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