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FOR 2089:  Durable Pavement Constructions for Future Traffic Loads Coupled System Pavement-Tyre-Vehicle

Subject Area Construction Engineering and Architecture
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Term from 2014 to 2022
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 239224712
Road infrastructures are one main precondition and an essential component of a competitive and successful industrialised society. Further, the infrastructure represents a huge economic value. While the development of new vehicles and intelligent transport concepts in Germany is mainly driven by industry, large innovations in the field of pavement structures are rarely known in the recent decades. On the one hand, this deficit is due to missing research funds that have to be mainly supplied - in contrast to commercial automotive products - by public resources and, on the other hand, due to relatively strict and inflexible regulations, that are hardly suitable to stimulate creativity and innovative capacity of German industry, engineers and scientists.
These circumstances contributed to the fact, that approaches of progressive engineering sciences in building and maintenance of pavement infrastructures have not or rarely been used so far. Thus, often inadequate and barely durable solutions are obtained. To overcome this problem and to prepare the pavement infrastructure for future requirements, a paradigm change at dimensioning, structural realisation and maintenance of pavements is aimed. The Research Unit intends to develop the scientific base for this. The main goal of the Research Unit is to provide a coupled thermo-mechanical model for a holistic physical analysis of the pavement-tyre-vehicle system. Based on this model, pavement structures and materials might be optimised so that new demands become compatible to the main goal durability of the structures and the materials.
The development of the scientific base for these new and qualitatively improved modelling approaches requires a holistic procedure through coupling of theoretical numerical and experimental approaches as well as an interdisciplinary and closely linked handling of the coupled pavement-tyre-vehicle system. This interdisciplinary research will provide a deeper understanding of the physics of the full system and progress in terms of improved and, therefore, more durable and sustainable structures.
DFG Programme Research Units



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