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Universitätsklinikum Aachen, AöR
Klinik für Operative Intensivmedizin und Intermediate Care
Pauwelstraße 30
52074 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52074 Aachen
Research Grants
Current projects
The role of ribonuclease A superfamily as a therapeutic target in septic cardiomyopathy.
Martin, Lukas
Completed projects
Characterisation of cellular factors that modulate VEGF IRES-dependent translation initiation
Ostareck-Lederer, Antje
Characterization of mRNA-protein complexes as modulators of cellular hypoxia response.
Naarmann-de Vries, Isabel
Development of a closed-loop device for phrenic nerve stimulation to enable a new approach of intensive care ventilatory support – (DIA-STIM)
Breuer, Thomas
Leonhardt, Steffen
Function of arginine methylation in post-transcriptional gene regulation
Ostareck-Lederer, Antje
Role of heparanase as a novel therapeutic target in septic cardiomyopathy
Martin, Lukas
Strömungsmechanische und klinische Analyse der regionalen Compliance sowie der resultierenden Lungenmechanik für eine patientenspezifische Modellierung
Rossaint, Rolf
Schröder, Wolfgang
Translational control of gene expression in maturing erythroid cells
Ostareck, Dirk
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Ostareck-Lederer, Antje
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5417: Translational Polytrauma Research to Provide Diagnostic and Therapeutic Tools for Improving Outcomes
Marzi, Ingo
Heparanase and macrophage migration inhibitory factor as diagnostic/therapeutic targets in trauma and haemorrhagic shock-associated multiple organ failure
Martin, Lukas
Completed projects
Translational control of gene expression in maturing erythroid cells
Ostareck-Lederer, Antje
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Safety and Automation Concepts for Artificial Implantable Lungs - SmartLungControl
Kopp, Rüdger
Leonhardt, Steffen
Stollenwerk, Andre
Completed projects
A systematic approach for an improved patient-device-connection to allow a long-term lung assist (ConnLA)
Arens, Jutta
Kopp, Rüdger
HIL-Lung - Hardware-in-the-Loop simulation environment for artificial lungs
Kopp, Rüdger
Leonhardt, Steffen
Identification of RNA-binding proteins in macrophages by interactome capture
Ostareck-Lederer, Antje
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
The impact of synthetic antimicrobial peptides on macro- and microcirculatory dysfunction in sepsis
Martin, Lukas
Clinical Trials
Current projects
The VICToRY Trial - VItamin C in Thermal injuRY: A feasibility study for a seamless adaptive phase II/III multi-center randomized trial
Stoppe, Christian
Additional Information
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