Freie Universität Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsbereich Zoologie und Humanbiologie
AG Rolff - Evolutionsbiologie
Königin-Luise-Straße 1-3
14195 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
14195 Berlin
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Immunokompetenz und Wirt-Parasit-Interaktionen - ein ökologischer Ansatz
Rolff, Jens
Social network dynamics in animals: combining methodological development with empirical data analysis
Franz, Mathias
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Ultra-broadband dielectric spectroscopy of biomolecules
Hölzel, Ralph
Research Grants
Current projects
From non-inherited to heritable antimicrobial peptide resistance: priming, aging, tolerance and persistence
Rolff, Jens
The evolution of virulence in spore forming parasites
Rafaluk-Mohr, Ph.D., Charlotte
Completed projects
Die multiplen Symbiosen von Flagellaten und deren bakteriellen Endo- und Ektobionten in Trockenholztermiten: Eine Analyse von Ultrastruktur, Phylogenie und Kospeziation.
Brune, Andreas
Radek, Renate
Host-parasite interaction in the endobiotic basal fungal lineage Nephridiophagidae and its insect host
Radek, Renate
Mechanisms of population dynamics in bacteria — linking gene expression dynamics to individual demographic fates
Steiner, Ulrich
Microbiota turnover during complete metamorphosis: cause or consequence?
Rolff, Jens
Research Units
Current projects
A theoretical perspective on how tripartite interactions between immunity, microbiota and pathogens affect pathogen virulence evolution
Franz, Mathias
Coordination Funds
Rolff, Jens
FOR 5026: Integrating insect immunity, microbiota and pathogens
Rolff, Jens
Host immunological control of the gut microbiota during pupation
Monaghan, Michael T.
Parasite life history trade-offs and the evolution of virulence – a test of the trade-off hypothesis
Rafaluk-Mohr, Ph.D., Charlotte
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Antimicrobial priming, aging, antimicrobial tolerance and persistence in Escherichia coli
(Project Head
Rolff, Jens