The University of Edinburgh
School of GeoSciences
Alexander Crum Brown Road
Edinburgh EH9 3FF
Edinburgh EH9 3FF
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Scientific Knowledge and Western European Travel Writing on Africa in Translation, 1600-1820
Martin, Alison
Completed projects
Geomagnetic Field Reversals in the Palaeozoic and Cenozoic: Palaeomagnetic Evidence from Russia and Turkmenia
Bachtadse, Valerian
Research Grants
Current projects
Digital practices of e-waste businesses in the Global South – The case of Cape Town South Africa
Dannenberg, Peter
Completed projects
Geodynamik und Terranes im karibischen Akkretionskomplex von Kuba
Kröner, Alfred
Geodynamik und Terranes im karibischen Akkretionskomplex von Kuba
Tait, Jennifer A.
Synergy of passive seismic methods for geothermal applications (SynPaTh)
Löer, Katrin
The last deglacial sea-level and climatic changes. Coral Reef records in the south Pacific : Tahiti (French Polynesia) - IODP Expedition #310 -, Australian Great Barrier Reef - IODP Proposal #519: Potential of diagenetically altered corals for sub-seasonal climate reconstructions
Dullo, Wolf-Christian
Eisenhauer, Anton
Felis, Thomas
Kölling, Martin
Peckmann, Jörn
Westphal, Hildegard
Unravelling disequilibrium in basaltic crystal cargoes: an experimental and petrological study of mixing in primitive Icelandic magmas
Neave, Ph.D., David
Research Units
Completed projects
Tracing continental weathering during the Permo-Triassic extinction event (WET)
Kasemann, Simone A.
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Chemical weathering and the onset of biomineralization on the Planet during the Late Ediacaran
Macedo de Paula Santos, Ph.D., Gustavo
Completed projects
Investigation of thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in deep crystalline rock - experiments and numerical modeling
McDermott, Christopher
Sauter, Martin