Universität Bielefeld
Universitätsstraße 26
33615 Bielefeld
33615 Bielefeld
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Empfindsame Geschichtsschreibung. Eine geschlechtergeschichtliche Studie zur Deutung der Zeit zwischen 177o und 1815
Epple, Angelika
Research Grants
Current projects
Romani Migration between Germany and Britain (1880s-1914): Spaces of Informal Business, Media Spectacle, and Racial Policing
Brahm, Felix
Completed projects
Migration and Sociation Beyond the National Paradigm: A Micro History of the Ruhr Poles, 1870-1950
Friedrichs, Anne
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Heads
Epple, Angelika
Flüchter, Antje
SFB 1288: Practices of comparisons: Ordering and changing the world
Epple, Angelika
Flüchter, Antje
Universalizing Comparisons
(Project Heads
Albert, Mathias
Epple, Angelika
Förster, Birte
Kramper, Peter
Krizmanics, Réka
Müller, Thomas
Petzke, Martin
Sneis, Jørgen
Spoerhase, Carlos
Werron, Tobias
Completed projects
(World) Orders and Societal Futures: Racist Practices of Comparing in the Caribbean 1791-1912
(Project Heads
Epple, Angelika
Rohland, Eleonora
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2225: World politics: The emergence of political arenas and modes of observation in world society
Albert, Mathias
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 268: Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology
Welskopp, Thomas