Project Details
TRR 80: From Electronic Correlations to Functionality
Subject Area
from 2010 to 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 107745057
The collaborative research center TRR 80 connects fundamental research on emergent new materials properties driven by strong electronic correlations with the focussed exploration for possible new functionalities in technological devices. At the heart of the materials properties of interest are the strong interplay of charge, spin, orbital, and lattice degrees of freedom, leading to a multitude of complex new phases on different length and time-scales with fascinating electronic properties as well as novel generic excitations. Systematic determination of large susceptibilities to applied fields, perturbations and defects yield complex phase diagrams, which represent a major avenue towards tailored functionalities that may be exploited in designed composite-systems. Whereas a wealth of novel phenomena is generic to d- and f-electron materials on the whole, research in TRR 80 focuses in particular on selected transition metal compounds that are suitable to be tractable experimentally and theoretically.The research program pursued in TRR 80 comprises the experimental and theoretical exploration of ultra-pure bulk samples, thin films and heterostructures with near-atomic precision all based on intimately related materials systems. It is organized in terms of twenty-one projects structured in three major research areas of roughly similar number, addressing novel topological aspects, dynamical properties and, last but not least, functionalities. The expertise of the principal investigators includes state of the art materials preparation, the full range of laboratory techniques needed for a measurements of the physical properties on macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic scales. A unique facet of the experimental methods in the Transregio concerns the wide range of neutron-based methods (imaging, scattering and positrons) as well as further large-scale-facility based methods such as pulsed magnetic fields and x-rays. The wide range of experimental methods compares with an equally wide range of theoretical expertise comprising fundamental theoretical considerations, phenomenological modeling, and highly advanced material-specific computation of correlation effects. Taken together, the symbiosis of all the available methods and techniques for gaining a deep understanding of the fundamental properties of bulk materials and highly sophisticated, tailored heterostructures will allow harvesting novel functionalities that originate in strong electronic correlations.
DFG Programme
International Connection
Completed projects
- C02 - Novel Electronic Phases at Interfaces in Correlated Materials (Project Heads Hammerl, German ; Kopp, Thilo ; Mannhart, Jochen )
- D02 - Functional Materials Tailored on the Nanoscale (Project Heads Eyert, Volker ; Kopp, Thilo ; Mannhart, Jochen )
- E01 - Single Crystal Growth of Metals with Complex Order (Project Head Pfleiderer, Christian )
- E02 - Determination of Electronic Structure Using Spin-Polarized Positrons (Project Heads Böni, Peter ; Chioncel, Liviu ; Eyert, Volker ; Hugenschmidt, Christoph )
- E03 - Magnetization and de Haas-van Alphen Effect of Correlated Electrons (Project Heads Grundler, Dirk ; Hassinger, Elena ; Wilde, Marc )
- E04 - Neutron Reflectometry on Magnetic Layers (Project Heads Albrecht, Manfred ; Böni, Peter ; Georgii, Robert ; Kreuzpaintner, Wolfgang ; Mannhart, Jochen ; Schmehl, Andreas )
- E05 - Cooperative Phenomena in Correlated Materials and Topological Properties (Project Heads Kampf, Arno ; Kopp, Thilo )
- E06 - Topological Quantum Phases in Correlated Electron Systems with Large Spin-Orbit Coupling (Project Heads Gegenwart, Philipp ; Tsirlin, Alexander )
- E07 - Dynamical Probes for Spin Liquids (Project Head Pollmann, Ph.D., Frank )
- F01 - Spatially and Momentum Resolved Raman Studies of Correlated Systems (Project Head Hackl, Rudolf )
- F02 - Stabilizing Magnetic Order under Extreme Conditions (Project Heads Dunsiger, Sarah ; Pfleiderer, Christian ; Schneidewind, Astrid )
- F03 - Lifetimes of Magnetic Excitations (Project Heads Keimer, Bernhard ; Keller, Thomas )
- F04 - Magnetic Resonance on Correlated Matter (Project Heads Büttgen, Norbert ; Krug von Nidda, Hans-Albrecht ; Kézsmárki, István ; Loidl, Alois )
- F05 - Dielectric and Optical Spectroscopy on Correlated Electron Systems (Project Heads Deisenhofer, Joachim ; Krohns, Stephan ; Kézsmárki, István ; Loidl, Alois ; Lunkenheimer, Peter )
- F06 - Electronic Correlations in Models and Materials (Project Heads Chioncel, Liviu ; Kollar, Marcus ; Vollhardt, Dieter )
- F07 - Magnonic Excitations in Skyrmion Lattices and Artificially Tailored Periodic Magnetic Configurations (Project Heads Grundler, Dirk ; Pfleiderer, Christian )
- F08 - Many-Body Localization in Condensed Matter Settings (Project Heads Knap, Michael ; Pollmann, Ph.D., Frank )
- G01 - Neutron and X-Ray Scattering of Oxide Heterostructures (Project Heads Benckiser, Eva ; Hinkov, Vladimir ; Keimer, Bernhard )
- G02 - Interface Physics in Oxide Heterostructures (Project Head Hammerl, German )
- G03 - Interface Induced Electronic States in Correlated Matter (Project Heads Gegenwart, Philipp ; Pentcheva, Rossitza )
- G04 - Electronic Structure and Phase Transitions (Project Heads Leitner, Michael ; Petry, Winfried )
- G05 - Electronic Phases of Oxide Heterostructures Tailored on the Nanoscale (Project Heads Hammerl, German ; Kopp, Thilo )
- G06 - Manipulation of Electronic Interactions in Heterostructures through Stress Tuning (Project Heads Böni, Peter ; Dunsiger, Sarah ; Schmehl, Andreas )
- G07 - Electronic Structure and Transport Properties of Correlated Inhomogeneous Systems (Project Heads Chioncel, Liviu ; Eckern, Ulrich ; Schuster, Cosima )
- G08 - Thermoelectric Properties of Transition-Metal Oxide Thin Films and Superlattices (Project Heads Eckern, Ulrich ; Keimer, Bernhard ; Pentcheva, Rossitza )
- G09 - Manipulation of magnon propagation in materials with complex magnetic order (Project Head Back, Christian )
- MGK - Integrated Research Training Group (Project Heads Benckiser, Eva ; Deisenhofer, Joachim ; Grundler, Dirk ; Kollar, Marcus ; Pfleiderer, Christian )
- Z - Central Tasks (Project Heads Gegenwart, Philipp ; Loidl, Alois )
Applicant Institution
Universität Augsburg
Co-Applicant Institution
Technische Universität München (TUM)
Participating University
Universität Duisburg-Essen
Participating Institution
Laboratory of Nanoscale Magnetic Materials and Magnonics (LMGN); Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung (MPI-FKF); Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften
Walther-Meißner-Institut für Tieftemperaturforschung
Walther-Meißner-Institut für Tieftemperaturforschung
Professor Dr. Philipp Gegenwart, since 10/2016; Professor Dr. Alois Loidl, until 9/2016