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EXC 1003:  Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 194347757
Dynamic cellular behaviour determines development, tissue homeostasis and regeneration. Optical live imaging strategies have revolutionised our perception of cellular behaviour and have emphasised their dynamic nature, hence "cells in motion". Such optical imaging strategies also highlight the importance of investigating cellular behaviour in intact complex organisms, and the temporo-spatial limitations of current imaging strategies to do so. The same is true for medical imaging, which has been boosted by innovative molecular and functional imaging technologies permitting the clinician to see what he treats. However, specificity and resolution remain limitations. Based on our broad interdisciplinary expertise we are in a unique position to overcome these limitations. We aim to decipher crucial aspects of cellular behaviour in organisms by analysing systems of increasing complexity. Central to our concept is the use and development of novel imaging strategies to optimise temporal-spatial resolution and specificity. Our vision is to establish an interfaculty environment promoting basic biomedical sciences and clinical translation and their interaction using imaging as a common strategy to understand cellular behaviour, regardless of whether this is in cells or tissues, in animal models or in patients. To foster knowledge transfer and scientific creativity we have overcome traditional barriers between faculties by establishing a new "Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre" (CiMIC) with designated buildings and University of Münster’s funding, which is the foundation of the Excellencecluster CiM. Integral to our concept is a new interfaculty educational structure ("Careers in Motion" Centre) that promotes gender equality and diversity, and includes a novel master in "Experimental Medicine" allowing medical students to enter into a structured PhD programme. This will bolster high-quality clinical research and translation of basic science to the clinic.
DFG Programme Clusters of Excellence
Applicant Institution Universität Münster

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