GSC 1024: Bamberger Graduiertenschule für Sozialwissenschaften (BAGSS)
Erziehungswissenschaft und Bildungsforschung
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) has set a number of strategic priorities for itself with regard to the structure and focus of the doctoral programme and the aim of attracting the best possible candidates in the social sciences internationally. The School offers a multi-disciplinary, structured, yet flexible programme designed to promote theory-driven empirical research aiming for the highest standards of academic excellence. In order to achieve this objective, the graduate school seeks to ensure that the teaching faculty have a publication record in international peer-reviewed journals and experience in collaborative research or graduate teaching. The teaching faculty share a commitment to promoting the use of cutting-edge social-science research methods. BAGSS supports doctoral fellows in accessing local, national and international training opportunities in discipline-specific knowledge, research methods and professional skills delivered in a variety of formats. Funded through the Excellence Initiative and, hopefully, through continued support by the State of Bavaria, it has been possible to bring internationally recognised experts to Bamberg and facilitate the mobility of doctoral students ensuring excellence in doctoral education and a continued alignment with the highest international standards. The graduate school distinguishes itself from other programmes by providing a tailored and flexible curriculum responsive to individual student needs combined with a set of compulsory modules. In order to facilitate the integration of international fellows, all business is conducted in English. While firmly anchored in one academic discipline, the School’s structure and curriculum encourage doctoral students to search for innovative solutions for their research questions beyond the confines of a single academic discipline. The School seeks to prepare its graduates for post-doctoral employment opportunities in national and international, academic and nonacademic markets. As much as possible, doctoral students are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the graduate school’s academic community and take ownership of, and responsibility for, their progress and training. The graduate school’s key successes include the consolidation of a sustainable graduate education programme inspired by the highest international standards, leading to substantively excellent and nationally as well as internationally outstanding dissertations and competitiveness of our graduates on the academic and non-academic labour market. Another success is the promotion of young talent to invest further in Bamberg’s key research strengths in the field of empirical social science, especially educational research.
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Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2011): “NIE-Richtlinien zur Gender Fairness von Interessentests: Sind deutschsprachige Interessentests gender-fair? Eine qualitative Analyse”. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie 56, 37-47
Wetzel, E. and Hell, B.
(2013): “The Two Dimensions of Housing Inequality in Europe: Are High Home Ownership Rates an Indicator for Low Housing Values?”. Comparative Population Studies – Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft 38 (4), 1009-1040
Kolb, K., Müller (Skopek), N., Blossfeld, H.P.
(2014): “Does Better Pre-Migration Performance Accelerate Immigrants’ Wage Assimilation?”. Labour Economics 30, 212-222
Hirsch, B., Jahn, E. J., Toomet, O., Hochfellner, D.
(2014): “Effects of Age at First Birth on Health of Mothers Aged 45 to 56”. ZfZ – Journal of Family Research 3, 347-371
Schlücker, F. and Blumenfelder, A. R.
(2014): “Employment Trajectories in Germany: Do Firm Characteristics and Regional Disparities Matter?”. Journal of Labour Market Research 47 (1-2), 107-127
Dütsch, M., Struck, O.
(2014): “Immigrants' Ethnic Identification and Political Involvement in the Face of Discrimination: A Longitudinal Study of the German Case”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 40(3), 339-362
Fischer-Neumann, M.
(2014): “Is there a Wrong Time for a Right Decision? The Impact of the Timing of First Births and the Spacing of Second Births on Women’s Careers”. ZfZ Journal of Family Research 3, 269-301
Brehm, U., Buchholz, S.
(2014): “National Identities and Mass Belief Systems on Foreign and Security Policy in Germany”. German Politics 23 (1-2), 59-77
Mader, M. and Pötzschke, J.
(2015): “Changes in the Division of Labour within Highly Educated German Couples when the First Child is Born”. ZfZ Journal of Family Research 3, 121-144
Dechant, A., Blossfeld H. P.
(2015): “Health, Work Ability and Work Motivation: Determinants of Labour Market Exit Among German Employees Born in 1959 and 1965”. Journal of Labour Market Research 48 (3), 233-245
Tisch, A.
(2015): “Language Acquisition of Recently Arrived Immigrants in England, Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands”. Ethnicities, 16(2), 180–212
Kristen, C., Mühlau, P., Schacht, D.
(2015): “Personality Similarity Between Teachers and Their Students Influences Teacher Judgement of Student Achievement”. Educational Psychology 36 (5), 863-878
Rausch, T., Karing, C., Dörfler, T., Artelt, C.
(2015): “The Limits of Authoritarian Solidarity: The Gulf Monarchies and Preserving Authoritarian Rule During the Arab Spring”. European Journal of Political Research 54 (4), 639-654
Odinius, D. and Kuntz, P.
(2015): “Why Bother with Testing? The Validity of Immigrants' Self-Assessment of Language Proficiency”. Social Science Research 52, 99-123
Edele, A., Seuring, J., Kristen, C., Stanat, P.
(2016): “Analyzing early child development, influential conditions, and future impacts: Prospects of a German newborn cohort study”. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy 10 (7)
Weinert, S., Linberg, A., Attig, M., Freund, J.D., Linberg, T.
(2016): “Stereotype bei Lehrkräften? Eine Untersuchung systematisch verzerrter Lehrererwartungen”. KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 68 (1), 89-111
Lorenz, G., Gentrup, S., Kristen, C., Stanat, P, Kogan, I.
(2017): “Does Maternity Leave Pay Off? Evidence from a Recent Reform in Australia”. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 24 (1), 29–54
Hondralis, I.
(2017): “Does the Transition into Daylight Saving Time Affect Students’ Performance?”. Economics of Education Review 61, 130-139
Herber, S. P., Quis, J. S., Heineck, G.
(2017): “Fief and Benefice Feudalism. Two Types of Academic Autonomy in US Chemistry”. Higher Education 73 (6), 887-907
Wieczorek, O., Beyer, S., Münch, R.
(2017): “Long-Term Relations Between Children’s Language, the Home Literacy Environment, and Socioemotional Development from Ages 3 to 8”. Early Education and Development 29 (3), 342-356
Rose, E., Lehrl, S. Ebert, S., Weinert, S.
(2017): “Migrant Background and Access to Vocational Education in Germany: Self-Selection, Discrimination, or Both?”. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 46 (2), 107-123
Tjaden, J. D.
(2017): “Shadow Chairs as Monitoring Device? A Comparative Analysis of Committee Chair Powers in Western European Parliaments”. The Journal of Legislative Studies 23 (3), 301-325
Sieberer, U., Höhmann, D.
(2017): “The Development of Emotional and Behavioral Self-Regulation and their Effects on Academic Achievement in Childhood”. International Journal of Behavioural Development 42 (2), 192-202
Edossa, A. E., Schroeders, U., Weinert, S., Artelt, C.
(2017): “The Expansion of Low-Cost, State-Subsidized Childcare Availability and Mothers’ Return-to-Work Behaviour in East and West Germany”. European Sociological Review 33 (5), 693-707
Zoch, G. and Hondralis I.
(2017): “The Role of Argumentation and Institutions for Labour Migration in the European Union – Exemplified by Spanish Labour Migration to Germany”. International Migration 55 (1), 69-85
Heimann, C., Wieczorek, O.
(2018): “Agreement on the Classification of Latent Class Membership Between Different Identification Constraint Approaches in the Mixture Rasch Model”. Methodology 14, 82-93
Wu, Y. J. and Paek, I.
(2018): “Credible Commitment without Independent Regulatory Agent: Evidence from the Security Council's United Nations Compensation Commission”. Regulation & Governance 12(3), 395-412
Becker, M., Dörfler, T., Gehring T.
(2018): “Development of Sex Differences in Math Achievement, Self-Concept, and Interest from Grade 5 to 7”. Contemporary Educational Psychology 54, 55-65
Sewasew, D. T., Schroeders, U., Schiefer, I. M., Weirich, S., Artelt, C.
(2018): “Immigrant Students’ Achievements in Light of Their Educational Aspirations and Academic Motivation”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Miyamoto, A., Seuring, J., Kristen, C.
(2018): “Prosoziales Verhalten von Kindergartenkindern – Ein Vergleich der Eltern- und Erzieherperspektive“. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 21 (2), 317-337
Schönmoser, C., Schmitt, M., Lorenz, C., Relikowski, I.
(2018): “Societal Agreement on Gender Role Attitudes and Childlessness in 38 Countries”. European Journal of Population 34 (5), 745-767
Hudde, A.
(2018): “The (Ir)Relevance of Unemployment for Labour Market Policy Attitudes and Welfare State Attitudes”. European Journal of Political Research 58 (1), 141-162
Wehl, N.
(2018): “Xenophobia Before and After the Paris 2015 Attacks: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”. Ethnicities 19 (2), 271-291
Jungkunz, S., Helbling, M., Schwemmer, C.
(2018): „Eine personenzentrierte Betrachtung der Entwicklung des Fachinteresses Deutsch, Mathematik und Englisch von Jahrgangsstufe 4 bis 11“. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht 2, 141-157
Schiefer I. M., Becker, S., Artelt, C.
(2018): „The Impact of Candidate Selection Rules and Electoral Vulnerability on Legislative Behavior in Comparative Perspective“. European Journal of Political Research, 2018
Fernandes, J.M., Geesel, L., Schwemmer, C.
(2019): “Immigration-related Speechmaking in a Party-constrained Parliament: Evidence from the ‘Refugee Crisis’ of the 18th German Bundestag (2013–2017)”. German Politics
Geese, L.
(2019): “MPs‘ Principals and the Substantive Representation of Disadvantaged Immigrant Groups“. West European Politics, 2019
Schwemmer, C. & Geese, L.
(2019): “Non-Take-Up of Student Financial Aid—A Microsimulation for Germany”. Education Economics 27 (1), 52-74
Herber, S. P., Kalinowski, M.
(2019): “Precedent and Doctrine in Organisational Decision-Making: The Power of Informal Institutional Rules in the United Nations Security Council’s Activities on Terrorism”. Journal of International Relations and Development 22 (1), 107-135
Gehring, T., Dorsch, C., Dörfler, T.
(2019): “Quality of Toddler Childcare – Can it be Assessed with Questionnaires?”. Early Childhood Development and Care 189 (8), 1369-1383
Linberg, A., Kluczniok, K., Burghardt, L., Freund, J.D.
(2019): „Collective Sense-Making in Times of Crisis: Connecting Terror Management Theory with Twitter Reactions to Berlin Terrorist Attack“. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019
Fischer-Preßler, D., Schwemmer, C., Fischbach, K.
(2020) “Roll-Call Votes in the German Bundestag: A New Dataset, 1949–2013”. British Journal of Political Science, 50, Issue 3, 2020 , pp. 1137-1145
Sieberer, U., Saalfeld, T., Ohmura, T., Bergmann, H., & Bailer, S.