Exekutive Kontrolle von Gedächtnisabruf bei Gesunden und Patienten mit Zwangserkrankungen
Professor Dr. Thomas F. Münte
Fachliche Zuordnung
Klinische Neurologie; Neurochirurgie und Neuroradiologie
Förderung von 2006 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 21480453
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2007). Disentangling sequential effects of stimulus- and response-related conflict and stimulus-response repetition using brain potentials. J Cogn Neurosci, 19(7), 11 04-12
Wendt M, Heldmann M, Münte TF, Kluwe RH
(2007). Learning by doing: an fMRI-study of feedback-related brain activations. Neuroreport, 18(14), 1423-6
Marco-Pallares J, Müller SV, Münte TF
(2007). Serial position effects in free memory recall-An ERP-study. Biol Psychol., 75(2), 185-93
Wiswede D, Rüsseler J, Münte TF
(2007). What the Brain Does before the Tongue Slips. Cereb Cortex, 17(5), 1 1 73-1 1 78
Möller, J, Jansma BM, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Münte TF
(2008). Brain potentials reveal the role of conflict in human errorful and errorless learning. Neurosci Lett, 444(1): 64-8
Heldmann M, Markgraf U, Rodriguez-Fornells A, Münte TF
(2008). Internal and external information in error processing. BMC Neurosci, 9:33
Heldmann M, Rüsseler J, Münte TF
(2009). Brain potentials of conflict and error-likelihood following errorful and errorless learning in obsessive-compulsive disorder. PLoS One 4, e6553
Hammer, A, Kordon, A, Heldmann, M, Zurowski, B, and Münte, TF
(2009). Individual differences in true and false memory retrieval are related to white matter brain microstructure. J Neurosci 29, 86988703
Fuentemilla, L, Camara, E, Münte, TF, Krämer, UM, Cunillera, T, Marco-Pallares, J, Tempelmann, C, and Rodriguez-Fornells, A
(2009). Modulation of the error-related negativity by induction of short-term negative affect. Neuropsychologia, 47(1), 83-90
Wiswede D, Münte TF, Goschke T, Rüsseler J