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Ethical, legal, psychosocial, and societal issues (ELSI) of xenotransplantation (XT) (Z01)

Subject Area Biology
Term since 2012
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 213602983
The medical-ethical subproject (Marckmann) will continue to assess patients’ attitudes towards XT and develop a participatory research design for XT trials. Furthermore, it will analyse the ethical implications of XT on a societal level and of novel approaches such as generating organs in interspecies chimeras. Finally, it will provide ethical support to the CRC. The theological-ethical subproject (Sautermeister) will analyse religious-ethical modes of argumentation in public discourse, further develop the pastoral care concept by accompanying pastoral workers, exploring the clinical experiences with XT internationally, and facilitate reflection upon the ethical dimensions of XT among the CRC. The legal governance and research practice subproject (Hoppe) will build upon the results and vast material of the empirical investigations in the last funding period in order to further analyse the legal challenges in translating the innovative technology of XT into clinical practice.
DFG Programme CRC/Transregios

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