GSC 82: Graduiertenschule für Systemische Neurowissenschaften
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Die Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences (GSNLMU) wurde im Rahmen der Deutschen Exzellenz Initiative 2006 gegründet und ist die Lehreinrichtung für eine innovative und umfangreiche neurowissenschaftliche akademische Ausbildung in München. Die Graduiertenschule ist Teil des Munich Center of Neurosciences (MCNLMU), ein herausragendes Netzwerk der Neurowissenschaften in München. Sie arbeitet eng mit den Masterprogrammen “Neurowissenschaften” und “Neurocognitive Psychology” zusammen und bietet ein integratives Lehrprogramm für Studenten vom Bachelordiplom bis hin zum Master- oder Ph.D.-Abschluss, das alle Bereiche der Neurowissenschaften mit einbezieht. Die Neurowissenschaften sind ein sich schnell entwickelnder interdisziplinärer Forschungsbereich mit rasant wachsender Bedeutung für unsere Gesellschaft. Eine breitgefächerte, über die traditionellen Grenzen hinaus gehende Lehre ist unverzichtbar für die Ausbildung einer neuen Generation von Neurowissenschaftlern. Als eines der akademischen Hauptzentren in Europa im Bereich der Neurowissenschaften, führt MCNLMU Studenten über Seminare, Workshops, Lab-Besuche und spezifischen Vorlesungen zu top-aktuellen Themen zu den unterschiedlichsten methodischen Ansätzen in Biologie, Computational Neuroscience, Neurophysiologie, Neuropsychologie, Wissenschaftsphilosophie und Neurophilosophie hin. Die GSNLMU wurde als eine Einrichtung konzipiert, welche die akademischen Rahmenbedingungen für eine intensive und interdisziplinäre Ausbildung schafft, anstatt sich auf kleine Forschungsbereiche zu begrenzen. Diese Ausrichtung erschließt eine neue Wissensdimension für aktuelle Fragen, innovative Ansätze und Konzepte. GSNLMU Studenten absolvieren ihr Doktorstudium in den bedeutendsten Zentren innerhalb Münchens, zu denen das Collaborative Research Center Neuronal Circuits (SFB 870), das Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience (BCCN) Munich, oder der Excellence Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy) gehören. Insbesondere trägt das Schwindelzentrum der GSNLMU mit seiner Forschungsausrichtung auf neuronale Kreisläufe bis hin zu komplexen Systemen dazu bei, dass München sich von anderen deutschen und europäischen neurowissenschaftlichen Standorten abhebt. Die Kombination von konzeptionellen Fragestellungen (Zusammensetzung, Regeneration, Theorie und Praxis der neuronalen Kreisläufe) und hoch-modernen Methoden ermöglicht es, von den molekularen und zellularen Eigenschaften zu deren Funktion auf systemisch-organischer Ebene zu gelangen. Die GSNLMU ist eine interdisziplinäre Einrichtung der LMU München, die unabhängig verwaltet wird und einen international anerkannten Ph.D. Abschluss vergibt. Studenten können Forschung mit den GSNLMU Fakultätsmitgliedern an der LMU Munich und Partnerinstitutionen, d.h. der Technischen Universität München (TUM), am Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU) und an den Max-Planck Instituten (MPI) betreiben und werden dabei von den Mitarbeitern und den vorhandenen Strukturen der GSNLMU in allen akademischen, verwaltungstechnischen und persönlichen Belangen unterstützt. Im Oktober 2011 waren ~100 Studierende an der GSNLMU immatrikuliert, im Oktober 2019 werden 265 eingeschrieben sein.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
(2015) Update on the Pharmacotherapy of Cerebellar Ataxia and Nystagmus. Cerebellum [Epub ahead of print]
Feil K, Bremova T, Muth C, Schniepp R, Teufel J and Strupp M
(2009) Dysregulated Endoplasmic Reticulum calcium release in Alzheimer's disease: A paradigm for high-throughput drug/siRNA screens. Alzheimer's & Dementia 5(4): 316, ICAD Suppl.
Honarnejad K, Bojarski L, Kuznicki J and Herms J
(2009) Quantification of the three-dimensional morphology of coincidence detector neurons in the medial superior olive of gerbils during late postnatal development. J Comp Neurol 517(3): 385–9
Rautenberg PL, Grothe B and Felmy F
(2010) Interfaces: Crosslinking humans and their machines. International Journal of Computing & Information Technology 1(2): 130-140
Steinert S
(2010) Medial superior olivary neurons receive surprisingly few excitatory and inhibitory inputs with balanced strength and short-term dynamics. Journal of Neuroscience 30(50): 17111–17121
Couchman K, Grothe B and Felmy F
(2010) Spatio–temporal response properties of optic–flow processing neurons. Neuron 26;67(4): 629–42
Weber F, Machens CK and Borst A
(2010) The mammalian interaural time difference detection circuit is differentially controlled by GABAB receptors during development. J Neurosci 30(29): 9715–9727
Haßfurth B, Grothe B and Koch U
(2010) The molecular mechanisms of transition between mesenchymal and amoeboid invasiveness in tumor cells. Cell Mol Life Sci 67(1): 63-71
Pankova K, Rösel D, Novotny M and Brabek J
(2011) Cellular and network contributions to vestibular signal processing: impact of ion conductances, synaptic inhibition and noise. J Neurosci 31(23): 8359–8372
Rössert C, Straka H, Moore LE and Glasauer S
(2011) Control of excitatory CNS synaptogenesis by astrocyte-secreted proteins Hevin and SPARC. Proc Natl Acad Sci 108(32): E440-9
Kucukdereli H, Allen NJ, Lee AT, Feng A, Ozlu MI, Conatser LM, Chakraborty C, Workman G, Weaver M, Sage EH, Barres BA and Eroglu C
(2011) Fast MR parameter mapping using k-t principal component analysis. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 66(3): 706-16
Petzschner FH, Ponce IP, Blaimer M, Jakob PM and Breuer FA
(2011) Iterative Bayesian estimation as an explanation for regression and range effects – a study on human path integration. Journal of Neuroscience 31(47): 17220-9
Petzschner FH and Glasauer S
(2011) Supramodal coding of scene geometry: fMRI evidence for PPA recruitment in blind and sighted observers during scene exploration. Current Biology 21(11): 984–9
Wolbers T, Wutte MG, Klatzky RL, Loomis JM and Giudice NA
(2012) Disentangling the functional consequences of the connectivity between optic-flow processing neurons. Nat Neurosci 15(3):441-8, S1-2
Weber F, Machens CK and Borst A
(2012) Neuronal variability of MSTd neurons changes differentially with eye movement and visually related variables. Cerebral Cortex 23(8):1774-1783
Brostek L, Büttner U, Mustari MJ and Glasauer S
(2012) Resolution of nested neuronal representations can be exponential in the number of neurons. Physical Review Letters 109: 018103
Mathis A, Herz A and Stemmler M
(2013) A directional tuning map of Drosophila elementary motion detectors. Nature 500(7461): 212–216
Maisak MS, Haag J, Ammer G, Serbe E, Meier M, Leonhardt A, Schilling T, Bahl A, Rubin GM, Nern A, Dickson BJ, Reiff DF, Hopp E and Borst A
(2013) A distributed code for color in natural scenes derived from center-surround filtered cone signals. Front Psychol 4: 661
Kellner CJ and Wachtler T
(2013) Adaptation in sound localization: from GABA(B) receptor-mediated synaptic modulation to perception. Nat Neurosci 16:1840–1847
Stange A, Myoga MH, Lingner A, Ford MC, Alexandrova O, Felmy F, Pecka M, Siveke I and Grothe B
(2013) Depolarization induced suppression of a glycinergic synapse in the superior olivary complex by endocannabinoids. Journal of Neurochemistry 127(1):78-90
Trattner B, Berner S, Grothe B and Kunz L
(2013) Dynamic changes in myelin aberrations and oligodendrocyte generation in chronic amyloidosis in mice and men. Glia 61(2):273-86
Behrendt G, Baer K, Buffo A, Curtis MA, Faull RL, Rees MI, Götz M and Dimou L
(2013) Inadequate interaction between open- and closed-loop postural control in phobic postural vertigo. J Neurol 260(5):1314-23
Wuehr M, Pradhan C, Novozhilov S, Krafczyk S, Brandt T, Jahn K and Schniepp R
(2013) Inhibition enhances memory capacity: Optimal feedback, transient replay and oscillations. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 34(1): 125-136
Kammerer A, Tejero-Cantero Á and Leibold C
(2013) Object tracking in motion-blind flies. Nat. Neurosci 16(6):730-8
Bahl A, Ammer G, Schilling T and Borst A
(2013) Reactive glia in the injured brain acquire stem cell properties in response to sonic hedgehog. Cell Stem Cell 12(4):426-39
Sirko S, Behrendt G, Johansson PA, Tripathi P, Costa M, Bek S, Heinrich C, Tiedt S, Colak D, Dichgans M, Fischer IR, Plesnila N, Staufenbiel M, Haass C, Snapyan M, Saghatelyan A, Tsai LH, Fischer A, Grobe K, Dimou L and Götz M
(2014) Aberrant topology of striatum's connectivity is associated with the number of episodes in depression. Brain 137(Pt 2):598-609
Meng C, Brandl F, Tahmasian M, Shao J, Manoliu A, Scherr M, Schwerthöffer D, Bäuml J, Förstl H, Zimmer C, Wohlschläger AM, Riedl V and Sorg C
(2014) Evidence for two distinct sleep-related longterm memory consolidation processes. Cortex 63:68-78
Schönauer M, Grätsch M and Gais S
(2014) Eye velocity gain fields in MSTd during optokinetic stimulation. Cereb Cortex 25(8):2181-90
Brostek L, Büttner U, Mustari MJ and Glasauer S
(2014) Integrated platform and API for electrophysiological data. Front Neuroinform 8:32
Sobolev A, Stoewer A, Leonhardt AP, Rautenberg PL, Kellner CJ, Garbers C and Wachtler T
(2014) Neural circuit components of the Drosophila OFF motion vision pathway. Current biology 24: 385-392
Meier M, Serbe E, Maisak MS, Haag J, Dickson BJ and Borst A
(2014) Optic Flow Induces Nonvisual Self-Motion Aftereffects. Current Biology 24(23):2817-21
Cuturi LF and MacNeilage PR
(2014) The Five Robots—A taxonomy for roboethics. International Journal of Social Robotics 6(2): 249–260
Steinert S
(2014) The Neuronal Correlates of Planning and Executing Actual Tool Use. Journal of Neuroscience 34(39): 13183-13194
Brandi ML, Wohlschläger A, Sorg C and Hermsdörfer J
(2015) A method for immunolabeling neurons in intact cuticularized insect appendages. Development Genes and Evolution 225(3):187-94
Erhardt E, Kleele T and Boyan G
(2015) Axogenesis in the antennal nervous system of the grasshopper Schistocerca gregaria revisited: the base pioneers. Dev Genes Evol 225(1):39-45
Ehrhardt E, Liu Y and Boyan G
(2015) Development and modulation of intrinsic membrane properties control the temporal precision of auditory brain stem neurons. J Neurophysiol 113(2):524-36
Franzen DL, Gleiss SA, Berger C, Kümpfbeck FS, Ammer JJ and Felmy F
(2015) Functional Specialization of Neural Input Elements to the Drosophila ON Motion Detector. Curr Biol 25(17):2247-53
Ammer G, Leonhardt A, Bahl A, Dickson BJ and Borst A
(2015) Gamma-secretase directly sheds the survival receptor BCMA from plasma cells. Nat Commun 6:7333
Laurent SA, Hoffmann FS, Kuhn PH, Cheng Q, Chu Y, Schmidt-Supprian M, Hauck SM, Schuh E, Krumbholz M, Rübsamen H, Wanngren J, Khademi M, Olsson T, Alexander T, Hiepe F, Pfister HW, Weber F, Jenne D, Wekerle H, Hohlfeld R, Lichtenthaler SF and Meinl E
(2015) Neural Circuit to Integrate Opposing Motions in the Visual Field. Cell 162(2):351-362
Mauss AS, Pankova K, Arenz A, Nern A, Rubin GM and Borst A
(2015) Neural Mechanisms for Drosophila Contrast Vision. Neuron 88, 1240–1252
Bahl A, Serbe E, Meier M, Ammer G and Borst A
(2015) The medial entorhinal cortex is necessary for temporal organization of hippocampal neuronal activity. Nat Neurosci 18(8):1123-32
Schlesiger MI, Cannova CC, Boublil BL, Hales JB, Mankin EA, Brandon MP, Leutgeb JK, Leibold C and Leutgeb S
(2016) Amyloid precursor protein maintains constitutive and adaptive plasticity of dendritic spines in adult brain by regulating D-serine homeostasis. EMBO J 35(20):2213-2222
Zou C, Crux S, Marinesco S, Montagna E, Sgobio C, Shi Y, Shi S, Zhu K, Dorostkar MM, Müller UC and Herms J
(2016) Asymmetry of Drosophila ON and OFF motion detectors enhances real-world velocity estimation. Nat Neurosci 19(5):706-715
Leonhardt A, Ammer G, Meier M, Serbe E, Bahl A and Borst A
(2016) Comprehensive Characterization of the Major Presynaptic Elements to the Drosophila OFF Motion Detector. Neuron 89, 829– 841
Serbe E, Meier M, Leonhardt A and Borst A
(2016) Mindful attention to breath regulates emotions via increased amygdala–prefrontal cortex connectivity. NeuroImage 134:305-313
Doll A, Hölzel BK, Mulej Bratec S, Boucard CC, Xie X, Wohlschläger AM and Sorg C
(2016) Neuro-Cognitive Mechanisms of Simultanagnosia in Patients With Posterior Cortical Atrophy. Brain 139 (12): 3267-3280
Neitzel J, Ortner M, Haupt M, Redel P, Grimmer T, Yakushev I, Drzezga A, Bublak P, Preul C, Sorg C and Finke K
(2016) Seizure protein 6 and its homolog seizure 6-like protein are physiological substrates of BACE1 in neurons. Mol Neurodegener 11(1), 67
Pigoni M, Wanngren J, Kuhn PH, Munro KM, Gunnersen JM, Takeshima H, .. and Lichtenthaler SF
(2016) Selective Persistence of Sensorimotor Mismatch Signals in Visual Cortex of Behaving Alzheimer's Disease Mice. Curr Biol 26(7):956-64
Liebscher S, Keller GB, Goltstein PM, Bonhoeffer T and Hübener M
(2016) Shrinkage-mediated imaging of entire organs and organisms using uDISCO. Nat Methods (Cover of October 2016 issue) 13(10):859-67
Pan C, Cai R, Quacquarelli FP, Ghasemigharagoz A, Lourbopoulos A, Matryba P, Plesnila N, Dichgans M, Hellal F and Ertürk A
(2016) TREM2 deficiency reduces the efficacy of immunotherapeutic amyloid clearance. EMBO Mol Med 8(9): 992–1004
Xiang X, Werner G, Bohrmann B, Liesz A, Mazaheri F, Capell A, Feederle R, Knuesel I, Kleinberger G and Haass C
(2016) Why emotion recognition is not simulational. Philosophical Psychology 30(6): 711-730
Yousefi Heris A
(2017) Central amygdala circuits modulate food consumption through a positive-valence mechanism. Nat Neurosci 20(10):1384-1394
Douglass AM, Kucukdereli H, Ponserre M, Markovic M, Gründemann J, Strobel C, Alcala Morales PL, Conzelmann KK, Lüthi A and Klein R
(2017) Cognitive deficits in patients with a chronic vestibular failure. J Neurol 264(3):554-563
Popp P, Wulff M, Finke K, Rühl M, Brandt T and Dieterich M
(2017) Cytoplasmic poly-GA aggregates impair nuclear import of TDP-43 in C9orf72 ALS/FTLD. Hum Mol Genet 26(4):790-800
Khosravi B, Hartmann H, May S, Möhl C, Ederle H, Michaelsen M, Schludi MH, Dormann D and Edbauer D
(2017) Decoding material-specific memory reprocessing during sleep in humans. Nat Commun 8:15404
Schönauer M, Alizadeh S, Jamalabadi H, Abraham A, Pawlizki A and Gais S
(2017) Demotivating Intentional Mentalism. Theoria 83(4), 298-318
Lipski J
(2017) Hippocampal Spike-Timing Correlations Lead to Hexagonal Grid Fields. Phys Rev Lett 119(3):038101
Monsalve-Mercado MM and Leibold C
(2017) Information Rate Analysis of a Synaptic Release Site Using a Two-State Model of Short-Term Depression. Neural Comput 29(6):1528-1560
Salmasi M, Stemmler M, Glasauer S and Loebel A
(2017) Input timing for spatial processing is precisely tuned via constant synaptic delays and myelination. pnas 114(24)
Stange-Marten A, Nabel AL, Sinclair JL, Fischl M, Alexandrova O, Wohlfrom H, Kopp- Scheinpflug C, Pecka M and Grothe B
(2017) Repetitive TMS in right sensorimotor areas affects the selection and completion of contralateral movements. Cortex 90:46-57
Gutierrez-Herrera M, Saevarsson S, Huber T, Hermsdörfer J and Stadler W
(2017) RNA-Seq Identifies Circulating miR-125a-5p, miR-125b-5p, and miR- 143-3p as Potential Biomarkers for Acute Ischemic Stroke. Circ Res 121(8):970-980
Tiedt S, Prestel M, Malik R, Schieferdecker N, Duering M, Kautzky V, Stoycheva I, Böck J, Northoff BH, Klein M, Dorn F, Krohn K, Teupser D, Liesz A, Plesnila N, Holdt LM and Dichgans M
(2017) Simultaneous object perception deficits are related to reduced visual processing speed in amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurobiol Aging 55:132-142
Ruiz-Rizzo AL, Bublak P, Redel P, Grimmer T, Müller HJ, Sorg C and Finke K
(2017) Structural alterations in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A surface based analysis of cortical volume and surface area. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience 42(6):395-403
Rus OG, Reess TJ, Wagner G, Zimmer C, Zaudig M and Koch K
(2017) TDP-43 and FUS en route from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. FEBS Lett 591(11):1489-1507
Ederle H and Dormann D
(2017) The temporal dynamics of chromosome instability in ovarian cancer cell lines and primary patient samples. PLoS Genet 13(4): e1006707
Penner-Goeke S, Lichtensztejn Z, Neufeld M, Ali JL, Altman AD, Nachtigal MW, et al.
(2017) Transgenic line for the identification of cholinergic release sites in Drosophila melanogaster. J Exp Biol 220(Pt 8):1405-1410
Pankova K and Borst A
(2017) Visual-Vestibular Conflict Detection Depends on Fixation. Curr Biol 27(18):2856-2861.e4
Garzorz IT and MacNeilage PR
(2018) Complex and spatially segregated auditory inputs of the mouse superior colliculus. J Physiol 596(21): 5281–5298
Bednarova V, Grothe B and Myoga MH
(2018) Cultivate Your Funny Bone? The Case against Training Amusement. Journal of Aesthetic Education 52(1), 84-105
Steinert S
(2018) Evidence for Myelin Sheath Remodeling in the CNS Revealed by In Vivo Imaging. Curr Biol 28(4): 549–559
Auer F, Vagionitis S and Czopka T
(2018) Hippocampal Global Remapping Can Occur without Input from the Medial Entorhinal Cortex. Cell Rep 22(12):3152-3159
Schlesiger MI, Boublil BL, Hales JB, Leutgeb JK and Leutgeb S
(2018) Influence of white matter injury on gray matter reactive gliosis upon stab wound in the adult murine cerebral cortex. Glia 66(8):1644-1662
Mattugini N, Merl-Pham J, Petrozziello E, Schindler L, Bernhagen J, Hauck SM and Götz M
(2018) Learning Conditional Information by Jeffrey Imaging on Stalnaker Conditionals. Journal of Philosophical Logic 47(5):851-876
Günther M
(2018) Left frontal hub connectivity delays cognitive impairment in autosomal-dominant and sporadic Alzheimer’s disease. Brain Volume 141, Issue 4, April 2018, Pages 1186–1200
Franzmeier N, Düzel E, Jessen F, Buerger K, … and Levin J
(2018) Modality-specific Subpopulations of Place Fields Coexist in the Hippocampus. Cerebral Cortex 29(3):1109-1120
Haas OV, Henke J, Leibold C and Thurley K
(2018) Nuclear egress of TDP-43 and FUS occurs independently of Exportin- 1/CRM1. Sci Rep 8(1):7084
Ederle H, Funk C, Abou-Ajram C, Hutten S, Funk EBE, Kehlenbach RH, Bailer SM and Dormann D
(2018) Opposite Dynamics of GABA and Glutamate Levels in the Occipital Cortex during Visual Processing. J Neurosci 38(46):9967-9976
Kurcyus K, Annac E, Hanning NM, Harris AD, Oeltzschner G, Edden R and Riedl V
(2018) Precisely timed inhibition facilitates action potential firing for spatial coding in the auditory brainstem. Nature Comms 9:1771
Beiderbeck B, … and Myoga MH
(2018) Serum neurofilament light: A biomarker of neuroaxonal injury after ischemic stroke. Neurology 91(14):e1338-e1347
Tiedt S, Duering M, Barro C, Kaya AG, Boeck J, Bode FJ, Klein M, Dorn F, Gesierich B, Kellert L, Ertl-Wagner B, Goertler MW, Petzold GC, Kuhle J, Wollenweber FA, Peters N and Dichgans M
(2018) The Epistemic Value of Emotions in Politics. Philosophia 46(3):589– 608
Romano B
(2018) The Trem2 R47H Alzheimer’s risk variant impairs splicing and reduces Trem2 mRNA and protein in mice but not in humans. Molecular neurodegeneration 13 (1), 49
Xiang X, Piers TM, … and Haass C
(2018) Visual attention is not deployed at the endpoint of averaging saccades. PLoS Biol 16(6): e2006548
Wollenberg L, Deubel H and Szinte M
(2019) Aberrant gyrification contributes to the link between gestational age and adult IQ after premature birth. Brain 42(5):1255-1269
Hedderich DM, Bäuml JG, Berndt MT, Menegaux A, Scheef L, Daamen M, Zimmer C, Bartmann P, Boecker H, Wolke D, Gaser C and Sorg C
(2019) Causation in Terms of Production. Philosophical Studies 1-27
Andreas H and Günther M
(2019) Choroid plexus-derived miR-204 regulates the number of quiescent neural stem cells in the adult brain. EMBO J e100481
Lepko T, Pusch M, Müller T, Schulte D, Ehses J, Kiebler M, Hasler J, Huttner HB, Vandenbroucke RE, Vandendriessche C, Modic M, Martin-Villalba A, Zhao S, LLorens- Bobadilla E, Schneider A, Fischer A, Breunig CT, Stricker SH, Götz M and Ninkovic J
(2019) Innate Behavior: Flies spring a surprise. eLife 8:e47720
Kobler JM and Grunwald Kadow IC
(2019) Live cell imaging reveals 3´-UTR dependent mRNA sorting to synapses. Nat Commun 10(1):3178
Bauer KE, Segura I, Gaspar I, Scheuss V, Illig C, Ammer G, Hutten S, Basyuk E, Fernández-Moya SM, Ehses J, Bertrand E and Kiebler MA
(2019) Neuronal migration in the CNS during development and disease: insights from in vivo and in vitro models. Development 9;146(1)
Isabel Yasmin Buchsbaum and Silvia Cappello
(2019) Panoptic imaging of transparent mice reveals wholebody neuronal projections and skull-meninges connections. Nat Neurosci 22(2):317-327
Cai R, Pan C, Ghasemigharagoz A, Todorov MI, Förstera B, Zhao S, Bhatia HS, Parra- Damas A, Mrowka L, Theodorou D, Rempfler M, Xavier ALR, Kress BT, Benakis C, Steinke H, Liebscher S, Bechmann I, Liesz A, Menze B, Kerschensteiner M, Nedergaard M and Ertürk A
(2019) Phasic alerting effects on visual processing speed are associated with intrinsic functional connectivity in the cinguloopercular network. NeuroImage 196(April), 216–226
Haupt M, Ruiz-Rizzo AL, Sorg C and Finke K
(2019) Right hemisphere occipital rTMS impairs working memory in visualizers but not in verbalizers. Scientific Reports 9(1), 6307
Hilbert S, McAssey M, Bühner M, Schwaferts P, Gruber M, Goerigk S and Taylor PCJ
(2019) Targeted removal of epigenetic barriers during transcriptional reprogramming. Nat Commun 9;10(1):2119
Baumann V, Wiesbeck M, Breunig CT, Braun JM, Köferle A, Ninkovic J, Götz M and Stricker SH
(2019) The Spatial Resolution of Bat Biosonar Quantified with a Visual-Resolution Paradigm. Current Biology 29(11):1842-1846
Geberl C, Kugler K and Wiegrebe L
(2019) Urocortin 3 signalling in the auditory brainstem aids recovery of hearing after reversible noise‐induced threshold shift. J Physiol
Fischl MJ, Ueberfuhr MA, Drexl M, Pagella S, Sinclair JL, Alexandrova O, Deussing JM and Kopp-Scheinpflug C
(2019) Visual attention is not limited to the oculomotor range. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116(19):9665-9670
Hanning NM, Szinte M and Deubel H