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SFB 1143:  Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration to Topology

Subject Area Physics
Term since 2015
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Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 247310070
Condensed matter physics derives its distinctive flavor from the two main pillars which support it. One is the apparently unlimited wealth of physical phenomena nature presents us with. The other is the need to organize the resulting knowledge by formulating underlying organizing principles. The combination of the two is what has driven the technological progress which has shaped the modern world for much of the past century.The organizing principle termed topology encodes the idea that materials can have global properties which may lie beyond what can simply be measured locally. In this vein, topological condensed matter physics includes a wealth of striking phenomena: the quantum Hall effects and fractional charge, topological and Chern insulators, Dirac and Weyl fermions and so much more, several of which have been recognized by Nobel prizes already.The Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1143 “Correlated Magnetism: From Frustration to Topology” pursues an integrated research program interweaving theoretical and experimental studies in materials search and preparation; discovery and modelling of new physical phenomena; and the quest for synthesizing the resulting insights into a deeper understanding of the field. Its title encodes the idea that there exist cooperative correlated magnetic phenomena beyond the purview of conventional states such as simple ferromagnets or Neel antiferromagnets. It is by now well established that a central ingredient for the discovery of new magnetic states is the destabilization of such conventional states by the introduction of frustrated interactions. The goal of this CRC is to identify, generate, and understand new phenomena and magnetic materials, especially those involving topological features such as spin liquids or phases close to them.Throughout the existence of the CRC, progress in the field has occurred at breathtaking speed, and as questions are answered, new ones arise which are not only more detailed, but above all broader and deeper. In this sense, point-of-principle questions from what already feels like long ago, such as ``do spin liquids exist?'', have been followed by investigations of their novel properties on one hand, and their classification on the other, culminating in the present search for entirely new types of topological magnets under the heading of higher-rank spin liquids.The CRC with its integrated, multi-faceted research strategy is ideally placed to continue to make fundamental contributions to the field as it advances along different axes while maturing on various levels. We are optimistic that our original vision of an understanding of correlated magnets on a level approaching that of conventional ones has been brought within reach by the end of the proposed, final, funding period.
DFG Programme Collaborative Research Centres

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Applicant Institution Technische Universität Dresden

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