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Theologiae Alumni Vitebergense (TAV). Graduated students (alumni) of the Faculty for Theology from the University of Wittenberg. A study about their contribution for the distribution and diffusion of Wittenberg Theology (1502 until 1648)

Subject Area Protestant Theology
Term from 2015 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 264438267
The University of Wittenberg (Leucorea) in electoral Saxony, its professors and students took responsibility for the transmission, transfer and reception of reformation thought and science in many territories and cities of the German Empire and in northern, middle and eastern Europe. Functioning more or less as a platform a continuously large number of matriculations manifested the education of political, social and cultural influential elites inside and outside of the Holy Roman Empire. However, valid collections of personal information, biographical data and intellectual development are missing. Thus it is hard to qualify quantitatively and qualitatively the World effects of the reformation (Weltwirkung der Reformation [GERHARD RITTER]). The project plans to reconstruct bio-bilbiographic descriptions of all graduated theologians of the University and to develop profiles of this specific group which was responsible for the distribution of Wittenberg reformation Theology into the Empire and parts of Europe. Simultaneously characteristic examples of the printed heritage of these theologians will be analysed focussing on the question of contents and forms of reformation theology within the process of its distribution and diffusion. The project is closely connected to the other project to whichs support Dr. Wriedt and Dr. Lück have applied under the title: Corpus Inscriptorum Vitebergense (CIV). Members of the University of Wittenberg between its foundation and the end of the thirty years war (1502 until 1648).
DFG Programme Research Grants

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