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GRK 320:  Pathological Processes of the Nervous System: From Gene to Behavior

Subject Area Medicine
Term from 1997 to 2006
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 271797
The aim of the research training group is an interdisciplinary study and research program on the analysis of pathological and pathophysiological processes of the nervous system. Since pathological and pathophysiological modifications of the system are often related to molecular mechanism, these processes are also examined at the subcellular level. The program has three main points of research.(1) Molecular-biological and immunological investigations of pathological modifications of the nervous system after inflammations (autoimmune dysmyelination as multiple sclerosis), infections (toxoplasmic encephalitis), and by tumors and neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer disease';' Parkinson disease';' dysmyelination, as Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy';' spongiforme enzephalopathy, as BSE and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome).(2) Electrophysiological and behavioral investigations of neuronal dysfunction after ischemia, hypoxia and focal lesions.(3) Mechanisms contributing to the generation of pathophysiological activity in the CNS.The training program consists of a regular lecture, an annual meeting, method courses and guest lectures of invited scientists.
DFG Programme Research Training Groups

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