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GRK 665:  Interference and Quantum Applications

Subject Area Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
Term from 2001 to 2009
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 273209
The research field of the research training group belongs to atomic and molecular physics and quantum optics. The quantum and wave nature of matter and light is the central subject and fundamental research will be performed applying new concepts like laser cooling of atoms and preparing cold molecules, manipulation of atoms and molecules with coherent fields, interferometry of matter and light waves, preparing coherent ensembles of atomic Bosons and their manipulation, searching for ways to obtain an atom laser, and studying collisions under well controlled conditions. The appearance of interferences will give the most significant signals in many cases of the experiment or theoretical model. The search for fundamental limits in the detection processes set by the quantum nature of matter and the development of methods for reaching such limits will be of central concern in the college. Applications will lead from atomoptics to nanolithography, and will include working on large scale interferometers for gravitational wave detection and studying new ways of atomic clocks.The college will bring together doctoral students from France, Scotland and Germany not only for exchanging ideas but working intensively in the same laboratory for some time to see and to learn about the different thinking and feeling and approaching problems. The scientific and personal experience will give a significantly improved qualification, additionally to obtaining the doctoral degree by the final examination at the respective faculty.
DFG Programme International Research Training Groups
International Connection France, United Kingdom

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