Project Details
Bedeutung der Körpergrößenstruktur für die Stabilität und Interaktionsstärke von Populationen in komplexen Nahrungsnetzen
Professor Dr. Ulrich Brose
Subject Area
Ecology and Biodiversity of Animals and Ecosystems, Organismic Interactions
from 2006 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 30246138
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2007): Allometric degree distributions facilitate food web stability. Nature 450: 1226-1229
Otto, S., Rall, B.C., & Brose, U.
(2008): Complex food webs prevent competitive exclusion among producer species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 275: 2507 - 2514
Brose, U.
(2008): Food-web connectance and predator interference dampen the paradox of enrichment. Oikos 117: 202 - 213
Rall, B.C., Guill, C. & Brose, U.
(2008): The Goldilocks factor in food webs, PNAS 105: 4079-4080
Berlow, E.L., Brose, U. & Martinez, N.D.
(2009): Simple prediction of interaction strengths in complex food webs. PNAS 106: 187-191
Berlow, E.L., Dunne, J.A., Martinez, N.D., Stark, P.B., Williams, R.J. & Brose, U.
(2010): Body-mass constraints on foraging behaviour determine population and food-web dynamics. Functional Ecology 24: 28-34
Brose, U.
(2010): Improving nature conservancy strategies by ecological network theory. Basic and Applied Ecology 11: 1-5
Brose, U.