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Responding to Norm Collisions: Procedural Norms and Interface Management in Fragmented Areas of Transnational Politics (COLLISIONS)

Subject Area Political Science
Term from 2017 to 2021
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 277531170
The research project asks when a norm collision becomes manifest in transnational politics and how a variety of actors (state; non-state; international organizations) respond to such a collision. The research project analyzes norm collisions in six policy issues in the field of human security: trafficking in persons, genetically modified organisms, drug control, organ trafficking, refugee protection, and child labor. Comparing these transnational issues, the project first aims to identify the context in which actors perceive these policy issues to present them with incompatible normative positions. In a second step, the project analyzes the procedural norms actors refer to in their responses to such perceived norm collisions. The project contributes to the overall objectives of the research group by reconstructing and analyzing responses to horizontal interface conflicts and by uncovering the normative principles underlying these responses. It will thus generate insights relevant to the research group's inventory of principles upon which responses are based and to an empirically derived typology of responses to norm collisions. Assumptions of legal pluralism and (critical) constructivist norm research are combined in the project's theoretical framework in order to explain the findings of its comparative case studies.
DFG Programme Research Units

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