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FOR 855:  Cytoplasmic Regulation of Gene Expression

Subject Area Biology
Term from 2007 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 33442413
Traditionally, the regulation of gene expression has been studied almost exclusively at the level of transcription. While a few examples of translational regulation were known, they were considered interesting exceptions to the general rule of regulation at the level of RNA synthesis. However, over the last few years it has become evident that several posttranscriptional, cytoplasmic mechanisms have a profound effect on gene expression. All of these mechanisms ultimately contribute to a control of protein synthesis, either directly, by affecting the rate of translation, or indirectly, by affecting the mRNA. Some of them exert a qualitative, all-or-none control, for example by complete elimination of certain mRNAs, others determine the location or cell-type, in which a particular RNA is translated, and still others have a quantitative effect, controlling the amount of protein made from a certain mRNA. The aim of the Research Unit is to study some of the most exciting aspects of these cytoplasmic mechanisms.
DFG Programme Research Units



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