SPP 2137:  Skyrmionics: Topological Spin Phenomena in Real-Space for Applications

Subject Area Physics
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Term since 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 360506545

Project Description

The main objective of this priority programme will be research towards the development of devices and applications based on topological spin solitons in real space, alluding to skyrmions as most prominent examples. Our proposal is motivated by the recent discovery of skyrmion lattices and isolated skyrmions as generic magnetic properties of bulk compounds, thinfilms, interfaces, surfaces and tailored artificial systems.Studies of the fundamental properties of these systems have revealed several remarkable features, in particular, greatly enhanced stability due to their non-trivial topological winding, new capabilities to create and destroy magnetically encoded information, efficientcoupling to spin currents generating spin transfer torques at dramatically reduced current densities, and last but not least, the capability to purpose-design broad-band spin dynamics and logic devices. Experimental and theoretical evidence that thin films,nano-wires and nano-dots are particularly amenable to the formation of topological spin solitons, underscore their exceptional potential for major breakthroughs in applications. In fact, most recently materials have been discovered which support skyrmions up to 400K. Moreover, major advances in thin film heterostructures demonstrate that interface-asymmetry driven skyrmions at room temperature may be tailored for applications.The main new aspects to be addressed by the proposed priority programme concern magnetic systems with strong solitonic and especially non-trivial topological characteristics stabilized by anti-symmetric (chiral) spin-orbit interactions. These interactions are ubiquitous in systems lacking inversion symmetry. The priority programme will be organised in three research areas:(1) Topological spin solitons in thin films(2) Topological spin solitons in nanostructured systems(3) Topological spin solitons in artificial composite systemsIn view, that the pioneering discoveries on magnetic skyrmions have been made dominantly by German groups located in München, Köln, Hamburg, Jülich and Dresden, the German community, based on this initial work, assumes currently a lead role. The priority programme aims to connect the spintronics community with fundamental research on new materials, as well as engineering, mathematics and chemistry related aspects. The priority programme this way aims to establish a specific platform for collaboration of the wider German community with its very strong history in spintronics in order to advance fundamental research on topological spin phenomena in real space in an effort towards applications.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
International Connection France, Iceland


Spokesperson Professor Dr. Christian Pfleiderer