Projekt Druckansicht

Hochbrillante und hohe strom photoinduzierte Elektronenquellen: Photokathoden und starkes HF-Feld

Antragstellerin Dr. Rong Xiang
Fachliche Zuordnung Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder
Experimentelle Physik der kondensierten Materie
Physikalische Chemie von Festkörpern und Oberflächen, Materialcharakterisierung
Förderung Förderung von 2017 bis 2020
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 387800141
Erstellungsjahr 2020

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Under the networking of the DFG Hi2PE project, the material scientists at Univ. Siegen, Univ. Mainz and the accelrator physicists from Helmholtz centers at DESY/Zeuthen, Dresden-Rossendor and Berlin made their steps to deepen the understanding of application of high quantum efficiency semiconductor photocathodes for photoinjectors. The across-location and cross-field networking offered the partners possibility to exchange the ideas about the problems in the common interest and to search the optimal solutions together. Two getting-together meetings were held by the cooperators, in which the discussion topics were specified and deep. Different cathode materials were discussed, including GaN-based photocathodes, which is possible used as very cold photocathodes, i.e. to reduce the thermal emittance and response time as the key point. Possibility of photocathode exchange between different laboratories was carefully considered and would be realized in the new cooperation project. Through the idea exchange, we were able to finish another collaboration proposal to BMBF, which was proved in the beginning of 2019. It is worth to point out, that this networking supported several students and young scientists to the European photocathode workshop 2017 in Berlin and 2019 in PSI of Swissland, widening their vision and accumulating experience. Although we discussed the modeling and simulation of semiconductor photocathodes for high current electron sources during the two meetings as well as the photocathode workshops, the research about this topic needs still more effort and time. The same is the proper design of high acceleration structures for the production of very high bunch charge and low emittance, i.e. how to modify the acceleration structure of injectors. We have to continue this study by applying new projects in the near future.

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Cs2Te and metallic photocathodes for SRF gun at HZDR, European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2017), 20.-22.09.2017, Berlin, Germany
    Xiang, R. et al.
  • Robust Cs2Te and Mg photocathodes in SRF gun at ELBE center successful for CW IR FEL and THz radiation, Photocathode Physics for Photoinjectors 2018, 15.-17.10.2018, Santa Fe, NM, USA
    Xiang, R., Teichert, J.
  • Metal and semiconductor photocathodes in HZDR SRF gun, Proceedings of ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on Energy Recovery Linacs (ERL’19), 15.-20.09.2019, Berlin, Germany
    Xiang, R. et al.
  • Research into "green" photocathodes, European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2019), 11.-13.09.2019, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
    Mohanty Sandeep, et al.
  • Response time measurements for GaAs and K2CsSb, European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2019), 11.-13.09.2019, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
    Nahid Scahill, et al.
  • Robust Mg cathodes in SRF gun II, European Workshop on Photocathodes for Particle Accelerator Applications (EWPAA 2019), 11.-13.09.2019, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
    Xiang, R.; Jochen, T.
  • SRF Gun and SRF Linac Driven THz at ELBE Successfully in User Operation, proceedings of the 19th International Conference on RF superconductivity (SRF2019), 30.06.-05.07.2019, Dresden, Germany, JACoW, 978-3-95450-211-0
    Xiang, R. et al.
    (Siehe online unter
  • The attempt of using GaN as a photocathode in SRF Gun II, ECASIA 2019-European Conference on Applications of Surface and Interface Analysis, 15.-20.09.2019, Dresden, Deutschland
    Schaber, J. et al.
  • The attempt of using GaN(Cs) in SRF injector, European workshop on photocathodes for particle accelerator applications(EWPAA 2019), 11.-13.09.2019, Villingen, Schweiz
    Schaber, J. et al.


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