EXC 257: NeuroCure - neue Perspektiven in der Therapie neurologischer Erkrankungen
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Neurologische und psychiatrische Erkrankungen stellen eine zunehmende Belastung für die Gesellschaft dar. Die ihnen zugrundeliegenden molekularen und pathophysiologischen Mechanismen sind großteils ungeklärt. Gleichzeitig ist die Translation, also der Transfer von Erkenntnissen aus der Grundlagenforschung in die klinische Anwendung, oft schwierig. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzte NeuroCure sich zum Ziel, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Grundlagen- und klinischen Forscher*innen zu verbessern und so Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Therapien und diagnostischer Verfahren voranzutreiben. Um die kritische Masse für exzellente Forschung in den Neurowissenschaften zu erreichen, haben wir über 25 herausragende Wissenschaftler*innen berufen, unter ihnen exzellente Forscherinnen und vielversprechende Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen. Deren Integration in das bestehende Wissenschaftsumfeld wurde durch Kooperationsprojekte mit stark interdisziplinärem und translationalem Fokus gefördert. Über Visiting Fellow-Programme gewannen wir zudem viele internationale Expert*innen, darunter Nobelpreisträger, für Forschungsaufenthalte in Berlin. Exzellente Forschung beruht auch wesentlich auf der Entwicklung neuer Technologien. NeuroCure hat daher verschiedene Technologieplattformen etabliert, die hochmoderne Geräte und Expertise zur Verfügung stellen, z.B. im Bereich Imaging und der automatisierten Verhaltensanalyse von Tiermodellen verschiedener Krankheiten. Ferner bietet das NeuroCure Clinical Research Center als ambulante klinische Einrichtung administrative und logistische Unterstützung bei der Durchführung qualitativ hochwertiger klinischer Studien. Erfolgreiche Translation erfordert zudem ein ausgeprägt interdisziplinäres Denken. NeuroCure entwickelte daher ein internationales MSc/PhD-Programm mit dem Schwerpunkt interdisziplinäre Forschung und Translation, das eine umfassende Ausbildung mit Beratung durch erfahrene Neurowissenschaftler*innen über die Fachdisziplinen hinweg bietet. Weiterhin setzte sich NeuroCure zum Ziel, die Chancengleichheit innerhalb des Clusters und seiner Partnerinstitutionen zu fördern und trieb durch viele Maßnahmen die Rekrutierung exzellenter Wissenschaftlerinnen in höhere akademische Positionen voran. Um Ausbildung und Zusammenarbeit über die institutionellen Grenzen hinweg zu verbessern, gründete NeuroCure zusammen mit seinen Partnerinstitutionen das Einsteinzentrum für Neurowissenschaften. Durch diese umfangreichen Maßnahmen hat NeuroCure die Zusammenarbeit zwischen klinischen und präklinischen Forscher*innen maßgeblich gestärkt. Der Erfolg des Clusters ist durch viele herausragende Publikationen und einen deutlichen Anstieg der Förderung kollaborativer Forschungsprojekte in Berlin dokumentiert. In Zukunft werden wir diese Dynamik weiter nutzen, um Berlin nachhaltig in eine Spitzenposition in den translationalen Neurowissenschaften zu bringen.
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Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
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Trimbuch T, Beed P, Vogt J, Schuchmann S, Maier N, Kintscher M, Breustedt J, Schuelke M, Streu N, Kieselmann O, Brunk I, Laube G, Strauss U, Battefeld A, Wende H, Birchmeier C, Wiese S, Sendtner M, Kawabe H, Kishimoto-Suga M, Brose N, Baumgart J, Geist B, Aoki J, Savaskan NE, Brauer AU, Chun J, Ninnemann O, Schmitz D, Nitsch R
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Epsztein J, Lee AK, Chorev E, Brecht M
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Liu KS, Siebert M, Mertel S, Knoche E, Wegener S, Wichmann C, Matkovic T, Muhammad K, Depner H, Mettke C, Buckers J, Hell SW, Muller M, Davis GW, Schmitz D, Sigrist SJ
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Meisel C, Meisel A
An unconventional role for miRNA: let-7 activates Toll-like receptor 7 and causes neurodegeneration. Nat Neurosci, 2012. 15:827-835
Lehmann SM, Kruger C, Park B, Derkow K, Rosenberger K, Baumgart J, Trimbuch T, Eom G, Hinz M, Kaul D, Habbel P, Kalin R, Franzoni E, Rybak A, Nguyen D, Veh R, Ninnemann O, Peters O, Nitsch R, Heppner FL, Golenbock D, Schott E, Ploegh HL, Wulczyn FG, Lehnardt S
Autistic-like behaviours and hyperactivity in mice lacking ProSAP1/Shank2. Nature, 2012. 486:256-260
Schmeisser MJ, Ey E, Wegener S, Bockmann J, Stempel AV, Kuebler A, Janssen AL, Udvardi PT, Shiban E, Spilker C, Balschun D, Skryabin BV, Dieck S, Smalla KH, Montag D, Leblond CS, Faure P, Torquet N, Le Sourd AM, Toro R, Grabrucker AM, Shoichet SA, Schmitz D, Kreutz MR, Bourgeron T, Gundelfinger ED, Boeckers TM
Cooperation of Syd-1 with Neurexin synchronizes pre- with postsynaptic assembly. Nat Neurosci, 2012. 15:1219-1226
Owald D, Khorramshahi O, Gupta VK, Banovic D, Depner H, Fouquet W, Wichmann C, Mertel S, Eimer S, Reynolds E, Holt M, Aberle H, Sigrist SJ
Coupled control of desensitization and gating by the ligand binding domain of glutamate receptors. Neuron, 2012. 74:845-857
Carbone AL, Plested AJ
Current research trends in early life stress and depression: review of human studies on sensitive periods, gene-environment interactions, and epigenetics. Exp Neurol, 2012. 233:102-111
Heim C, Binder EB
Essential role of interleukin-6 in post-stroke angiogenesis. Brain, 2012. 135:1964-1980
Gertz K, Kronenberg G, Kalin RE, Baldinger T, Werner C, Balkaya M, Eom GD, Hellmann-Regen J, Krober J, Miller KR, Lindauer U, Laufs U, Dirnagl U, Heppner FL, Endres M
Inhibition of IL-12/IL-23 signaling reduces Alzheimer’s disease-like pathology and cognitive decline. Nat Med, 2012. 18:1812-1819
Vom Berg J, Prokop S, Miller KR, Obst J, Kalin RE, Lopategui-Cabezas I, Wegner A, Mair F, Schipke CG, Peters O, Winter Y, Becher B, Heppner FL
Raising cytosolic Cl- in cerebellar granule cells affects their excitability and vestibulo-ocular learning. EMBO J, 2012. 31:1217-1230
Seja P, Schonewille M, Spitzmaul G, Badura A, Klein I, Rudhard Y, Wisden W, Hubner CA, De Zeeuw CI, Jentsch TJ
Segregation of axonal and somatic activity during fast network oscillations. Science, 2012. 336:1458-1461
Dugladze T, Schmitz D, Whittington MA, Vida I, Gloveli T
The cellular basis of GABA(B)-mediated interhemispheric inhibition. Science, 2012. 335:989-993
Palmer LM, Schulz JM, Murphy SC, Ledergerber D, Murayama M, Larkum ME
The transcription factor c-Maf controls touch receptor development and function. Science, 2012. 335:1373-1376
Wende H, Lechner SG, Cheret C, Bourane S, Kolanczyk ME, Pattyn A, Reuter K, Munier FL, Carroll P, Lewin GR, Birchmeier C
Association between childhood trauma and low hair cortisol in depressed patients and healthy control subjects. Biol Psychiatry, 2013. 74:e15-17
Hinkelmann K, Muhtz C, Dettenborn L, Agorastos A, Wingenfeld K, Spitzer C, Gao W, Kirschbaum C, Wiedemann K, Otte C
Functional and structural brain changes in anti-N-methyl-D- aspartate receptor encephalitis. Ann Neurol, 2013. 74:284-296
Finke C, Kopp UA, Scheel M, Pech LM, Soemmer C, Schlichting J, Leypoldt F, Brandt AU, Wuerfel J, Probst C, Ploner CJ, Pruss H, Paul F
Identifying the perfusion deficit in acute stroke with resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging. Ann Neurol, 2013. 73:136-140
Lv Y, Margulies DS, Cameron Craddock R, Long X, Winter B, Gierhake D, Endres M, Villringer K, Fiebach J, Villringer A
Immunoproteasomes are important for proteostasis in immune responses. Cell, 2013. 152:935-937
Ebstein F, Voigt A, Lange N, Warnatsch A, Schroter F, Prozorovski T, Kuckelkorn U, Aktas O, Seifert U, Kloetzel PM, Kruger E
Restoring polyamines protects from age-induced memory impairment in an autophagydependent manner. Nat Neurosci, 2013. 16:1453-1460
Gupta VK, Scheunemann L, Eisenberg T, Mertel S, Bhukel A, Koemans TS, Kramer JM, Liu KS, Schroeder S, Stunnenberg HG, Sinner F, Magnes C, Pieber TR, Dipt S, Fiala A, Schenck A, Schwaerzel M, Madeo F, Sigrist SJ
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Posor Y, Eichhorn-Gruenig M, Puchkov D, Schoneberg J, Ullrich A, Lampe A, Muller R, Zarbakhsh S, Gulluni F, Hirsch E, Krauss M, Schultz C, Schmoranzer J, Noe F, Haucke V
Sugar for the brain: the role of glucose in physiological and pathological brain function. Trends Neurosci, 2013. 36:587-597
Mergenthaler P, Lindauer U, Dienel GA, Meisel A
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Watanabe S, Rost BR, Camacho-Perez M, Davis MW, Sohl-Kielczynski B, Rosenmund C, Jorgensen EM
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Watanabe S, Trimbuch T, Camacho-Perez M, Rost BR, Brokowski B, Sohl-Kielczynski B, Felies A, Davis MW, Rosenmund C, Jorgensen EM
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Jouhanneau JS, Ferrarese L, Estebanez L, Audette NJ, Brecht M, Barth AL, Poulet JF
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Barow E, Neumann WJ, Brucke C, Huebl J, Horn A, Brown P, Krauss JK, Schneider GH, Kuhn AA
Different patterns of local field potentials from limbic DBS targets in patients with major depressive and obsessive compulsive disorder. Mol Psychiatry, 2014. 19:1186-1192
Neumann WJ, Huebl J, Brucke C, Gabriels L, Bajbouj M, Merkl A, Schneider GH, Nuttin B, Brown P, Kuhn AA
Effect of the use of ambulance-based thrombolysis on time to thrombolysis in acute ischemic stroke: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA, 2014. 311:1622-1631
Ebinger M, Winter B, Wendt M, Weber JE, Waldschmidt C, Rozanski M, Kunz A, Koch P, Kellner PA, Gierhake D, Villringer K, Fiebach JB, Grittner U, Hartmann A, Mackert BM, Endres M, Audebert HJ; STEMO Consortium
Grid-layout and theta-modulation of layer 2 pyramidal neurons in medial entorhinal cortex. Science, 2014. 343:891-896
Ray S, Naumann R, Burgalossi A, Tang Q, Schmidt H, Brecht M
Identification of LRRC8 heteromers as an essential component of the volume-regulated anion channel VRAC. Science, 2014. 344:634-638
Voss FK, Ullrich F, Munch J, Lazarow K, Lutter D, Mah N, Andrade-Navarro MA, von Kries JP, Stauber T, Jentsch TJ
MutationTaster2: mutation prediction for the deepsequencing age. Nat Methods, 2014. 11:361-362
Schwarz JM, Cooper DN, Schuelke M, Seelow D
Photoinactivation of glutamate receptors by genetically encoded unnatural amino acids. J Neurosci, 2014. 34:980-991
Klippenstein V, Ghisi V, Wietstruk M, Plested AJ
Regulation of the mammalian elongation cycle by subunit rolling: a eukaryotic-specific ribosome rearrangement. Cell, 2014. 158:121-131
Budkevich TV, Giesebrecht J, Behrmann E, Loerke J, Ramrath DJ, Mielke T, Ismer J, Hildebrand PW, Tung CS, Nierhaus KH, Sanbonmatsu KY, Spahn CM
Beyond Molecular Codes: Simple Rules to Wire Complex Brains. Cell, 2015. 163:285-291
Hassan BA, Hiesinger PR
Functional Diversity of Subicular Principal Cells during Hippocampal Ripples. J Neurosci, 2015. 35:13608-13618
Bohm C, Peng Y, Maier N, Winterer J, Poulet JF, Geiger JR, Schmitz D
Immune attack: the role of inflammation in Alzheimer disease. Nat Rev Neurosci, 2015. 16:358-372
Heppner FL, Ransohoff RM, Becher B
Impact of peripheral myeloid cells on amyloid-beta pathology in Alzheimer’s disease-like mice. J Exp Med, 2015. 212:1811-1818
Prokop S, Miller KR, Drost N, Handrick S, Mathur V, Luo J, Wegner A, Wyss-Coray T, Heppner FL
Optogenetic acidification of synaptic vesicles and lysosomes. Nat Neurosci, 2015. 18:1845-1852
Rost BR, Schneider F, Grauel MK, Wozny C, Bentz C, Blessing A, Rosenmund T, Jentsch TJ, Schmitz D, Hegemann P, Rosenmund C
Presynaptic spinophilin tunes neurexin signalling to control active zone architecture and function. Nat Commun, 2015. 6:8362
Muhammad K, Reddy-Alla S, Driller JH, Schreiner D, Rey U, Bohme MA, Hollmann C, Ramesh N, Depner H, Lutzkendorf J, Matkovic T, Gotz T, Bergeron DD, Schmoranzer J, Goettfert F, Holt M, Wahl MC, Hell SW, Scheiffele P, Walter AM, Loll B, Sigrist SJ
Prevention of stroke-associated pneumonia: where next? Lancet, 2015. 386:1802-1804
Meisel A, Smith CJ
Proteotoxic stress and ageing triggers the loss of redox homeostasis across cellular compartments. EMBO J, 2015. 34:2334-2349
Kirstein J, Morito D, Kakihana T, Sugihara M, Minnen A, Hipp MS, Nussbaum-Krammer C, Kasturi P, Hartl FU, Nagata K, Morimoto RI
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Begley CG, Buchan AM, Dirnagl U
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Behrmann E, Loerke J, Budkevich TV, Yamamoto K, Schmidt A, Penczek PA, Vos MR, Burger J, Mielke T, Scheerer P, Spahn CM
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Langen M, Agi E, Altschuler DJ, Wu LF, Altschuler SJ, Hiesinger PR
Tracking CNS and systemic sources of oxidative stress during the course of chronic neuroinflammation. Acta Neuropathol, 2015. 130:799-814
Mossakowski AA, Pohlan J, Bremer D, Lindquist R, Millward JM, Bock M, Pollok K, Mothes R, Viohl L, Radbruch M, Gerhard J, Bellmann-Strobl J, Behrens J, Infante-Duarte C, Mahler A, Boschmann M, Rinnenthal JL, Fuchtemeier M, Herz J, Pache FC, Bardua M, Priller J, Hauser AE, Paul F, Niesner R, Radbruch H
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Bohme MA, Beis C, Reddy-Alla S, Reynolds E, Mampell MM, Grasskamp AT, Lutzkendorf J, Bergeron DD, Driller JH, Babikir H, Gottfert F, Robinson IM, O’Kane CJ, Hell SW, Wahl MC, Stelzl U, Loll B, Walter AM, Sigrist SJ
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Kuijpers M, Haucke V
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Accolla EA, Herrojo Ruiz M, Horn A, Schneider GH, Schmitz-Hubsch T, Draganski B, Kuhn AA
Disruption of Kcc2-dependent inhibition of olfactory bulb output neurons suggests its importance in odour discrimination. Nat Commun, 2016. 7:12043
Godde K, Gschwend O, Puchkov D, Pfeffer CK, Carleton A, Jentsch TJ
High-fat diet-induced brain region-specific phenotypic spectrum of CNS resident microglia. Acta Neuropathol, 2016. 132:361-375
Baufeld C, Osterloh A, Prokop S, Miller KR, Heppner FL
Loss of MeCP2 disrupts cell autonomous and autocrine BDNF signaling in mouse glutamatergic neurons. Elife, 2016. 5:e19374
Sampathkumar C, Wu YJ, Vadhvani M, Trimbuch T, Eickholt B, Rosenmund C
Mutations in Subunits of the Activating Signal Cointegrator 1 Complex Are Associated with Prenatal Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Congenital Bone Fractures. Am J Hum Genet, 2016. 98:473-489
Knierim E, Hirata H, Wolf NI, Morales-Gonzalez S, Schottmann G, Tanaka Y, Rudnik-Schoneborn S, Orgeur M, Zerres K, Vogt S, van Riesen A, Gill E, Seifert F, Zwirner A, Kirschner J, Goebel HH, Hubner C, Stricker S, Meierhofer D, Stenzel W, Schuelke M
Neural correlates of ticklishness in the rat somatosensory cortex. Science, 2016. 354:757-760
Ishiyama S, Brecht M
Resident microglia rather than peripheral macrophages promote vascularization in brain tumors and are source of alternative pro-angiogenic factors. Acta Neuropathol, 2016. 131:365-378
Brandenburg S, Muller A, Turkowski K, Radev YT, Rot S, Schmidt C, Bungert AD, Acker G, Schorr A, Hippe A, Miller K, Heppner FL, Homey B, Vajkoczy P
RIM-binding protein 2 regulates release probability by fine-tuning calcium channel localization at murine hippocampal synapses. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2016. 113:11615-11620
Grauel MK, Maglione M, Reddy-Alla S, Willmes CG, Brockmann MM, Trimbuch T, Rosenmund T, Pangalos M, Vardar G, Stumpf A, Walter AM, Rost BR, Eickholt BJ, Haucke V, Schmitz D, Sigrist SJ, Rosenmund C
Scattering compensation by focus scanning holographic aberration probing (F-SHARP). Nature Photonics, 2016. 11:116-123
Papadopoulos IN, Jouhanneau J-S, Poulet JFA, Judkewitz B
Spermidine Suppresses Age-Associated Memory Impairment by Preventing Adverse Increase of Presynaptic Active Zone Size and Release. PLoS Biol, 2016. 14:e1002563
Gupta VK, Pech U, Bhukel A, Fulterer A, Ender A, Mauermann SF, Andlauer TF, Antwi-Adjei E, Beuschel C, Thriene K, Maglione M, Quentin C, Bushow R, Schwarzel M, Mielke T, Madeo F, Dengjel J, Fiala A, Sigrist SJ
Structural Hippocampal Damage Following Anti-N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptor Encephalitis. Biol Psychiatry, 2016. 79:727-734
Finke C, Kopp UA, Pajkert A, Behrens JR, Leypoldt F, Wuerfel JT, Ploner CJ, Pruss H, Paul F
Superactivation of AMPA receptors by auxiliary proteins. Nat Commun, 2016. 7:10178
Carbone AL, Plested AJ
The role of microglia and macrophages in glioma maintenance and progression. Nat Neurosci, 2016. 19:20-27
Hambardzumyan D, Gutmann DH, Kettenmann H
Where Have All the Rodents Gone? The Effects of Attrition in Experimental Research on Cancer and Stroke. PLoS Biol, 2016. 14:e1002331
Holman C, Piper SK, Grittner U, Diamantaras AA, Kimmelman J, Siegerink B, Dirnagl U
Bortezomib for treatment of therapy-refractory anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. Neurology, 2017. 88:366-370
Scheibe F, Pruss H, Mengel AM, Kohler S, Numann A, Kohnlein M, Ruprecht K, Alexander T, Hiepe F, Meisel A
Cognition-mediated evolution of low-quality floral nectars. Science, 2017. 355:75-78
Nachev V, Stich KP, Winter C, Bond A, Kamil A, Winter Y
Control of AMPA receptor activity by the extracellular loops of auxiliary proteins. Elife, 2017. 6:e28680
Riva I, Eibl C, Volkmer R, Carbone AL, Plested AJ
Cortical dendritic activity correlates with spindle-rich oscillations during sleep in rodents. Nat Commun, 2017. 8:684
Seibt J, Richard CJ, Sigl-Glockner J, Takahashi N, Kaplan DI, Doron G, de Limoges D, Bocklisch C, Larkum ME
Dendritic calcium spikes are clearly detectable at the cortical surface. Nat Commun, 2017. 8:276
Suzuki M, Larkum ME
Fructosedriven glycolysis supports anoxia resistance in the naked mole-rat. Science, 2017. 356:307-311
Park TJ, Reznick J, Peterson BL, Blass G, Omerbasic D, Bennett NC, Kuich P, Zasada C, Browe BM, Hamann W, Applegate DT, Radke MH, Kosten T, Lutermann H, Gavaghan V, Eigenbrod O, Begay V, Amoroso VG, Govind V, Minshall RD, Smith ESJ, Larson J, Gotthardt M, Kempa S, Lewin GR
Heterodimerization of Munc13 C2A domain with RIM regulates synaptic vesicle docking and priming. Nat Commun, 2017. 8:15293
Camacho M, Basu J, Trimbuch T, Chang S, Pulido-Lozano C, Chang SS, Duluvova I, Abo-Rady M, Rizo J, Rosenmund C
Layer-Specific Organization of Local Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Connectivity in the Rat Presubiculum. Cereb Cortex, 2017. 27:2435-2452
Peng Y, Barreda Tomas FJ, Klisch C, Vida I, Geiger JRP
Loss of a mammalian circular RNA locus causes miRNA deregulation and affects brain function. Science, 2017. 357
Piwecka M, Glazar P, Hernandez-Miranda LR, Memczak S, Wolf SA, Rybak-Wolf A, Filipchyk A, Klironomos F, Cerda Jara CA, Fenske P, Trimbuch T, Zywitza V, Plass M, Schreyer L, Ayoub S, Kocks C, Kuhn R, Rosenmund C, Birchmeier C, Rajewsky N
mTORC1 activity repression by late endosomal phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate. Science, 2017. 356:968-972
Marat AL, Wallroth A, Lo WT, Muller R, Norata GD, Falasca M, Schultz C, Haucke V
Patrolling monocytes sense peripheral infection and induce cytokine-mediated neuronal dysfunction. Nat Med, 2017. 23:659-661
Priller J, Bottcher C
Retrograde transport of TrkB-containing autophagosomes via the adaptor AP-2 mediates neuronal complexity and prevents neurodegeneration. Nat Commun, 2017. 8:14819
Kononenko NL, Classen GA, Kuijpers M, Puchkov D, Maritzen T, Tempes A, Malik AR, Skalecka A, Bera S, Jaworski J, Haucke V
Stroke-induced immunodepression and dysphagia independently predict stroke-associated pneumonia - The PREDICT study. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, 2017. 37:3671-3682
Hoffmann S, Harms H, Ulm L, Nabavi DG, Mackert BM, Schmehl I, Jungehulsing GJ, Montaner J, Bustamante A, Hermans M, Hamilton F, Gohler J, Malzahn U, Malsch C, Heuschmann PU, Meisel C, Meisel A, PREDICT Investigators
When Habits Are Dangerous: Alcohol Expectancies and Habitual Decision Making Predict Relapse in Alcohol Dependence. Biol Psychiatry, 2017. 82:847-856
Sebold M, Nebe S, Garbusow M, Guggenmos M, Schad DJ, Beck A, Kuitunen-Paul S, Sommer C, Frank R, Neu P, Zimmermann US, Rapp MA, Smolka MN, Huys QJM, Schlagenhauf F, Heinz A
Complete suppression of Htt fibrilization and disaggregation of Htt fibrils by a trimeric chaperone complex. EMBO J, 2018. 37:282-299
Scior A, Buntru A, Arnsburg K, Ast A, Iburg M, Juenemann K, Pigazzini ML, Mlody B, Puchkov D, Priller J, Wanker EE, Prigione A, Kirstein J
Cortical specialization for attended versus unattended working memory. Nat Neurosci, 2018. 21:494-496
Christophel TB, Iamshchinina P, Yan C, Allefeld C, Haynes JD
mHTT Seeding Activity: A Marker of Disease Progression and Neurotoxicity in Models of Huntington’s Disease. Mol Cell, 2018. 71:675-688 e676
Ast A, Buntru A, Schindler F, Hasenkopf R, Schulz A, Brusendorf L, Klockmeier K, Grelle G, McMahon B, Niederlechner H, Jansen I, Diez L, Edel J, Boeddrich A, Franklin SA, Baldo B, Schnoegl S, Kunz S, Purfurst B, Gaertner A, Kampinga HH, Morton AJ, Petersen A, Kirstein J, Bates GP, Wanker EE
Neuregulin 3 promotes excitatory synapse formation on hippocampal interneurons. EMBO J, 2018. 37
Muller T, Braud S, Juttner R, Voigt BC, Paulick K, Sheean ME, Klisch C, Gueneykaya D, Rathjen FG, Geiger JR, Poulet JF, Birchmeier C
Potassium channel-based optogenetic silencing. Nat Commun, 2018. 9:4611
Bernal Sierra YA, Rost BR, Pofahl M, Fernandes AM, Kopton RA, Moser S, Holtkamp D, Masala N, Beed P, Tukker JJ, Oldani S, Bonigk W, Kohl P, Baier H, Schneider-Warme F, Hegemann P, Beck H, Seifert R, Schmitz D
Scattering correlations of time-gated light. Optica, 2018. 5:389-394
Kadobianskyi M, Papadopoulos IN, Chaigne T, Horstmeyer R, Judkewitz B
Single synaptic inputs drive high-precision action potentials in parvalbumin expressing GABA-ergic cortical neurons in vivo. Nat Commun, 2018. 9:1540
Jouhanneau JS, Kremkow J, Poulet JFA
Synaptotagmin-1 drives synchronous Ca(2+)-triggered fusion by C2B-domain-mediated synaptic-vesicle-membrane attachment. Nat Neurosci, 2018. 21:33-40
Chang S, Trimbuch T, Rosenmund C
The neural circuits of thermal perception. Curr Opin Neurobiol, 2018. 52:98-106
Bokiniec P, Zampieri N, Lewin GR, Poulet JF
ATM phosphorylation of the actin-binding protein drebrin controls oxidation stress-resistance in mammalian neurons and C. elegans. Nat Commun, 2019. 10:486
Kreis P, Gallrein C, Rojas-Puente E, Mack TGA, Kroon C, Dinkel V, Willmes C, Murk K, Tom-Dieck S, Schuman EM, Kirstein J, Eickholt BJ
Differential Dependence of GABAergic and Glutamatergic Neurons on Glia for the Establishment of Synaptic Transmission. Cereb Cortex, 2019. 29:1230-1243
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