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Statistical Methods for a Simulation Data Centre

Subject Area Empirical Social Research
Term since 2018
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 316511172
Small-scale regional microsimulations place high demands on the underlying base data set in terms of scope and data structure. In Germany, there is no such data set that covers these requirements. Therefore, many variables have to be generated synthetically but realistically. In the first phase a (partially) synthetic data set was developed, which has to be extended and updated in the second phase. For this purpose, a methodological toolbox was developed, which will be extended in the second phase. Three aspects play an essential role: beyond the geocoding of the existing data set, special geostatistical modelling has to be included, which enables regional differentiations below administrative borders. Furthermore, the use of new digital data will be analyzed. Additionally, the integration of transaction and network data will be implemented. In addition to the extension of the methodological toolkit, a further focus is the exploration of a basis for Open and Reproducible Research and thus a sustainable provision of the data set for the research community. Therefore, the development of a prototype for a SDZ will be the main focus of this project. In this context, further methods of disclosure control have to be developed to ensure data protection of simulation data. This, among other things, implies the implementation of a role and rights concept, as well as the development of a metadata concept for the documentation and reproducibility of the methods and data provided.
DFG Programme Research Units

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