Project Details
Non-double-couple moment tensor components and their relation to fluid flow in the West-Bohemia/Vogtland region
Dr. Stefanie Donner; Professor Dr. Frank Krüger
Subject Area
since 2021
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 457073417
The West Bohemia/Vogtland region is well known for its frequent intraplate swarm activity connected to fluid flow from the upper mantle into the crust. External forcing plays an important role for the seismic activity of the region. Especially the initial triggering seems to be highly influenced by the fluid flow within the crust. This knowledge is derived from seismic moment tensor solutions, which partly show high non-shear-components (non-DC) for the Vogtland region. However, the limited number of available moment tensors and the ambiguity of the determined non-DC components have so far hampered a more detailed analysis of the connection between swarm activity and fluid flow. This project aims to contribute to the understanding of the connection between fluid flow and crustal deformation by analysing full seismic moment tensors, especially their non-DC part. By improving the accuracy and precision of the determination of non-DC parts, we are able to better understand their implications for seismotectonic processes within the crust. We will take up several new approaches to reach our goals. One is to incorporate measurements of rotational ground motions. Thus, we measure six instead of only three components of the seismic wavefield which already proved to be valuable for waveform inversion for seismic moment tensors in theory. Another promising approach is to implement the theory of the asymmetric moment tensor. It enables to better account for deformation by including material rotations during the rupture which will give better constraints on the tectonics of the region. In addition, we examine the benefits of a 3D structural model and the possible influences of anisotropy to the resolvability of non-DC parts of the seismic moment tensor.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
International Connection
Dr. Peter Gaebler; Dr. Sebastian Heimann; Dr. Thomas Plenefisch
Cooperation Partner
Dr. Stephanie Durand