GSC 263: Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
Final Report Abstract
The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences was founded as an inter-university institution of the University of Bremen (UB) and the private Jacobs University Bremen (Jacobs) in 2008. It drew on the experience of the Graduate School of Social Science (GSSS) at UB (2003-2008) and two units at Jacobs, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) and the Jacobs Center on Lifelong Learning and Institu-tional Development (JCLL). Both its structure and its interdisciplinary focus are unique in German doctoral education. BIGSSS is fully integrated into the vibrant research communities at both universities. It has its own well-equipped buildings on each campus, and the community of currently 65 Bremen faculty members, 12 exter-nal faculty members and 79 regular doctoral fellows makes use of resources at both universities. Other doc-toral researchers from either university can become “Affiliated Fellows” who take part in our courses and doctoral colloquia. In 2017, BIGSSS introduced a new category of “adjunct fellows” to provide a low-threshold integration with an easy application process and no mandatory curricular elements. Since 2012, research at BIGSSS has been undertaken under the interdisciplinary umbrella theme Changing Patterns of Social and Political Integration, divided into three Thematic Fields: Global Governance and Regional Integration; Welfare State, Inequality, and Quality of Life; and Changing Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts. As of 2020, this structure will be replaced by a more flexible thematic arrangement. The graduate school depends on faculty located at various research institutes at UB and Jacobs. It needs to take care of a more adaptive fit between the research projects of its fellows and the faculty, e.g. as set by the CRC “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” (2018), the “Research Center Social Cohesion” (in founda-tion, funded by the BMBF) or the recently granted DFG-Research Training Group “Social Dynamics of the Self“ (2020). In the new and the old thematic settings, political science, sociology, and psychology are the core disciplines. However, BIGSSS also incorporates knowledge from law, health and behavioral econom-ics, business administration, social geography, history, and cultural studies—all represented by its faculty. The BIGSSS philosophy of graduate education holds that a structured curriculum and careful guidance can be used to foster early academic independence and support scholarly creativity. Several key elements are involved: doctoral candidates submit their own research proposals when applying; in-house faculty mem-bers are readily available for research consultation; dissertation committees, rather than single advisors, play an active supervisory role; the progress of each individual project is monitored by (at least) annual meet-ings and an additional dissertation completion meeting provides guidance for the post-doctoral period; and the curriculum of theory and methods offerings is “demand-tailored” to meet the specific needs of fellows’ research projects. After the end of the invaluable support by the Excellence Initiative, BIGSSS will continue as an interna-tional graduate school for social sciences, providing and developing best practices of excellent graduate education. Our goal is to equip young scholars with the necessary skills, expertise and critical mindset to meet the challenges of political and social integration in the academic and non-academic labour market.
(2008): Moralische Argumente in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Grenzen einer verständigungstheoretischen „Erklärung“ moralischer Debatten. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 15(2), 161-186
Hanrieder, Tine
(2009). Ökonomische Selbstständigkeit von Migranten in Deutschland: Effekte der sozialen Einbettung in Nachbarschaft und Haushalt. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 38(2), 111-128
Schunck, Reinhard / Windzio, Michael
(2009): A framework for the analysis of postconflict situations: Liberia and Mozambique reconsidered. International Peacekeeping 16(4), 483–497
Reisinger, Christian
(2009): Transnational labour solidarity: mechanisms of commitment to cooperation within the European trade union movement. London: Routledge
Gajewska, Katarzyna
(2009): Verwaltung und Entscheidung. Bestimmt das individuelle Einkommen die Machtverteilung in Paarbeziehungen? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 61(3), 327-353
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(2010). Politiques publiques et enjeux de la protection sociale Américaine. Revue française de science politique 60(2), 377-382
Ledoux, Clémence / Weyrauch, Philine
(2010): Action plan or faction flan? Germany’s eclectic approach to conflict prevention. International Peacekeeping 17(1), 93-107
Stengel, Frank / Weller, Christoph
(2010): Analyzing the embeddedness of power. Firm alliance under the reorganization of stateowned assets. Chinese Journal of Sociology 30(5), 25-44
Zhang, Chenjian
(2010): Deutungsmuster sozialer Ungleichheit. Wahrnehmung und Legitimation gesellschaftlicher Privilegierung und Benachteiligung. Frankfurt: Campus
Sachweh, Patrick
(2010): Economic equality and social welfare. Policy preferences in five nations. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 22(4), 458-484
Breznau, Nate
(2010): Exit, choice – and what about voice? Public involvement in health insurance funds in Bismarckian welfare states. Public Management Review 12(2), 213-231
Haarmann, Alexander / Klenk, Tanja / Weyrauch, Philine
(2010): Global child rights and local change: evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Human Security 6(1), 321
Schapper, Andrea
(2010): Menschenrechte als weltgesellschaftliche Herrschaftspraxis. Zur Konstitutionalisierung und Demokratisierung des Weltrechts. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Meisterhans, Nadja
(2010): Public support for a ban on headscarves. A crossnational perspective. International Journal of Conflict and Violence 4(2), 191-204
van der Noll, Jolanda
(2010): Smooth path or long and winding road? How institutions shape the transition from higher education to work. Opladen: Budrich UniPress
Leuze, Kathrin
(2010): Soziale Ungleichheit im Zugang zu beruflicher Weiterbildung. In R. Becker / W. Lauterbach (Hg.), Bildung als Privileg? Erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit (S. 345-376). Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Offerhaus, Judith / Leschke, Janine / Schömann, Klaus
(2011): Autoritäre Herrschaft, materielle Ressourcen und Außenwirtschaftsreformen. Marokko, Tunesien, Ägypten und Jordanien im Vergleich. Wiesbaden: VS
Richter, Thomas
(2011): Democratic participation and civil society in the European Union. Manchester: Manchester University Press
Friedrich, Dawid
(2011): Die Rhetorik der Exklusion. Zum Zusammenhang von Exklusionsthematik und Sozialtheorie. Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft
Farzin, Sina
(2011): Eine überraschende Reform? Politikwissenschaftliche Interpretationen und Erklärungsansätze zu Hartz IV. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 57(2), 221-236
Ruddat, Claudia
(2011): Homophilie unter guten Freunden: starke und schwache Freundschaften zwischen Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund und einheimischen Peers. Soziale Welt 62(1), 25-43
Winkler, Niels / Zentarra, Annabell / Windzio, Michael
(2011): Jenseits sozialer Klassen? Eine empirische Untersuchung der Individualisierungsthese am Beispiel von Einstellungen zu sozialer Ungleichheit und Wahlverhalten. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 40(6), 436-457
Lux, Thomas
(2011): Laufbahnklassen. Zur empirischen Umsetzung eines dynamisierten Klassenbegriffs mithilfe von Sequenzanalysen. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 21(1), 115-145
Groh-Samberg, Olaf / Hertel, Florian
(2011): Steps to compliance with international labour standards. The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the abolition of forced labour. Wiesbaden: VS
Thomann, Lars
(2012): Die Pfadabhängigkeit internationaler Verrechtlichung. EU und WTO im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 19(1), 37-63
Blauberger, Michael / Krüger, Tilman / Schmidt, Susanne K.
(2012): Die Vermessung des Regulatorischen Staates. Ein kritischer Überblick über WirtschaftsregulierungsIndizes. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 6(1) Supplement, 65-86
Etling, Andreas / Mause, Karsten
(2012): Mobilizing regions, mobilizing Europe. Expert knowledge and scientific planning in European regional development. London: Routledge
Büttner, Sebastian
(2012): Rethinking history, reframing identity. Memory, generations, and the dynamics of national identity in Poland. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Wangler, Alexandra
(2013): Belonging, solidarity and expansion in social policy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Börner, Stefanie
(2013): Das soziale Netz der Familie. Eine Praxeologie familiärer Hilfebeziehungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Hormann, Oliver
(2013): From friends to collaborators. A constructivist analysis of changes in ItaloGerman relations with the end of the Cold War. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Dinger, Dörte
(2013): Global governance and NGO participation. Shaping the information society in the United Nations. London: Routledge
Dany, Charlotte
(2013): Grenzkontrollen jenseits nationaler Territorien. Die Steuerung globaler Mobilität durch liberale Staaten. Frankfurt: Campus
Laube, Lena
(2013): Territorial borders as institutions. Functional change and the spatial division of authority. European Societies 15(3), 353-372
Müller, Andreas
(2013): The capitalist personality. Facetoface sociality and economic change in the postcommunist world. New York: Routledge
Swader, Christopher
(2013): The EU and immigration policies. Cracks in the walls of fortress Europe? Basingstoke: Palgrave
Roos, Christof
(2013): Their members’ voice? Civil society organizations in the European Union. Wiesbaden : Springer VS
Rodekamp, Meike
(2013): Wie uns Arbeitslosigkeit unter die Haut geht. Identitätsprozess und psychische Gesundheit bei Statuswechseln. Konstanz: UVK
Rogge, Benedikt
(2014): Außerunterrichtliche Aktivitäten und herkunftsbedingte Diversität. Konzeption und Wahrnehmung an Ganztagsschulen. Weinheim: Beltz Juventa
Meyer-Hamme, Alexa
(2014): From the global to the local. How international rights reach Bangladesh’s children. London: Routledge
Schapper, Andrea
(2014): Residential relocations and their consequences. Life course effects in England and Germany. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Lersch, Philipp
(2014): Securing pension provision. The challenge of reforming the age of entitlement. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Blair, Catherine
(2014): The European Union’s democratization policy for Central Asia. Failed in success or succeeded in failure? New York: Columbia University Press
Axyonova, Vera
(2014): Transnational activities and immigrant integration in Germany. Concurrent or competitive processes? Cham: Springer
Schunck, Reinhard
(2014): Verschwimmen die Grenzen? Auswirkungen von Vertrauensarbeitszeit auf die Schnittstelle von Arbeit und Privatleben. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft 68(2), 97-105
Janke, Ines / Stamov-Roßnagel, Christian / Scheibe, Susanne
(2015): Conceptualizing state collapse: an institutionalist approach. Third World Quarterly 36(7), 1299-1315
Lambach, Daniel / Johais, Eva / Bayer, Markus
(2015): International organization in time. Fragmentation and reform. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Hanrieder, Tine
(2015): Private Überschuldung und Sozialpolitik. Varianten der staatlichen Regulierung von Verbraucherinsolvenz und Restschuldbefreiung. Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 61(3), 315-340
Heuer, Jan-Ocko
(2015): Privatisierung und Liberalisierung im Postsektor. Die Reformpolitik in Deutschland, Großbritannien und Frankreich seit 1980. Frankfurt: Campus
Etling, Andreas
(2015): The social stratification of work beyond pension age in Germany and the UK: quantitative and qualitative evidence. In S. Scherger (ed.), Paid work beyond pension age. Comparative perspectives (pp. 57-80). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Hokema, Anna / Lux, Thomas
(2015): Wohlfahrtsmärkte. Die Privatisierung von Bildung und Rente in Deutschland, Schweden und den USA. Frankfurt: Campus
Köppe, Stephan
(2015): „Having a German passport will not make me German“: reactive ethnicity and oppositional identity among disadvantaged male Turkish secondgeneration youth in Germany. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(9), 1646-1662
Çelik, Çetin
(2016): Discursive construction of political categories and moral fields: God versus rights and access in a reproductive health legislative debate. Political Psychology 37(6), 853-866
Montiel, Cristina / Umel, Audris / de Leon, Marlene
(2016): Ende der Dualität? Krankenversicherungsreformen in Deutschland und den Niederlanden. Frankfurt: Campus
Goetze, Ralf
(2016): EU labor market policy. Ideas, thought communities and policy change. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Schellinger, Alexander
(2016): European regulatory agencies in EU decisionmaking. Between expertise and influence. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Ossege, Christoph
(2016): Fit by adaptation or fit by founding? A comparative study of existing and new entrepreneurial cohorts in China. Strategic management journal 37(5), 911-931
Zhang, Chenjian
(2016): Global call center employees in India. Work and life between globalization and tradition. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler
Golpelwar, Mayank-Kumar
(2016): Happier together. Social cohesion and subjective well-being in Europe. International Journal of Psychology 51(3), 163-176
Delhey, Jan / Dragolov, Georgi
(2016): Hegemonies of legitimation. Discourse dynamics in the European Commission. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Biegon, Dominica
(2016): How does trust in teams, team identification, and organisational identification impact trust in organisations? International Journal of Management and Applied Research 3(2), 87-97
Dumitru, Catalina / Schoop, Margret
(2016): Increasing pension age – inevitable or unfeasible? Analysing the ideas underlying experts‘ arguments in the UK and Germany. Journal of Aging Studies 39, 54-65
Hagemann, Steffen / Scherger, Simone
(2016): Protesting European integration: politicisation from below? In S. Hutter / E. Grande / H. Kriesi (eds.), Politicising Europe. Integration and Mass Politics (pp. 112-134). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Dolezal, Martin / Hutter, Swen / Becker, Regina
(2016): Rational intentions and unintended consequences. On the interplay between international and national actors in education policy. In Handbook of Global Education Policy (pp. 453-469). Chichester: WileyBlackwell
Fulge, Timm / Bieber, Tonia / Martens, Kerstin
(2016): Soft governance, international organizations and education policy convergence. Comparing PISA and the Bologna and Copenhagen processes. London: Palgrave Macmillan
Bieber, Tonia
(2016): Transferring professional knowledge and skills. The case of Central and Eastern European migrant physicians in German hospitals. Opladen: Budrich UniPress
Klein, Juliane
(2016): Weiterhin im Schatten der Vergangenheit? Postkommunistische Nachfolgeparteien zwei Jahrzehnte nach dem Systemwechsel. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 10(1), 37–59
Wittmann, Florian
(2017): Cyberactivism. In The SAGE encyclopedia of political behaviour. Thousand Oaks: SAGE
Shani, Maor / Leiser, Anne
(2017): EU asylum policies. The power of strong regulating states. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Zaun, Natascha
(2017): Public cash transfers and poverty dynamics in Europe. Empirical economics 52(2), 485-524
Kyzyma, Iryna
(2017): Social mobility in the 20th century. Class mobility and occupational change in the United States and Germany. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Hertel, Florian
(2017): Social policy by numbers. How international organisations construct global policy proposals. International Journal of Social Welfare 26(2), 151-167
Berten, John / Leisering, Lutz
(2017): What is citizenship for? Citizenships and naturalization in Latvia. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
Tönsmann, Susanne
(2017): Young and at risk? Consequences of job insecurity for mental health and wellbeing among labor market entrants of different educational levels. Economic and Industrial Democracy
Klug, Katharina
(2018): A crosscultural study of the mediating role of implicit theories of innovativeness in the relationship between values and attitudes towards innovation. Journal of CrossCultural Psychology 49(2), 336-352
Grigoryan, Lusine / Lebedeva, Nadezhda / Breugelmans, Seger
(2018): Beyond meritocracy. Wealth accumulation in the German upper classes. In O. Korsnes et al. (eds.), New Directions in Elite Studies (pp. 198-220). London: Routledge
Waitkus, Nora / GrohSamberg, Olaf
(2018): Mass media and concerns about immigration in Germany in the 21st Century. Individuallevel Evidence over 15 Years. European Sociological Review 34(4), 381-401
Czymara, Christian / Dochow, Stephan
(2018): Negotiating the boundaries of belonging. The intricacies of naturalisation in Germany. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Witte, Nils
(2018): New private sector providers in the welfare state. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan
Pieper, Jonas
(2018): NGOs and accountability. In Handbook of Research on NGOs (pp. 303-324). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
Redeker, Dennis / Martens, Kerstin
(2018): Rising inwork poverty in times of activation. Changes in the distributive performance of institutions over three decades, Germany 1984–2013. Social Indicators Research 140(3), 1109–1129
Gerlitz, JeanYves
(2018): The EU’s green dynamism. Deadlock and change in energy and environmental policy. London: Rowman & Littlefield International
Deters, Henning
(2018): The evolution and everyday practice of collective patient involvement in Europe. An examination of policy processes, motivations, and implementations in four countries. Cham: Springer
Haarmann, Alexander
(2018): The power of contact. Europe as a network of transnational attachment. European Journal of Political Research 57(4), 963-988
Deutschmann, Emanuel
(2018): The three facets of national identity. Identity dynamics and attitudes toward immigrants in Russia. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59(56), 403-427
Grigoryan, Lusine / Ponizovskiy, Vladimir
(2018): Towards digital constitutionalism? Mapping attempts to craft an Internet Bill of Rights. International Communications Gazette 80(4), 302-319
Redeker, Dennis / Gill, Lex / Gasser, Urs
(2018): Why narratives of history matter. Serbian and Croatian political discourses on European integration. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Roth (née Chaigneau), Clémentine
(2019): Citizenship beyond nationality. Immigrants’ right to vote across the world. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press
Pedroza, Luicy
(2019): Cryptopolitics. Encryption and democratic practices in the digital era. Abingdon: Routledge
Monsees, Linda
(2019): Failed indicatorisation. Defining, comparing and quantifying social policy in the ILO’s „International Survey of Social Services“ of the interwar period. Historical Social Research 44(2), 175-201
Berten, John
(2019): Langzeitpflege. In Handbuch Sozialpolitik (S. 645668). Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Rothgang, Heinz / Fischer, Johanna
(2019): Measuring Privatization: Comparing Five Indicators of the Disposition of StateOwned Enterprises in Advanced Democracies. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice 21(4), 402-422
Son, Keonhi / Zohlnhöfer, Reimut
(2019): Muslim women in Austria and Germany doing and undoing gender. Making gender differences and hierarchies relevant or irrelevant. Wiesbaden: Springer VS
Volkmann, Constanze
(2019): Pflegende Angehörige in Deutschland: wer pflegt, wo, für wen und wie? Zeitschrift für Sozialreform 65(2), 175-203
Ehrlich, Ulrike
(2019): Return migration, reintegration and sense of belonging. The case of skilled Ghanaian returnees. BadenBaden: Nomos
ArhinSam, Kwaku
(2019): Setting soft power in motion: towards a dynamic conceptual framework. European Journal of International Relations
Bakalov, Ivan
(2019): Simulating acculturation dynamics between migrants and locals in relation to network formation. Social Science Computer Review
Paolillo, Rocco / Jager, Wander
(2019): The contribution of vulnerability of labour migrants to drug resistance in the region. Overview and Suggestions. European Journal of Development Research 31(3), 620-642
Isabekova, Gulnaz
(2019): The politics of global tax governance. London: Routedge Taylor & Francis
Schmidtke, Henning
(2019): Unemployment sequences and the risk of poverty: from counting duration to contextualizing sequences. SocioEconomic Review
Pohlig, Matthias