Einfluß der Durchmischungstiefe und Durchmischungsintensität auf Phytoplankton, Licht und Nährstoffe im Pelagial
Professor Dr. Sebastian Diehl
Fachliche Zuordnung
Ökologie und Biodiversität der Pflanzen und Ökosysteme
Förderung von 2000 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5277752
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
'The influence of mixing depth and mixing intensity on phytoplankton: afield experiment". ASLO Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, June 2005
Jäger, C G., S. Diehl
„Light supply, plankton biomass and seston stoichiometry in gradients of mixing depth". ASLO Summer Meeting, Santiago de Compostela, June 2005
Diehl, S., S.A. Berger, T. Kunz
"Physical forcing of plankton dynamics: Effects of light supply and water temperature on phytoplankton and Zooplankton". University of Salzburg, December 2006
Diehl, S.
"Physical forcing of plankton dynamics: Effects of mixing depth on abiotic resources, algae and Zooplankton". IGB Berlin, May 2006
Diehl, S.
„Biomasse und Vertikalverteilung beweglicher Phytoplankter in Wassersäulen unterschiedlicher Tiefe und Durchmischung". DGL Dresden, September 2006
Schmidt, G., Jäger, C. G., Diehl, S.
"Influence of stratification depth on biomass, vertical distribution and dynamics of phytoplankton and Zooplankton". 30th SIL Congress, Montreal, August 2007
Diehl, S.
"Mixing depth and mixing intensity: the influence on phytoplankton" University of Amsterdam, Netheriands, December 2007
Jäger, C. G.
iehl, S. "Light and nutrient supply, seston stoichiometry, and plankton dynamics in gradients of mixing depths" Netherlands Academy of Sciences Colloquium 'Effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems: a stoichjometric perspective', Amsterdam, November 2007
Diehl, S.
"The influence of environmental determinants on pelagic producers and their grazers". EAWAG, Dübendorf, Switzerland, April 2008
Jäger, C G.
"The influence of environmental determinants on pelagic producers and their grazers". Potsdam University, March 2008
Jäger, C G.
"The influence of light, nutrients and mixing on pelagic communities and ecosystem dynamics". Umeä University, Sweden, April 2008
Jäger, C G.
2008. Influence of water column depth and mixing on phytoplankton biomass, community composition, and nutrients. Limnology and Oceanography 53:2361-2373
Jäger, CG., S. Diehl, and G. Schmidt
"Bottom-up forcing of trophic transfer in seasonal environments: External drivers of miernal oscillators". Intemational Symposium and workshop 'Effect of global change on carbon sequestration and food weö structure across ecosystems', Oldenburg, July 2009
Diehl, S.
"External drivers and internal oscillators: Plankton dynamics in changing seasonal environments". Uppsala University, September 2009
Diehl, S.
"The influence of water column depth and mixing intensity on algal community traits". ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting, Nice, France, January 2009
Jäger, C. G., S. Diehl, G. Schmidt
"Water column depth and mixing: effects on phytoplankton production and vertical fluxes and implications on natural communities". 6th LEREC workshop, Holmsund, Sweden, November 2009
Jäger, C. G.
"Water column depth as a driver of phytoplankton-grazer dynamics". Invited talk, 6th LEREC workshop, Holmsund, November 2009
Diehl, S.
2009. Carbon sequestration and elemental stoichiometry of mobile and non-mobile green algae. Limnology and Oceanography 54:MA6-M52
Striebel, M., S. Bartholome, R. Zernecke, C. Steinlein, S. Diehl, and H. Stibor
2010. Physical detenninants of phytoplankton production, algal stoichiometry, and vertical nutrient fluxes. American Naturalist
Jäger, CG., S. Diehl, and M. Emans