Project Details
School-based influmence on adolescent tolerance
Professor Dr. Peter Noack
Subject Area
Social Psychology, Industrial and Organisational Psychology
from 2002 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5469624
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
(2009). Political alienation in adolescence - Associations with parental role models, parenting styles and classroom climate. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 3(4), 337-346
Gniewosz, B., Noack, P., & Buhl, M.
2009). Politische Sozialisation. In A. Beelmann & K. Jonas (Hrsg.), Diskriminierung und Toleranz (S. 137-153). Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Noack, P. & Gniewosz, B.
Direct and extended friendship effects on minority and majority children’s intergroup attitudes: A longitudinal study. Child Development, 80, 377-390
Feddes, A.R., Noack, P., & Rutland, A.
(2010). On the leaky math pipeline: Comparing math-gender stereotypes and math withdrawal in male and female children and adolescents. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 947-963
Jelenec, P., Steffens, M.C., & Noack, P.
(2010). We are still better than them: A longitudinal field study of ingroup favouritism during a merger. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 819-836
Gleibs, I., Noack, P., & Mummendey, A.
(2011). Friendship preferences among German and Turkish preadolescents. Child Development, 82, 812-829
Jugert, P., Noack, P., & Rutland, A.
(2011). Socialization. In B.B. Brown & M. Prinstein (eds.), Encyclopedia of Adolescence (pp. 352-359). Elsevier
Noack, P.
(2012). Attitudes toward political engagement and willingness to participate in politics: Trajectories throughout adolescence. Journal of Adolescence 35, 485-495
Eckstein, K., Noack, P., & Gniewosz, B.
(2012). Politische Partizipation und soziales Engagement unter jungen Deutschen, Türken und Spätaussiedlern: Befunde aus einer qualitativen Untersuchung mit Fokusgruppen. Zeitschrift für Politische Psychologie, 1, 36-53
Jugert, P., Benbow, A., Noack, P. & Eckstein, K.