Projekt Druckansicht

Die Bedeutung der Autoantikörper gegen den AT1-Rezeptor und des uteroplazentären Renin-Angiotensin Systems in der Pathophysiologie der Präeklampsie

Fachliche Zuordnung Kardiologie, Angiologie
Förderung Förderung von 2007 bis 2012
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 54452628
Erstellungsjahr 2011

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Angiogenesis factors and preeclampsia. Nature Medicine, Vol. 14. 2008, Issue 11, pp. 1187 - 1188. Seminars in Nephrology, Vol. 31. 2011, Issue 1, pp. 33–46.
    Dechend R, Luft FC
    (Siehe online unter
  • AT1-receptor autoantibodies and uteroplacental RAS in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. Journal of Molecular Medicine, Vol. 86. 2008, Issue 6, pp. 697-703.
    Herse F, Staff AC, Hering L, Müller DN, Luft FC, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Endovascular trophoblast invasion, spiral artery remodelling and uteroplacental haemodynamics in a transgenic rat model of pre-eclampsia. Placenta, Vol. 29. 2008, Issue 7, pp. 614–623.
    Geusens N, Verlohren S, Luyten C, Taube M, Hering L, Vercruysse L, Hanssens M, Dudenhausen JW, Dechend R, Pijnenborg R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Circulating and Placental Growth-Differentiation Factor 15 in Preeclampsia and in Pregnancy Complicated by Diabetes Mellitus. Hypertension, 54. 2009, Issue 1, pp. 106-112.
    Sugulle M, Dechend R, Herse F, Weedon-Fekjaer MS, Johnsen GM, Brosnihan KB, Anton L, Luft FC, Wollert KC, Kempf T, Staff AC.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Hypertension in response to autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor (AT1-AA) in pregnant rats: role of endothelin-1 Hypertension, Vol. 54. 2009, Issue 4, pp.905-909.
    LaMarca B, Parrish M, Ray LF, Murphy SR, Roberts L, Glover P, Wallukat G, Wenzel K, Cockrell K, Martin JN Jr, Ryan MJ, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Prevalence of Agonistic Autoantibodies Against the Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor and Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 in a Gestational Age-Matched Case Study. Hypertension, Vol. 53. 2009, Issue 2, pp. 393-398.
    Herse F, Verlohren S, Wenzel K, Pape J, Muller DN, Modrow S, Wallukat G, Luft FC, Redman CW, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Alpha1A-adrenergic receptordirected autoimmunity induces left ventricular damage and diastolic dysfunction in rats. PLoS One, Vol. 5. 2010, Issue 2: e9409.
    Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Qadri F, Hubner N, Schulz H, Hummel O, Herse F, Heuser A, Fischer, R, Heidecke H, Luft FC, Muller DN, Dietz R, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Changes in endovascular trophoblast invasion and spiral artery remodelling at term in a transgenic preeclamptic rat model. Placenta, Vol. 31. 2010, Issue 4, pp. 320–326.
    Geusens N, Hering L, Verlohren S, Luyten C, Drijkoningen K, Taube M, Vercruysse L, Hanssens M, Dechend R, Pijnenborg R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Effects of circulating and local uteroplacental angiotensin II in rat pregnancy. Hypertension, Vol.56. 2010, Issue 2, pp.311-318.
    Hering L, Herse F, Geusens N, Verlohren S, Wenzel K, Staff AC, Brosnihan KB, Huppertz B, Luft FC, Mueller DN, Pijnenborg R, Cartwright J, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Increased Angiotensin II in the Mesometrial Triangle of a Transgenic Rat Model of Preeclampsia Hypertension. Hypertension, Vol. 55. 2010, Issue 2, pp. 562-566.
    Brosnihan KB, Hering L, Dechend R, Chappell MC, Herse F.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Inhibition of trophoblastinduced spiral artery remodeling reduces placental perfusion in rat pregnancy, Hypertension Vol.56. 2010, Issue 2, pp. 304-310.
    Verlohren S, Geusens N, Morton J, Verhaegen I, Hering L, Herse F, Dudenhausen W, Müller DNM, Luft FC, Cartwright JE, Davidge ST, Pijnenborg R, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • The effect of immune factors, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and agonistic autoantibodies to the angiotensin II type I receptor on soluble fmslike tyrosine-1 and soluble endoglin production in response to hypertension during pregnancy. American Journal of Hypertension, Vol. 23. 2010, Issue 8, pp. 911-916.
    Parrish MR, Murphy SR, Rutland S, Wallace K, Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Keiser S, Ray LF, Dechend R, Martin JN, Granger JP, LaMarca B.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Adipose tissue-derived soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 is an obesity-relevant endogenous paracrine adipokine. Hypertension, Vol. 58. 2011, Issue 1, pp.37-42.
    Herse F, Fain JN, Janke J, Engeli S, Kuhn C, Frey N, Weich HA, Bergmann A, Kappert K, Karumanchi SA, Luft FC, Muller DN, Staff AC, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor Antibodies and Increased Angiotensin II Sensitivity in Pregnant Rats. Hypertension, Vol. 58. 2011, pp. 77-84.
    Wenzel K, Rajakumar A, Haase H, Geusens N, Hubner N, Schulz H, Brewer J, Roberts L, Hubel CA, Herse F, Hering L, Qadri F, Lindschau C, Wallukat G, Pijnenborg R, Heidecke H, Riemekasten G, Luft FC, Muller DN, Lamarca B, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Heparin Strongly Induces Soluble fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1 Release In Vivo and In Vitro. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, Volume 31. 2011, Issue 12, pp. 2972-2974.
    Searle J, Mockel M, Gwosc S, Datwyler SA, Qadri F, Albert GI, Holert F, Isbruch A, Klug L, Muller DN, Dechend R, Muller R, Vollert JO, Slagman A, Mueller C, Herse F.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Hypertension in Response to AT1-AA: Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension. American Journal of Hypertension, Vol.24. 2011, Issue 7, pp. 835-840.
    Parrish MR, Wallace K, Tam Tam KB, Herse F, Weimer A, Wenzel K, Wallukat G, Ray LF, Arany M, Cockrell K, Martin JN, Dechend R, Lamarca B.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Hypertension in response to placental ischemia during pregnancy: role of B lymphocytes. Hypertension, Vol.57. 2011, Issue 4, pp. 865-71.
    LaMarca B, Wallace K, Herse F, Wallukat G, Martin JN Jr, Weimer A, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Angiogenic growth factors in the diagnosis and prediction of pre-eclampsia Clinical Science, Vol. 122. 2012, pp.43–52.
    Verlohren S, Stepan H, Dechend R.
    (Siehe online unter
  • Placenta messages to the mother: not just debris, Hypertension 2011 Hypertension, Vol. 59. 2012, Issue 2, pp. 191-193.
    Dechend R, Staff AC.
    (Siehe online unter


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