Reprogrammierung der Toleranz in murinen Modellen immunologischer Schwangerschaftskomplikationen mittels regulatorischer T-Zellen
Professorin Dr. Ana Claudia Zenclussen
Fachliche Zuordnung
Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Förderung von 2005 bis 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 5446987
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Protective effect ofTreg during murine pregnancy depends on Heme Oxygenase-1. 13th Satellite symposium of Reproductive Immunology, Rio de Janeiro Brazil
Wafula PO, Schumacher A, Teles A, Volk H-D, Zenclussen AC
Antigen-specific Treg are generated very early in pregnancy. J Reprod Immunol 71, no.2 (2006): 149-150
Zenclussen A.C., Thuere C , Leber J., Schumacher A., Zenclussen M.L., Wafula P., Volk H.- D.
Increased numbers of FoxP3+ cells in vaginal mucus from normal pregnant mice suggest early antigen specific tolerance mechanism during pregnancy. Am J Reprod Immunol 55 (2006): 390
Thuere C , Leber J., Schumacher A., Zenclussen M.L., Volk H.D., Zenclussen A.C.
Paternal Alloantigens are recognized by the Direct Pathway in Matemal Tissues throughout the Whole Murine Pregnancy Beginning on Day 0. Am J Reprod Immunol 56 (2006): 60
Zenclussen MX., Wafula P., Thuere C , Casalis P., Fest S., Bechmann L, Priller J., Volk H.- D., Zenclussen A.C.
Pregnancy-protective Regulatory T Cells act in an Antigen-specific Maimer. Am J Reprod Immunol 56 (2006): 11
Schumacher A., Wollenberg I., Zambon Bertoja A., Thüre C , Gerlof K., Zenclussen M.L., Sollwedel A., Leber J., Wafula P., Volk H.-D., Zenclussen A.C.
"Characterization of novel Treg mediated mechanisms of tolerance at the feto-matemal interface." Poster (X ISIR Congress, Opatija, Croacia, 2007)
Teles A., Popovic, M., Leber, J., Stancic 0., Volk H.D., Zenclussen A.C.
"Expansion of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells during murine pregnancy is not driven by pregnancy-associated hormones" European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Ungam (28.04.-02.05.07) Poster
A. Schumacher, C. Thuere, J. Rau, H.-D. Volk, A.C. Zenclussen
"IL-10 but not TGF-ß is essential for the suppressor fiinction of Treg cells in murine pregnancy" Poster and Oral presentation (X ISIR Congress, Opatija, Croacia, 2007)
Schumacher A, Wafula PO, Teles A, Yagita H, Volk H-D, Zenclussen AC
"IL-10 but not TGF-ß is essential for the suppressor fimction of Treg cells in murine pregnancy" Poster (Jahrestreffen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Immunologie, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007)
Schumacher A, Wafula PO, Teles A, Yagita H, Volk H-D, Zenclussen AC
"Regulatory T-Cells in Pregnancy" European Congress of Endocrinology, Budapest, Ungam (28.04.-02.05.07) Poster
A.C. Zenclussen, J. Rau, C. Thuere, A. Schumacher, G. Zimmermann, H.-D. Volk
"Trafficking of regulatory T cells during pregnancy: Expression profile of Treg-related chemokines at the fetal-matemal interface" Poster (Jahrestreffen der Deutschen GeseUschaft fur Immunologic, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007)
Teles A., Popovic, M., Schumacher A., Wafula P.O., Volk H.H., Zenclussen A.C.
Immunology of pregnancy: cellular mechanisms allowing fetal survival within the maternal uterus. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2007 Apr 27;9(10):1-14
Zenclussen AC, Schumacher A, Zenclussen ML, Wafula P, Volk HD
Kinetics of regulatory T cells during murine pregnancy. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2007 Dec;58(6):514-23
Thuere C, Zenclussen ML, Schumacher A, Langwisch S, Schulte-Wrede U, Teles A, Paeschke S, Volk HD, Zenclussen AC
Kinetics of Regulatory T cells during murine pregnancy. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2007; 58: 514-523
Thuere C , Zenclussen M.L., Schumacher A., Langwisch S., Schulte-Wrede U., Teles A., Paeschke S., Volk H.D., Zenclussen A.C.
Mechanisms of action of regulatory T cells specific for patemal anfigens during pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Nov; 110(5): 1137-45
Schumacher A, Wafula PO, Bertoja AZ, Sollwedel A, Thuere C, Wollenberg I, Yagita H, Volk HD, Zenclussen AC
Protective effect of Treg during murine pregnancy depends on Heme Oxygenase-1: X intemafional congress of Reproductive Immunology, Opatija, Croatia, 2007
Wafula PO, Schumacher A, Teles A, Volk H-D, Zenclussen AC
"Differential expression of Treg-related chemokines during pregnancy" Poster (Intemational Conference on regulatory T cells and clinical applications in human diseases, Beijing, China, 2008)
Teles A., Thuere C , Popovic, M., Wafula P.O., Schumacher A., Volk H.H., Zenclussen A.C.
"Differential expression of Treg-related chemokines during pregnancy" Poster and Oral communication (ENII-MUGEN Summer School of Immunology, Sardegna, Italy, 2008)
Teles A., Thuere C , Popovic, M., Wafula P.O., Schumacher A., Volk H.H., Zenclussen A.C.
"Regulatory T cells: key players in matemal tolerance towards the fetus" Short Talk (Intemational Conference on regulatory T cells and clinical applications in human diseases, Beijing, China, 2008)
Teles, A., Zenclussen A.C.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin attracts regulatory T Cells into the fetomatemal interface" (28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproducfive Immunology, Chicago, IL, USA 2008)
Schumacher A, Brachwitz N, Langwisch S, Dolaptchieva M, Sohr S, Engeland K, Alexander H, Zenclussen AC
Regulatory T cells are protecfive in murine pregnancy only in the presence of Heme Oxygenase -1. 8th International Conference on Immunosuppression, Berlin, Germany, 2008
Wafula PO, Schumacher A, Zenclussen ML, Volk H-D, Zenclussen AC
"De novo generation ofTreg cells and differential expression of Treg related chemokines during pregnancy" Poster (ENII/EMBO Conference, Sardegna, Italy, 2009
Teles A., Wafula P.O., Popovic M., Volk H.D., Zenclussen A.C.
Human chorionic gonadotropin attracts regulatory T cells into the fetal-matemal interface during early human pregnancy. J Immunol. 2009 May I;I82(9):5488-97
Schumacher A, Brachwitz N, Sohr S, Engeland K, Langwisch S, Dolaptchieva M, Alexander T, Taran A, Malfertheiner SF, Costa SD, Zimmermann G, Nitschke C, Volk HD, Alexander H, Gunzer M, Zenclussen AC
PD-1 but not CTLA-4 blockage abrogates the protective effect of regulatory T cells in a pregnancy murine model. Am. J Reprod Immunol 2009 62 (5): 283-292
Wafula PO, Teles A, Schumacher A, Pohl K, Yagita H, Volk HD, Zenclussen AC
Towards the understanding ofthe specific immune response to patemal anfigens during pregnancy. Am. J Reprod Immunol 2010 63 (3): 200-208
Zenclussen ML, Thuere C, Ahmad N, Wafula PO, Fest S, Teles A, Leber A, Casalis P, Bechmann I, Priller J, Volk HD, Zenclussen AC