Project Details
SPP 1147: Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis
Subject Area
Thermal Engineering/Process Engineering
from 2003 to 2010
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5471852
Experimental flow analysis occupies a significant and central role beside flow theory and numerics, applied in flow research as well as in broad fields of industrial practice. The purpose of an experiment is always to get a "picture" of the flow field to identify e.g. physical correlations or to verify applied flow models.
Comparisons with current increasingly-utilized numerical tools in research and practice (Computational Fluid Dynamics) reveal, that only very few experimental methods exist which can keep up with modern numerical methods according to their graphical expressiveness in spatio-visual analysis or the analysis of flow field dynamics. The research programme shall help to close this gap by moving the investigation of powerful imaging measurement methods for the analysis of complex spatial flow fields into the centre of the activities. The modern flow measurement technique shall be advanced with this program as an accepted key technology by cooperation with informatics and measurement physics of which applications extend the classical operational range of flow physics by far. These new experimental tools - together with numerics - can help to disclose the previously neglected world of instationary flow mechanics which will, in future, undoubtedly adopt a dominating position e.g. in the area of gas turbines, bio-fluidmechanics or flow control.
The research program is roughly divided in four application areas:
-- field measurement methods;
-- surface measurement methods;
-- flow measurement techniques based on micro electromechanical sensors (MEMS);
--measurement methods for complex transportation coefficients.
These four sub-areas will be edited by interdisciplinary research groups from the areas of flow mechanics (including users from applied engineering science), measurement physics and informatics (here methods for digital imaging and analysis). In the first step, the program will be supplemented by a basic experiment covering the resolution of time and space, accompanied by corresponding numerical simulations (presently Large-Eddy-Simulation). Further, a network shall be formed to attend the research initiative in a reasonable way i.a. with technology colloquiums (organised by the research partners) and transfer projects (organised by industry).
Comparisons with current increasingly-utilized numerical tools in research and practice (Computational Fluid Dynamics) reveal, that only very few experimental methods exist which can keep up with modern numerical methods according to their graphical expressiveness in spatio-visual analysis or the analysis of flow field dynamics. The research programme shall help to close this gap by moving the investigation of powerful imaging measurement methods for the analysis of complex spatial flow fields into the centre of the activities. The modern flow measurement technique shall be advanced with this program as an accepted key technology by cooperation with informatics and measurement physics of which applications extend the classical operational range of flow physics by far. These new experimental tools - together with numerics - can help to disclose the previously neglected world of instationary flow mechanics which will, in future, undoubtedly adopt a dominating position e.g. in the area of gas turbines, bio-fluidmechanics or flow control.
The research program is roughly divided in four application areas:
-- field measurement methods;
-- surface measurement methods;
-- flow measurement techniques based on micro electromechanical sensors (MEMS);
--measurement methods for complex transportation coefficients.
These four sub-areas will be edited by interdisciplinary research groups from the areas of flow mechanics (including users from applied engineering science), measurement physics and informatics (here methods for digital imaging and analysis). In the first step, the program will be supplemented by a basic experiment covering the resolution of time and space, accompanied by corresponding numerical simulations (presently Large-Eddy-Simulation). Further, a network shall be formed to attend the research initiative in a reasonable way i.a. with technology colloquiums (organised by the research partners) and transfer projects (organised by industry).
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
- 3-D PTV for quantitatif determination of Lagrange particle trajectories in fluid flows (Applicant Grundmann, Roger )
- 3D Scanning PTV mit hochauflösender Rekonstruktion von Lagrange'schen Partikeltrajektorien zur Analyse zyklischer Transportprozesse in abgelösten Strömungen (Applicant Brücker, Christoph )
- 3D-Tomographie mit wenigen Projektoren in der experimentellen 3D-Strömungsmessung (Applicants Schnörr, Christoph ; Schröder, Andreas )
- Analyse und Visualisierung von Strukturen in digitalen Strömungsfeldern (Applicant Ertl, Thomas )
- Analysis and visualisation of structures in digital flow fields (Applicants Ertl, Thomas ; Rist, Ulrich )
- Anwendung von Low Dimensional Models in der bildgebenden Strömungsmesstechnik (Applicant Tropea, Cameron )
- Bestimmung turbulenter Transportgrößen mittels bildgebender Messverfahren (Themenkreis: Transportgrößen) (Applicant Tropea, Cameron )
- Bildgebende Erfassung dynamischer Oberflächenkräfte durch piezoelektrische Copolymer-Beschichtungen (Applicant Peltzer, Inken )
- Bildgebender 2D-3C-Laser-Doppler-Feldsensor zur Untersuchung turbulenter Scherströmungen, Teil II (Applicant Czarske, Jürgen W. )
- Dreidimensionale zeitaufgelöste Geschwindigkeits- und Dichtemessungen mikroskopischer Strömungen durch nichtlineare optische, dynamische Filterung (Applicant Denz, Cornelia )
- Einsatz neuartiger Doppler-Global-Velocimeter (DGV) zur Analyse komplexer Strömungen; FM-DGV-Sensorentwicklung und -anwendung (Applicants Czarske, Jürgen W. ; Müller, Harald )
- "Einsatz neuartiger Doppler-Global-Velocimeter (DGV) zur Analyse komplexer Strömungen", Teil 1 "DGV-Sensorentwicklung und -anwendung" (Applicant Müller, Harald )
- Entwicklung eines bildgebenden, optischen Messverfahrens für wandnahe Strömungen (Applicant Kertzscher, Ulrich )
- Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Messsystems zur Analyse des Geschwindigkeits- und Druckfeldes dreidimensionaler instationärer abgelöster Strömungen (Applicant Schröder, Wolfgang )
- Entwicklung und Anwendung von Messsystemen der PIV zur räumlich bzw. zeitlich hochauflösenden Erfassung von Geschwindigkeitsfeldern instationärer Strömungen in Windkanälen (Themenkreis: Feldmessverfahren) (Applicant Kompenhans, Jürgen )
- Entwicklung und Erprobung eines bildgebenden Messverfahrens zur simultanen flächigen Bestimmung von Mischungsverhältnis und Geschwindigkeitsfeld bei einphasigen Mischprozessen (Applicant Beushausen, Volker )
- Entwicklung und Qualifizierung eines zeitauflösenden 3D Messverfahrens mit einer Kamera (Applicant Kähler, Christian Joachim )
- Entwicklung von bildgebenden Messverfahren zur Validierung von LES-Simulationen von Strömungen mit Wärme- und Stoffübertragung (Applicant Leipertz, Alfred )
- GASSCREW (Heißgasschraubenmaschine) - Experimentelle Verifikation (Applicant Kauder, Knut )
- Global variational approaches to image motion computation in fluid mechanics (Applicant Schnörr, Christoph )
- Investigation of Background Oriented Schlieren (BOS) towards a quantitative density measurement system (Applicant Seume, Jörg )
- Kombinatives 2D-Messverfahren zur simultanen quantitativen Bestimmung von Strömungsfeld, Mischungsbruch und Temperatur am Beispiel von Mikro-Fluidik-Anwendungen (Applicant Beushausen, Volker )
- Koordinatorprojekt im Schwerpunkt "Bildgebende Messverfahren für die Strömungsanalyse" (Applicant Nitsche, Wolfgang )
- Leitexperiment: Umströmung eines Zylinderstumpfes (Applicant Leder, Alfred )
- MEMS pressure sensor arrays for the spatial- and time-resolved measurement of wall pressure and its fluctuation in turbulent flow (Applicant Obermeier, Ernst )
- Messung von kohärenten Strukturen in groß-skaligen Konvektionsströmungen mittels 3D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) (Applicants Müller, Dirk ; Resagk, Christian )
- Mikroorganismische Konvektion im Lichte eines bildgebenden Verfahrens mit neurohybrider Auswertung. Störmungsinduzierende ciliare Biomotorik und Ansatz zu ihrer Übertragung in die Technik (Applicant Delgado, Antonio )
- Modellbasierte Analyse von (3+1)D-Biokonvektionsvorgängen (Applicant Westermann, Rüdiger )
- Numerische Simulation der Umströmung eines Zylinderstumpfes (Applicant Thiele, Frank )
- Spatiotemporal image analysis for flow measurements (Applicant Jähne, Bernd )
- The Atomic Layer Thermopile (ALTP) as a Sensor Component for a Surface Measurement Technique in Fluid Mechanics (Applicant Knauss, Helmut )
- Tomo-PTV zur simultanen Bestimmung von 3D-Geschwindigkeitsfeldern und 3D-Partikeltrajektorien in Gas- und Flüssigkeitsströmungen (Applicant Maas, Hans-Gerd )
- Verfahren zur zeitaufgelösten Aufnahme der dreidimensionalen Dichteverteilung in instationären Strömungen mit Hilfe von Multi-Video Hintergrund-Schlieren Aufnahmen (Applicant Magnor, Marcus )
- Vermessung von Profilablösungen mittels verbesserter Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) durch Verwendung von farbigen Tracerpartikeln und weiterentwickelten Prädiktionsmethoden (Applicants Michaelis, Bernd ; Thévenin, Dominique )
- Visualisierung von Wandschubspannungsfeldern auf Basis der Infrarot-Thermografie (Applicant Reyer, Matthias )
- Visualization of velocity- and concentration fields by tomographic and holographic techniques (Applicant Glasmacher, Birgit )
- Weiterentwicklung der experimentellen Hintergrund Schlieren Methode (BOS) zur einem universell einsetzbaren Werkzeug zur quantitativen Vermessung von Dichtefeldern (Applicant Kompenhans, Jürgen )
Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Nitsche