Project Details
SFB 528: Textile Reinforcement for Structural Strengthening and Repair
Subject Area
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Construction Engineering and Architecture
Construction Engineering and Architecture
from 1999 to 2011
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 5483454
The stress-oriented arrangement of fibre materials, such as glass or carbon, which have an excellent load-bearing capacity, leads to technical textiles that may be incorporated into a concrete matrix. So a new, innovative composite material is produced, which can be used for the production of new concrete members and also for the restoration and strengthening of existing structures. As the materials used are noncorrosive compared to steel and as they show great strength at the same time, textile-reinforced concrete can be used for strengthening tasks of small dimensions. With regard to timber structures, textile reinforcement can compensate the strength and stiffness differences caused by anisotropy and can increase durability. If textile structures are used instead of steel gussets this may lead to a considerable increase in the ultimate strength and the ductility of joints.
The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.
The five fields of the project are designed that theoretical and experimental investigations are carried out to provide the fundamentals of the materials. Additionally information will be obtained about the mechanical description, the detailing and the dimensioning, the techniques of applying, the realisation on the site and the long-term behaviour. All leading to a safety concept and also a service life concept for the use of textile reinforcements for restoration and strengthening.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
- A01 - Modelling and Development of Load-Adapted Textile Reinforcements for Concrete (Project Head Cherif, Chokri )
- A02 - Grundlagen für die Gefüge- und Verbundoptimierung der Matrices von textilbewehrten Betonen (Project Heads Schiekel, Michael ; Schorn, Harald )
- A03 - Constitutive relations of textile reinforced concrete under multiaxial loading conditions (Project Head Zastrau, Bernd )
- A04 - Modellierung und fertigungsgerechte Entwicklung geometrisch angepasster textiler Verstärkungsstrukturen für Knotenpunktverstärkungen von Tragwerkskonstruktionen aus Holz (Project Head Offermann, Peter )
- A05 - Fibes and Interface Design with Polymers (Project Head Mäder, Edith )
- A06 - Experimental and theoretical investigations for the development of matrices and for the improvment of fiber matrix bond of textile reinforce concrete (Project Head Mechtcherine, Viktor )
- B01 - Experimentelle Ermittlung des Stoffgesetzes von textilbewehrtem Beton (Project Head Jesse, Frank )
- B03 - Numerical investigations on the load-carryin mechanism of filament yarns in a concrete matrix (Project Head Häußler-Combe, Ulrich )
- B04 - Statistische Bewertung von Versuchsergebnissen und numerischen Modellen zur Untersuchung zum Lastübertragungsverhalten von Filamentgarnen in einer Betonmatrix (Project Heads Curbach, Manfred ; Proske, Dirk )
- B05 - Load carrying behaviour of the bond of textile reinforcement and basic research on structural reinforcing details (Project Head Ortlepp, Regine )
- B06 - Transfer behaviour from roving to roving and end anchoring of texitle structures (Project Head Richter, Mike )
- C01 - Investigations for the load carrying behaviour of the bond between old concrete and textile reinforced conrete (Project Head Curbach, Manfred )
- C02 - Verbundverhalten flächiger Verstärkungen (Project Head Zastrau, Bernd )
- C03 - Untersuchungen zum Tragverhalten einer Holzverbindung aus Formvollholz mit einer Bewehrung aus formgerechten, räumlichen Gestricken (Project Head Haller, Peer )
- C4 - Theoretische und experimentelle Kerbspannungsanalyse textilbewehrter Holzkonstruktionen mit metallischen Verbindungselementen (Project Head Hufenbach, Werner )
- C05 - Charakterisierung der Verbundfestigkeit und Dauerhaftigkeit von textilbewehrtem Hols (Project Head Haller, Peer )
- D01 - Verstärkung von Balken und Plattenbalken mit textilbewehrtem Beton (Project Head Curbach, Manfred )
- D02 - Numerical simulation of the loadbearing behaviour of textile strengthened conctructions (Project Heads Graf, Wolfgang ; Kaliske, Michael )
- D03 - Zerstörungsfreie bildgebende Verfahren (Computertomographie) und voxelbasierende Bildanalyse zur Bewertung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Proben textilbewehrter Bauwerke (Project Head Maas, Hans-Gerd )
- D04 - Strengthening of axial and torsion loaded structural members with textile reinforce concrete (Project Head Curbach, Manfred )
- D05 - Corrosion protection of concrete and steel reinforced concrete structural members in the case of repair and strengthening using textile reinforced conrete (Project Head Mechtcherine, Viktor )
- D06 - Failure mechanism of textile reinforced concrete under fire loading (Project Heads Cherif, Chokri ; Curbach, Manfred )
- E03 - Reliability assessment of textile strengthened structures and reliability based design (Project Head Sickert, Jan-Uwe )
- E04 - Numerical prognosis for time dependent alteration of textile strengthened structures (Project Heads Beer, Michael ; Graf, Wolfgang ; Kaliske, Michael )
- T01 - Entwicklung einer Multiaxialnähwirkmaschine mit modifiziertem Schussfadenaufnahme- und Transport- sowie Beschichtungs- und Konfektionierung/Speichedrsystems (Project Head Cherif, Chokri )
- T01 - Entwicklung einer Multiaxialnähwirkmaschine mit modifiziertem Schussfadenaufnahme- und Transport- sowie Beschichtungs- und Konfektionierung/Speichersystems (Project Head Cherif, Chokri )
- T03 - Instandsetzung und Verstärkung von Stahlbetonbauteilen für Biegung und Querkraft (Project Head Curbach, Manfred )
- T04 - Bewertung der numerisch ermittelten Robustheit von (textilverstärkten) Tragwerken (Project Heads Graf, Wolfgang ; Möller, Bernd )
- T04 - Bewertung der numerisch ermittelten Robustheit von (textilverstärkten) Tragwerken (Project Heads Graf, Wolfgang ; Möller, Bernd )
- T06 - Dimensioning Model and Application Technology for Flexural Strengthening of RC-Slabs (Project Heads Curbach, Manfred ; Schach, Rainer )
- T07 - Adaptation and application of non-deterministic simulation and design strategies in the engineering practice (Project Heads Graf, Wolfgang ; Kaliske, Michael )
- T09 - Modelling and Development of Load-Adapted Textile Reinforcements for Concrete (Project Head Cherif, Chokri )
- Y01 - Ditgital Photogrammetric Techniques for Measuring Deformation, Cracks and Structural Changes During Load Tests of Textile Reinforced Test Objects (Project Head Maas, Hans-Gerd )
- Z01 - Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereiches (Project Head Curbach, Manfred )
Applicant Institution
Technische Universität Dresden
Participating Institution
Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V. (IPF)
Professor Dr.-Ing. Manfred Curbach