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  • New funded Emmy-Noether Research Groups

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Results 11 to 15 out of 17 on 4 pages
Applicant Michael Kathan
Subject Area Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
Nature’s smallest factories, biological molecular machines, perform vital tasks in living organisms, such as driving the formation of energy carriers, ... 


Applicant Jad Halimeh
Subject Area Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Relativity, Fields
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
The main subject of my current work is concentrated around the out-of-equilibrium dynamics and quantum simulation of gauge theories, which are fundamental ... 


Applicant Allister Loder ( in cooperation with Markus K. Brunnermeier, Michiel Bliemer, Hani S. Mahmassani )
Subject Area Traffic and Transport Systems, Intelligent and Automated Traffic
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
The planning of multimodal transport systems is often based on only a single forecast scenario: the (car-based) morning commute to the city. The required ... 


Applicant Oskar Staufer
Subject Area Biophysics
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
Cancer cells adapt their phenotype as well as their surrounding microenvironment to evade elimination by the immune system. A fundamental understanding of this  


Applicant Daniel Reichart
Subject Area Cardiology, Angiology
DFG Programme Independent Junior Research Groups Term Since 2023
For decades, the life expectancy worldwide has increased steadily. Currently, every second German citizen is older than 45 and every fifth above 66 – with ... 



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