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  • New funded Research Impulses

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Results 1 to 10 out of 10 on 1 page
Spokesperson Erik H. Saenger
Review Board Fluid Mechanics, Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Energy Engineering
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The interaction of fluid flow and ultrasonic waves is a central, but still insufficiently researched, issue for numerous application areas. At the University ... 


Spokesperson Felix Gers
Review Board Computer Science
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Demographic changes pose major challenges for our society, three of which are at the heart of our work. (1) Our workforce needs to be productive with less ... 


Spokesperson Mike Althaus
Review Board Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
This project investigates cellular transport processes and their regulatory mechanisms in health and disease across multiple resolution scales - from the ... 


Spokesperson Maik Eichelbaum
Review Board Materials Science
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The DuraFuelCell Research Impulse aims to provide a decisive impetus for the implementation of hydrogen fuel cell technology in stationary and heavy-duty ... 


Spokesperson Christina Fischer
Review Board Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Global change strongly affects biodiversity and ecosystem functionality in agricultural landscapes through climate change, land use intensification and related  


Spokesperson Hartmut Aden
Review Board Economics
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The "HWR Research Competence Centre: Challenges and Resilience of Global Supply and Value Chains" is a research impulse created to further develop existing ... 


Spokesperson Christoff Zalpour
Review Board Art History, Music, Theatre and Media Studies
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Performance-related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) are thought to be primarily of neuromusculoskeletal origin and can affect the practice, rehearsal, ... 


Spokesperson Eva Gerharz
Review Board Social Sciences
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
Contemporary society is characterised by multiple insecurities which are often experienced as crises. When seen as such, this evokes responses at all levels: ... 


Spokesperson Sascha Röck
Review Board Production Technology
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The proposed research impulse "Smart Factory Grids - Methodologies for a service-based, highly flexible, dynamic distributed manufacturing with autonomous, ... 


Spokesperson Robert Brunner
Review Board Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
DFG Programme Research Impulses Term Since 2024
The research impulse TOOLS - Tailored Optics for Life Sciences Engineering - initiates an interdisciplinary and symbiotic research collaboration with partners ... 



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