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  • Newly published projects in Mai 2024

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Results 1 to 5 out of 440 on 88 pages
Applicant Tilman Seidensticker
Subject Area Islamic Studies, Arabian Studies, Semitic Studies
DFG Programme Publication Grants Term Since 2024
Mit dem hier vorgelegten Teilband der Katalogreihe ,,Singhalesische Handschriften im Rahmen des Göttinger Akademieprojekts ,,Katalogisierung der Orientalischen  


Applicant Anna Tuschling
DFG Programme Further Instrumentation Related Funding Term Since 2024
Das zu scannende Archivmaterial ist für die Geschichte der Digitalisierung in der Bundesrepublik nach 1945 von großer Bedeutung und enthält wichtige ... 


Applicant Alexander Haseloer
Subject Area Organic Molecular Chemistry - Synthesis and Characterisation
DFG Programme WBP Return Grant Term Since 2024
Leader Marc Georg Willinger
Review Board Chemical Solid State and Surface Research
DFG Programme Major Research Instrumentation Term in 2024
The aim of this proposal is to strengthen the field of electron microscopy for materials science, chemistry and physics at the Technical University of Munich ... 


Applicants Andreas Macke ,  Gunther Seckmeyer ,  Stefan Wacker
Subject Area Atmospheric Science
Subproject of FOR 5626
DFG Programme Research Units Term Since 2024
This project is part of the research unit "Cloud Structure & Climate - Closing the 3D Gap" and fosters for the synergy of high-resolution modelling and ... 



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