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Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen
Institut für Organische Chemie
52056 Aachen
This institution in GERiT
52056 Aachen
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Organische Chemie
Albrecht, Markus
Research Grants
Current projects
Accessing Metalloradical-Type Reactivity from Dinuclear Pd(I) Catalysts
Schoenebeck, Franziska
Developing Innovative Synthetic Methods for Long Elusive Atroposelective C─N, and N─N Coupling Reactions
Patureau, Frederic W.
NOZON - Development of a Novel Photochemical Strategy for the “Ozonolysis-like” Cleavage of Aromatics Using Photoexcited Nitroarenes
Leonori, Daniele
Photochemical and Photocatalytic Amination Reactions with Monovalent Nitrogen-based Reactive Intermediates
Koenigs, Rene M.
Completed projects
Anionic and Radical Cyclization of Unsaturated Hydrazones: Application to the Synthesis of Chiral Polycyclic Compounds
Enders, Dieter
Calcium Catalyzed Cycloisomerization
Niggemann, Meike
Carbazo-anilines: Enantioselective cross-dehydrogenative amination reactions for the preparation of unsymmetrical chiral diamines molecules, and their applications as enantiopure ligands
Patureau, Frederic W.
Chiral guanidine-catalysts for intramolecular allenoate-cyclizations
Enders, Dieter
Development of photo-reactive probes to capture G-quadruplex DNA in complex with endogenous proteins and exogenous synthetic ligands
Weinhold, Elmar
Duplex-Oligodesoxynucleotide mit C-glycosidisch gebundenen Basensurrogaten zur Untersuchung des Basen-Ausklapp-Mechanismus und selektiven Inhibition von DNA-Methyltransferasen
Weinhold, Elmar
Ein schaltbarer Baustein zum hierarchischen Aufbau funktionaler Materialien
Albrecht, Markus
Enantioselective transformations and continuous-flow synthesis of fluorinated diazoalkanes
Koenigs, Rene M.
ERA-Chemistry: New approaches for oligonucleotide-targeted enzymatic DNA methylation
Weinhold, Elmar
Helicate-based supramolecular switches in catalysis
Albrecht, Markus
Mechanistic studies of iridium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenations of imines, quinolones and enones. Rational design of new chiral catalysts
Bolm, Carsten
Mechanochemical Activation of Inert Chemical Bonds
Bolm, Carsten
Nitro Compounds in Cascade Reactions
Niggemann, Meike
Optically active diarylmethanols in the synthesis of pharmacologically interesting lignan derivatives
Bolm, Carsten
Orthogonal schaltbare supramolekulare Polymere in polarer Lösung durch die Kombination von selbst-assoziierenden Ionenpaaren mit Metall-Ligand-Wechselwirkungen
Albrecht, Markus
Schmuck, Carsten
Photoinduced proton transfer reactions of diazoalkanes
Koenigs, Rene M.
Selbstorganisierte Metallkomplexe - Ligandendesign, -synthese und Komplexierungsstudien
Albrecht, Markus
Sequence-specific Fluorescence Labelling of long DNA for Optical Tracking in Cells and Electron Transfer Studies
Weinhold, Elmar
Synthese von Rezeptoren und dynamischen Rezeptorbibliotheken
Albrecht, Markus
Templatgesteuerte Synthese von molekularen Knoten
Albrecht, Markus
Visible light mediated photochemical metal-free carbene transfer reactions
Koenigs, Rene M.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Asymmetric Organocatalysis with N-Heterocyclic Carbenes, Proline Derivatives and Bronsted Acids
Enders, Dieter
Homo- und heterodinukleare Helicat-artige Komplexe mit Lanthanoid(III)ionen
Albrecht, Markus
Metallverbindungen als Katalysatoren zur gerichteten Funktionalisierung reaktionsträger Kohlenwasserstoffe
Bolm, Carsten
Microencapsulated organocatalysts
Bolm, Carsten
Organocatalysis: Catalysts and Uncommon Reaction Conditions
Bolm, Carsten
Secondary interactions as directing principle for the functionalization of non-reactive substrates
Hahn, F. Ekkehardt
Selbstorganisation mehrkerniger Metallkomplexe mit großen molekularen Hohlräumen
Albrecht, Markus
SPP 1118: Secondary Interactions as a Steering Principle for the Selective Functionalization of Non-Reactive Substrates
Bolm, Carsten
Hahn, F. Ekkehardt
Zweikernige Metallkomplexe mit Aminosäure-verbrückten Liganden: Strukturelle Modelle für chirale Bindungstaschen von Enzymen
Albrecht, Markus
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Anwendung des "Isoinversionsprinzips" auf asymmetrische Synthesen mit dem Ziel der Optimierung und Erkennung der für die Selektivität verantwortlichen Parameter
(Project Head
Scharf, Hans-Dieter
Asymmetrische Synthese mit chemisch modifizierten Esterasen und mit Glykosidasen
(Project Head
Gais, Hans-Joachim
Asymmetrische Synthese mit Sulfoximinen
(Project Head
Gais, Hans-Joachim
Asymmetrische Synthese von Natur- und Wirkstoffen
(Project Head
Enders, Dieter
Chirale Phospaniminato-Metallocene
(Project Head
Bolm, Carsten
Entwicklung neuer, enantioselektiver Synthesemethoden
(Project Head
Enders, Dieter
Kooperative Effekte in der asymmetrischen Metallkatalyse
(Project Head
Bolm, Carsten
Neue Sulfoximine als Liganden in der asymmetrischen Metallkatalyse
(Project Head
Bolm, Carsten
SFB 380: Asymmetric Syntheses with Chemical and Biological Methods
Enders, Dieter
Übergangsmetall-katalysierte asymmetrische Synthese allylischer Schwefel- und Phosphor-Verbindungen
(Project Head
Gais, Hans-Joachim
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
600 MHz NMR-Spektrometer
LC/MS-Massenspektrometer mit MS/MSn
Single crystal diffractometer
DIP Programme
Completed projects
Directed catalytic functionalization of unreactive molecules
Bolm, Carsten
Neumann, Ronny
Completed projects
Defined cooperativity in catalytic Ru-Cu polynuclear systems
(Project Head
Patureau, Frederic W.
Mechanistic Studies of Reactions Catalyzed by Bi- and Trimetallic Complexes
(Project Heads
Gooßen, Lukas J.
Patureau, Frederic W.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 440: Methods in Asymmetric Synthesis
Gais, Hans-Joachim
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1628: Selectivity in Chemo- and Biokatalysis
Okuda, Jun
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 236: Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass
Pischinger, Stefan
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2186: The Fuel Science Center – Adaptive Conversion Systems for Renewable Energy and Carbon Sources
Leitner, Walter
Pischinger, Stefan
Additional Information
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